Testing CsI photocathodes in Liquid Xenon Marsela Jorgolli XENON Project Summer REU 2005 Outline of the talk The dark matter problem Searching for WIMPs The XENON experiment Using CsI photocathodes in a Liquid Xenon chamber Testing and results Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 2 What is the Universe made of? Various cosmological observations point to a Concordance Model of the Universe. We know that: Only 5% of Universe is known. the 95% stays hidden from view. Of this 22% is an exotic form of matter we call Dark Matter Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 3 Evidence for dark matter comes from astronomical studies Rotational curves of spiral galaxies Bergstrom/hep-ph/0002126 Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 4 Estimating masses of clusters using gravitational lensing http://hubblesite.org Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 5 What is Dark Matter? Two different types of dark matter are predicted: Baryonic dark matter Black Holes Brown Dwarfs Non-baryonic dark matter Hot Dark Matter Particles traveling at relativistic velocities (neutrino) Cold Dark Matter Particles traveling at sub-relativistic velocities (WIMPs) Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 6 Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) in a galactic halo (artistic representation) Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 7 A SuperSymmetric solution? SuperSymmetry offers a candidate in the lightest SuperSymmetric particle the neutralino. The neutralino has favorable characteristics such as: Stable and neutral. Weakly interacting: not star-forming. Massive: ~ 20 – 1000 GeV/c2 Candidate WIMP WIMPs may make up most of the dark matter in the Universe Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 8 How is Dark Matter detected? Two complimentary methods are used for detection of dark matter: Indirect detection detecting the annihilation products of dark matter WIMP-Nucleus Scattering WIMP Direct detection measuring the energy deposited by elastic scattering of a WIMP in a terrestrial target Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 detector energy transferred appears in the recoiling nucleus 9 Various Direct Detection Techniques Ge Ge, Si DRIFT Ionization Liquid Xe CDMS EDELWEISS Heat • ≈ 100% detected energy • relatively slow • requires cryogenic detectors XENON DAMA/LIBRA ZEPLIN Light NaI, Xe • ≈ few % detected energy • usually fast • no surface effects ? Al2O3, LiF CaWO4, BGO CRESST ROSEBUD Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 10 XENON A next generation Dark Matter Direct Detection experiment Dual phase Liquid/Gas Xenon Time Projection Chamber Currently a 10 kg module is being tested and will be placed at Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory in Italy Proposed to be scaled to 1 tone active mass The LXeTPC module for XENON: the 100kg fiducial target is surrounded by an active LXe shield enclosed in the Cu vessel. Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 11 Why Liquid XENON? It is available in large quantities at a reasonable cost ($1k/kg) Its high density (3g/cm3) and high atomic number (Z = 54, A = 131) allow for a compact and self-shielded detector geometry. As a detector material LXe has excellent ionization and scintillation properties: o High photon yield o Fast time response o Good stopping time It can be purified to achieve long distance drift of ionization electrons. Additional processing can reduce the traces of radioactive elements 85Kr, 42Ar, Ra to the low level required. Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 12 Signal Detection and Discrimination between Nuclear and Electron recoils with LXe Two signals are detected from each event: Prompt Scintillation S1 Proportional Scintillation from direct ionization S2 Nuclear Recoils: Slow, i.e. strong columnar recombination WIMPs, Neutrons Scintillation, weak ionization Electron Recoils: Fast, i.e. weak columnar recombination ,e-, Scintillation, substantial ionization High (~99.5%) event by event discrimination for e / n recoils possible by the distinct S2/S1 ratio Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 13 Adding the CsI Photocathode The addition of CsI photocathode at the bottom of the chamber will generate a new signal since a substantial amount of light travels downward due to TIR in the gas/liquid interface from absorbing primary photons drifting the produced photoelectrons into the gXe detecting the proportional scintillation as a tertiary signal Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 14 CsI Photocathode vs. other light detectors (PMT, PD) Uniform response Reflective CsI photocathodes work well in the liquid rare gases Very low intrinsic radiation Can be made in large sizes at a low cost High sensitivity in Vacuum Ultra Violet photon detection Efficient electron extraction at: Room temperature One atmosphere or low-pressure gas media Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 15 My Summer Project with Dr. Singh and C. Macanka Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 16 Making a photocathode High Vacuum Deposition Chamber for the Production of Photocathodes Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 17 Steps of Making a photocathode CsI is placed inside the boat (Molybdenum) A polished stainless steel plate of the wanted dimensions is placed inside the deposition chamber The Chamber is tightly sealed Out gassing of the chamber is made by applying a current of 50Amps – making sure not to boil the CsI The Chamber is left under high vaccum (~10-6) for ~3 days for baking (out gassing is very important) The chamber and the plate are ready for deposition Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 18 Making a photocathode Parameters controlled during deposition Temperature inside the chamber Vacuum Rate of Deposition (should be kept as constant as possible of uniform deposition) Thickness of CsI on the SS plate Current Applied Data from July, 8th Vacuum of the chamber Rate of Deposition Current Applied Evaporation Temperature Thickness of CsI on the plate 3.3 x 10-6 torr 0.5 – 1 Nm / sec 90 – 100 Amps 62 – 67 ~ 600 nm Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 °C 19 Testing a Photocathode • • • • • • • Parallel plate Ionization Chamber - source (5.5 MeV) from anode (241Am) 3.5 mm between plates Reflective CsI photocathode placed on the bottom (facing up) – connected to the Charge Sensitive Amplifier -particles collide with the Xe molecules scintillation and ionization Photons hit the CsI photocathode Photoelectrons are emitted through photoemission Signal collection by applying High Voltage – connected to the anode (+) H.V. Light Collection (-) H.V. Charge Collection Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 20 Better photoelectron extraction The electron affinities of LXe has been measured to be negative V0(LXe) = -0.67 eV; V0(CsI) = - 0.1 ev the CsI photocathode has a positive electron affinity in Lxe Photoelectrons will see a potential well photoelectron extraction is greatly enhanced The strong E-Field bends the the band structure of the CsI favoring the transport of conduction electrons in the CsI film towards the CsI-liquid interface Strong electric field also prevents the back diffusion of the electrons Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 21 Testing Chamber while being cooled with LN2 liquefying gXe Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 22 Experimental Setup Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 23 Experimental Techniques Photocathodes of two different sizes and of two different thickness were tested Size: 6 cm in diameter 12 cm in diameter Thickness: 5000 °C 6000 °C Test Chamber baked externally at : ~ 150 °C for more than 24hrs 10-6 – 10-7 torr vacuum Xenon was purified once through getter and constantly afterwards Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 24 Xenon Purification System Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 25 Charge Calibration Charge calibration done by sending a test pulse coupled with a known capacitor to the input Typical offset pulse height (4 different offsets are used for calibration) Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 26 Results with -particles Electronic noise determined by the test-pulse peak Typical pulse height spectra of the scintillation light from 241Am 5.5MeV -particles (07/22/2005) Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 27 Results with -particles Photoelectron Yield and Direct Ionization Yield vs. Electric Field As the E-field increases the yield of both photoelectrons and ionization electrons increases Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 28 Formulas used to do the calculations QE = L / L0 • L Photoelectrons extracted from the photocathode • L0 Photons hitting the photocathode Q / Q0 = Charge collection • Q Ionization charge that reaches the photocathode • Q0 Ionization charge from the collisions Q or L = [(α peak) + offset] * (test voltage) / (test peak) * C / e Q0 = Eα / Wcharge = 5.5 MeV / 15.6 eV = 3.74 x 105 L0 = Eα / Wlight * LQ * Ω/4π = 1.35 x 105 C = 1 fC; e = 1.6 x 10-19 C; LQ (Light Quench) = 0.9-1.0; Ω/4π = 0.4; Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 29 Results with -particles Quantum Efficiency (QE) Increases with increasing Electric Field July 22, 2005 Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 30 Results with -particles QE vs. Electric Field Quantum Efficiency (%) 25 31-May 20 3-Jun 15 13-Jun 22-Jun 10 7-Jul 12-Jul 5 22-Jul 0 0 2 4 6 8 Electric Field (kV/cm) 10 12 14 Summary of tests from different dates and setups Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 31 Comparison with published results Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 32 Goals for the future Achieve optimal conditions for the production of CsI photocathodes on-site Make CsI photocathodes with high Quantum Efficiencies. Further testing to match published results of QEs Marsela Jorgolli, Summer REU 2005 33