BSU Graduate Committee Meeting-MINUTES Wednesday, January 28, 2015 8:00 a.m. 111 Deputy Hall Committee Website: Voting Members: Heidi Hansen (Math), Porter Coggins (Education), Wendy Greenberg (Environmental Studies); Mark Christensen (English); Rick Koch (Biology); Christel Kippenhan (AtLarge) Absent: Sanjeev Phukan (Business); Tammy Bobrowsky (Library); Colleen Greer (CAS) Non-Voting Members: Joan Miller (GSO); I. *Approval of the Minutes of December 3, 2014 [use the committee website listed]. Mark moved (Wendy 2nd) to approve as is. Motion carried. II. Announcements/FYI: a) Graduate Education Subcommittee (Rick) – Dean Frost? Rick will ask Dean Frost if he will attend the BSU Graduate Committee meetings. Next meeting for Subcommittee in sometime in February-Joan will ask Martin. b) BUAD representative? (Rick) Sanjeev still wants to be member but he is out of town much of the time; will attend when available. c) 2nd Call Graduate Mini-Grants-deadline: The call was sent out by Joan; deadline of February 28, 2015. III. Curriculum Proposals a) 12.ED_14-15: Modification – Credit reduction for ED 4740/5740, Methods of Using Ins. Technology Christel moved (Heidi 2nd) to approve as presented. Motion carried. b) BIOL 14-15 #10: Program Modification and New Courses in Fish & Wildlife Law/Fisheries Mgmt Mark moved (Wendy 2nd) to approve as presented. Motion carried. c) CEEESS 13-14 #31 Curriculum Proposal – (Wendy) …no movement…Needs to resubmit for future review and or approval. IV. Old Business a) BSU Creativity Award: Rick resent to the entire committee for discussion at next meeting. b) Curriculum forms re: Separate ug and grad pre-req. (Rick) Robin thought this would be okay to add; is looking into it. c) MAGS Awards and Deadlines (Rick) Excellence in Teaching Award – Deadline: January 25 deadline….exemplary teaching GA’s? Guidelines? Joan or Rick didn’t follow through so will not address this year. Will try to address next fall. d) Graduate Faculty Nomination Form and Criteria: Forwarded to BSUFA by Rick in December. Rick will follow up as it is currently not on the February Senate agenda. e) New charge for the BSU Graduate Committee to include GA information? (Christel) The committee decided to leave the current graduate committee charge as is; the committee agrees that graduate assistant recommendations to administration from the committee is part of the committee’s responsibility and will provide such recommendations in the future. f) Graduate Assistantships: Allocations….assignments of GA’s: Joan will contact Dr. Tadlock and Bill Maki concerning the number of positions that will be available for FY2016; discussion as to GA positions will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. g) *Graduate Catalog – Policies and Procedures, Sections II and IV. Reviewed through page 7; Joan went through the remaining pages of this document; Christel has uploaded it to the BSU Graduate Committee website. Please read through for next meeting. V. New Business h) *Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP) – response from committee? i) *Graduate Faculty Orientation as presented by the School of Graduate Studies j) Work experience for credit k) MAGS Guidelines and Deadlines for 2015-16 l) How many absences are allowed before a member is asked to remove themselves from the BSU Graduate Committee? Meeting adjourned: 8:55 a.m. Next meeting: Wednesday, February 11, 2015; beginning at 8:00 a.m. Joan Miller, Reporting Secretary