II-A II. General equilibrium approaches—theory A. Analytical tools: producers, consumers, markets and trade B. Geo metric models of trade and env ironment - What are we measuring? Environmental and welfare outcomes C. Comparative static result s and standa rd theo rems D. Sim ple models of trade and env ir onmental poli cy - Environmental and welfare costs of trade poli cies. Sour ces: * OEE Chap ter 2, sections 2.3-2.5 * Buffi e 2001 , Ch. 2 (or equivalent cove rage of ana lytical tools ) Ulph 1999 1 II-A A. Analytical tools • • • • • Producer’s problem Consumer’s problem Aggregate income and expenditure Markets and trade Distortions and non-traded goods 2 II-A Producer’s problem Maximiz e profits subject to resource endow ments v and techno logy. Factor supplies are ‘fixed’ at the agg rega te leve l, but can be all ocated across sectors producing the n goods. Revenue ma ximi zation: r(p, v) = maxy{py | (v,y feasible) } = py*(p, v) = Find revenue -maximi zing ou tput bund le, on su rface of PPF, tangen tial t o price ratio. 3 II-A Properties of r(p,v): • • • • Inc reasing in p Inc reasing in v Homogeneous of degree 1 in p Convex in p. • If r() is twice differentiable then by enve lope theor em: Žr/Žp = rp(p, v) = y(p, v) (output vec tor) Žr/Žv = rv(p, v) = w(p, v) (shadow factor price vec tor). and 4 II-A Consumer’s problem Maximiz e utilit y subject to a budg et constraint. Can represent the consu mer's decision by a cost (expend it ure) mi nimization p roblem e(p, u) = mi nc{pc | u(c) •u} = pc(p, u), whe re c(p, u) is a vec tor of Hicksian (i.e. compensa ted) demand func tions . Consumer will minimi ze exp. associated wit h a chieving target utilit y, given initi al i nco me based on endo wments. 5 II-A Properties of e(p,u): • Inc reasing in p • Homogeneous of degree 1 in p • Concave in p. • If e() is twice differentiable then by enve lope theor em: Že/Žp = ep(p, u) = c(p, u) (cond iti ona l demand s for good s) and Že/Žu = money cost of an additional un it of utilit y, i.e. reciprocal of marginal utilit y o f income. NB Conditional expend it ure func tion: when some quan titi es (such as poll ution) are pub li c goods (or bads), i. e. their quan titi es are exogenous to consu mers. 6 II-A Aggregate budget constraint Consumer's budge t constraint is same pric e li ne faced by produce rs. Ther efore, total income of produce rs equa ls total expend it ure by consumers. In equ ili brium, r(p, v) = e(p, u) Total inco me from produc tion is equa l to total expend it ure by consumers. 7 II-A Equilibrium: Walras’ law When agg rega te inco me and expend it ure are equa l, trade is also in ba lance -- Define excess demand for each good as cj – yj = mj (ne t im ports) -- Notice that mj > (<) 0 deno tes im port (expor t)). -- Then if consumers on budge t cons traint, the sum o f all exce ss dds is equa l t o zero, including exce ss dd for foreign cu rrency to buy im ports. Setting e(p, u) = r(p, v), and subs tit uting: j pjcj j pjyj p j j c j yj j p j mj 0 So in equili brium, wit h consu mers on budge t cons traints and firm s maximi zing p rofits (i.e. on PPF), trade is also in balanc e, by Walr as' Law. 8 II-A Equilibrium of a two-sector economy y2 p = p2/p1 y = (y1, y2) m2 c = (c1, c2) u m1 y1 9 II-A Trade expendi ture function For the mod el just described, the agg rega te budge t cons traint, e(p, u) = r(p, v) contains all the information nece ssary to describe an equ ili brium. We can a lso use it for comparative static ana lysis of the effects of price, endow ment and techno logy shocks . 10 II-A Trade policy distortions • E.g. trade policy. • • • Define tariff-distorted prices p* = p(1 + t). TEF is now: e(p*, u) = r(p*, v) + t•m 11 II-A Externalities • E.g. env. externality in production • • • • TEF is now: e(p, u) = r(p, v) - z'y where z is qty of pollution per unit of y produced. Env. externality in consumption: u = u(c, z) ==> e(p, z, u) • NB assumption of separability. 12 II-A Non-traded goods • Goods may be non-traded (or effectively so) for intrinsic and policy reasons. If one good is non-traded, for this, mn = 0. • • • • • • Equilibrium now requires additional equation: e(p, u) = r(p, v) en(p, u) = rn(p, v) and solves for pn as well as agg. welfare. With endog. prices, preferences play a role. 13 II-A Salter-Swann diagram T RER = pN/pT (yT, yN) = (cT, cN) N 14 II-A Effects of growth T N 15 II-A Equilibrium: macro view (A) Base model Y = C + I + G + (X - M) let C + I + G = E be agg. dom. spending; so Y - E = X - M in equilibrium. Internal balance <==> external balance (B) With taxes and int’l capital flows Y + R - T = C + I + G - T + (X + R - M) let Y + R - T - C = S be agg. dom. savings; so X + R - M = (S - I) + (T - G) in eq’m. Curr. acc. surplus is equal to excess of savings over investment plus gov’t budget surplus. 16 II-A Summary • Basic tools reflect our assumptions about technology, preferences and behavior • Representative agent models • Focus of trade as determinant of price formation • Aggregate budget constraints impose internal consistency • Many forms of complication are possible. 17 II-A Q & A: basic tools 18