Social Security and Defined Benefit Pension Payout Choices: Evidence from a Survey of Retirees By Nyce, Scheiber, Shoven, Slavov and Wise Discussion by Katie Carman Preliminary Results • Nyce et al presents the results from a recent survey of retirees with retiree health insurance • Investigates reasons behind timing of social security claiming and lump sum vs annuity payouts for DB pensions • Early glimpse at data • Mostly bivariate analysis A few small suggestions • It would be helpful to test whether differences are significant • Selected sample, perhaps compare to HRS • Might be helpful to code up responses for “other”– especially for how people paid for living expenses between retirement and claiming where 56% chose other • For DB pensions: Did those who picked lump sum have particularly small DB pensions? Months elapsed between stopping work and claiming benefits • Might be helpful to look at age of claiming here– especially age 62 • And age of retirement Table 10: Time Elapsed Between Retirement and Claiming (Primary Earners/Singles, Claimed at 62+, Worker Benefit, Work to 50+) Claim before NRA Claim at NRA Claim after NRA Total How many months elapsed between the time you last worked and the time you started receiving Social Security? No. % No. % No. % No. % Two months or less 210 26 91 40.1 52 53.1 353 31.2 3-11 months 114 14.1 41 18.1 16 16.3 171 15.1 12-23 months 80 9.9 22 9.7 7 7.1 109 9.6 24 months or more 397 49.2 71 31.3 21 21.4 489 43.2 Missing 6 0.7 2 0.9 2 2 10 0.9 Total 807 100 227 100 98 100 1,132 100 Familiarity with benefits of delay and the benefit claiming • They find that people who delayed are more likely to be familiar with benefits of delay • May have learned about benefits because they delayed– not delayed because they knew of benefits Do people now believe that they should have delayed claiming • They find that people who claimed early were more likely to say “if they were contemplating retirement today, they would delay claiming” • Would be helpful to look at this by age, or focus only on those born after 1943 • The longer one lives, the greater the benefit actually accrued from delay • The value of hindsight Strength and Limitations • Insight into why people retired and claimed when then did • BUT • It’s all measured after the retirement and claiming decisions • Focus on outcomes Possible future directions • Does satisfaction with timing of claiming relate to – The reason given for timing of claiming – Health More ideas • They present results from only 1 of 4 surveys • Do early claimers report – More health problems – Lower life satisfaction – Lower satisfaction with their financial situation Thank you!