Is Production or Consumption to Blame for Pollution in China? Evidence from the Weekly Visibility Cycles


Is production or consumption to blame for pollution in China? Evidence from visibility,


Zhigang Li (HKU)

Frank Song (HKU)

Shangjin Wei (Columbia)

Observatories in China

National average of air visibility

1982 1986 1990 1994 year

1998 2002 2006

Air visibility versus GDP

2 4 6 ln(GDP)

8 10

Consumption versus production

• Unlike production, consumption can not be easily reallocated to other economies to reduce pollution (Copeland and Taylor, 1995).

• The pollution intensity of production and consumption may differ dramatically

– Optimal taxation (Hatzipanayotou, Lahiri, and

Michael, 2007, 2008)


• Regress annual pollution on consumption-production structure

• Use daily pollution to estimate its response to weekends

• Use weekly pollution to estimate its relationship with extreme weather conditions (the air-conditioning effect)

Approach 1

t is of annual frequency

• Vit: Visibility at site i at time t

• Yit: Aggregate production level

• Cit: Aggregate consumption level

• nit: Aerosols generated by nature

• wit: Other weather conditions, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed

Approach 2 (weekend effect)

t is of daily frequency

• -Dln(Vit): Daily growth of air pollution

• Wt: Weekend indicator

Approach 3 (Temperature effect)

• Heating hypothesis: g’<0

– Pollution decreases when it is warmer in cold season.

• Cooling hypothesis: g’>0

– Pollution increases when it is hotter in hot season.

t is of weekly frequency

Relative pollution intensity

Intercept ln( Y)

1984-90 2003-06 1984-90 2003-06

-2.99** -2.84**

(.517) (.517)

.163** .113*

(.034) (.058)




.731** .123



1.21** (C/Y)





Year dummies no

Site dummies

Num. of Obs.



1.91* no





(2.70) no no





(.900) yes no





(3.35) yes no



Weekend effect

(Dependent variable is the log of visibility)





1980-85 1986-95 1996-07 1984-90 2003-06

Dependent variable is the daily growth rate of visibility

.369** .044

(.185) (.095)







1.10** .259** .094

(.166) (.093) (.092)


























Num. of Obs.

10,045 27,612 25,021 2,814

R-squared .07









The air-conditioning effect

• Heating hypothesis is supported

– When temperature is 20F (-6.7C), decreasing temperature by 1 additional degree would increase pollution by around

1.5 percent.

• Cooling hypothesis is not supported until the recent decades (and only during the weekend)

– Maybe due to shortage of electricity in hot weather, which reduced production-generated pollution more than the increased pollution for cooling.

Visibility-temperature gradients

0 20 40 60 80

Temperature in the previous week (Fahrenheit)

Weekday, 1982-96

Weekday, 1997-06

Weekend, 1982-96

Weekend, 1997-06


Linkages between visibility and temperature, humidity, and wind speed

0 20 40 lagtemp

60 80 100 0 20 40 lagtemp

60 80 100

0 20 40 lagtemp

60 80 100 0 20 40 lagtemp

60 80 100

Conclusion and policy implications


• Production is the major source of pollution in China.

• Consumption-generated pollution might be negligible in the 1980s but have become more significant recently.

• Implications for taxation policy

– Current electricity prices may be too low for industrial usage
