Workshop on Energy Storage Technologies and Applications

Workshop on Energy Storage Technologies and Applications
June 28th, 2011
Hilton Garden Inn, Troy, NY
The Center for Future Energy Systems (CFES) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, in collaboration with
Cornell University, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and New York Battery and Energy Storage
Technology Consortium (NY-BEST), is pleased to announce the first Workshop on Energy Storage
Technologies and Applications. The workshop, to be held on June 28th, is organized to serve as a forum for
industry, academia, and government agencies to discuss the current state of the art and challenges in battery
storage technologies, to enhance the partnership among participating institutions, and to identify future
opportunities for collaborative research and development.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011 (7:45 AM to 5:00 PM)
Osborn Amphitheatre, Hilton Garden Inn, 235 Hoosick Street, Troy, NY 12180
Technical Program: The technical program of the workshop includes 13 presentations divided into three
sessions: 1) Lithium Ion Batteries, 2) Other Battery Technologies, and 3) Characterization and Application.
The presentations are given by leading faculty and researchers from RPI, Cornell, and BNL, as well as
representatives from industry partners. Dr. William Acker, Executive Director of NY-BEST, will also
discuss the mission, strategy, status, and future plan of NY-BEST in a plenary talk. Additionally, NY-BEST
will solicit inputs for its future R&D plans from the workshop attendees during the discussion session in the
afternoon. A complete workshop agenda can be found on the next page.
Attendance and Registration: The workshop is open to all individuals and organizations interested in
energy storage technologies and applications. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided in the
meeting room. To participate, a registration in advance is required. Non-presenting participants are required
to pay a $50 registration fee when making the registration.
The registration form can be found at Registration Form. To register, please fill in all required information
and send the completed form to the listed contact person. Due to space limits, attendance is limited to 100, so
please register as soon as possible. The registration deadline is June 22nd, 2011.
Additional Information: For additional information about registration, directions to the venue, and other
logistics, please contact Lisa Valenti at, telephone (518) 276-6754. For general information
about CFES and CFES research, please contact Dr. Jian Sun, Director of CFES, at, telephone
(518) 276-8297 or Marty Byrne, Associate Director, at, telephone (518) 276-6953.
Center for Future Energy Systems: CFES is one of 15 Centers for Advanced Technology (CAT) across
New York State funded by the New York State Office of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR).
The Center’s mission is to connect novel energy materials and systems research, knowledge, and technology
in academia to the needs of industry through technology transfer and/or project collaborations to spur
economic development. Energy storage is one of the five focus areas of CFES research and an active area of
collaboration with partner universities, national laboratories, state agencies, and the industry.
Workshop on Energy Storage Technologies and Applications
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011
Osborn Amphitheatre, Hilton Garden Inn, Troy, NY
Registration 7:45-8:30am
Welcome 8:30 – 8:40am
Jian Sun (RPI), Director, Center for Future Energy Systems
Plenary Talk 8:40 – 9:20am
William Acker, Director, NY BEST, Battery and Energy Storage Market Applications
Session 1: Lithium Ion Batteries 9:20 – 11:30am
Session Chair: Doug Chrisey (RPI)
Lynden Archer (Cornell), Nano-structured Metal Oxides for High Capacity Electrodes
Tobias Hanrath (Cornell), Silicon Nanowire Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
Wei-Qiang Han (BNL), Nanomaterials as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
Nikhil Koratkar (RPI), Silicon based Nano-Scoops for High-Power Lithium Ion Battery Anodes
Robert Miller (Paper Battery Co.), Free-Forming Fabrication of Energy Storing Structural Sheets
Using Print Forming Technology
Lunch: 11:30am – 12:30pm
Session 2: Other Battery Technologies 12:30 – 2:10pm
Session Chair: Tobias Hanrath (Cornell)
Doug Chrisey (RPI), Novel Ceramic Glass Composites for Improved Energy Storage
Tito Abruna (Cornell), Materials Advances for Electrical Energy Storage: Batteries and Super-Caps
Jason Graetz (BNL), Building Better Batteries: Advanced Synchrotron and Electron Techniques
Glen Merfeld (GE), Sodium-Metal Halide Batteries for Stationary Power Quality and EV
Break 2:10 – 2:30pm
Session 3: Characterization and Application 2:30 – 4:10pm
Session Chair: Glen Merfeld (GE)
Dan Lewis (RPI), Phase Field Model of Electrochemical Impedance for SOFC Electrode Studies
Eric Stach (BNL), Advanced TEM for Battery Materials
Jeanette Owejan (GM), Application of Neutron Metrology Methods for Li Ion Batteries
Jun Wang (BNL), Battery Research at National Synchrotron Light Source
Discussion – Future Plans 4:10 – 5:00pm
Adjourn 5:00pm