Advisor Final Form Student Name________________________________Date__________________ Dear Advisor: Thank you so much for volunteering your time to serve as an Advisor. We appreciate the time and effort you will spend or have spent with this senior as s/he works hard to complete this graduation requirement. Many students have a clear idea of what their project will be while others need help brainstorming possibilities. We ask that you fill out this form to verify the student’s efforts in attitude, behavior, and personal management skills. Again, thank you. Sincerely, Senior Project Instructors Please fill out this information just as you would evaluate an employee in your employment. Criteria Arrived punctually and appropriately attired with necessary materials. Behaved in a polite, professional manner. Described the proposed project and its various components to me. Responded to my suggestions and feedback. Seemed positive and committed to the project. Asked for my ideas on his/her physical project or current documents. Shows responsibility by meeting deadlines and keeping appointments. I would not hesitate to hire this student in my employment if I were in the position. Rate the student in the following areas according to the following scale: 4=Exceeds expectations 3=Satisfactory Use the same scale on the next page. 2=Satisfactory, with supervision 1=Cannot perform satisfactorily N/O=Not observable Student and advisor, please use the scale from the previous page. Student Advisor Task or Skills Accountable for decisions and actions. Interacts appropriately with colleagues. Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, and complete tasks on time and meeting agreed upon standards of quality. Demonstrates dress, appearance, and personal hygiene appropriate to the environment. Identifies tasks that need to be done and initiates actions to complete them. Speaks clearly to provide information and directions; communicates appropriately for the environment and for the intended audience. Writes clearly and accurately; listens attentively. Able to connect academic skills and apply to work situation. Understands how to plan and prepare for a career in this field. How many times did you met with this student? Please explain the nature of the visit(s). Could you please summarize in your opinion, how the student did overall? What would be some additional suggestions for this student in the future when dealing with something similar to this? Are there any areas of concern for this student in the future? What are the strengths of the student? Any other comments: Advisor’s Signature: __________________________________ Date: ______________