BSU Graduate Committee Meeting- MINUTES Wednesday, November 5, 2014 8:00 a.m. 111 Deputy Hall Committee Website: Voting Members: Mark Christensen (English), Heidi Hansen (Math), Porter Coggins (Education), Christel Kippenhan (At-Large); and Rick Koch (Biology). Absent: Wendy Greenberg (Environmental Studies), Tammy Bobrowsky (Library); Sanjeev Phukan (Business); Non-Voting Members: Colleen Greer (CAS), Joan Miller, Patty Hartshorn (GSO) (Absent) I. *Approval of the Minutes of October 22, 2014 [use the committee website listed]. Mark moved (Porter 2nd) to approve minutes. Motion carried. II. Announcements/FYI: a) Nursing Vacancy – BSU Graduate Committee (Rick): The nursing position was inadvertently added to this committee; it has been removed. b) Graduate Education Subcommittee (Joan) – Committee make-up? Joan will find out when the meetings will be held and then determine who may attend from the Grad Comm. III. Old Business a) CEEESS 13-14 #31 Curriculum Proposal – (Wendy)-no word as yet….tabled till next time. Rick will contact Tim. b) Curriculum forms re: (Rick) – no add’l word yet. Keep on agenda. Separate ug and grad prereq. c) MAGS Awards and Deadlines (Rick) i. BSU Creativity Award – Deadline and Guidelines: Mark moved (Christel 2nd) to award only one BSU Creativity Award per year and flag those potential MAGS candidates. Motion carried. Joan will send out Faculty List notification to all faculty. ii. Excellence in Teaching Award – Deadline and Guidelines: January 25 deadline….exemplary teaching GA’s? iii. MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for the next round (July 1, 2013-June 30, 2015) in Biological Sciences and Humanities. Too late for this year for MAGS submission. However, remind colleagues that if they have an outstanding thesis/research papers for BSU Creativity Award. Deadline suggested of Friday, Sept. 11, 2015 for the BSU Creativity Award; this will give the grad committee time to review candidates for MAGS. d) Graduate Faculty Application forms a. Membership Criteria Revisions: Revisions need to go through Senate for approval. Send both the Revised Nomination Form and Membership Criteria revisions to Senate at the same time. Joan will send Membership Criteria to be reviewed for next meeting. e) New charge for the BSU Graduate Committee to include GA information? Christel? Reported that the discussion in the Senate meeting did have a brief reference, however, it was removed and needs to be discussed by the BSU Graduate Committee. Keep on agenda. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. Next meeting will be Nov. 19 at 8 a.m. in Deputy 111. f) Graduate Assistantships a. Guidelines-revisions needed as Dean of Graduate Studies is referenced. b. Allocations….assignments of GA’s g) *Graduate Catalog – Policies and Procedures, Sections II and IV. IV. New Business h) *Graduate Faculty Orientation as presented by the School of Graduate Studies i) Work experience for credit *attachments