Approvers Quick Start Guide (Word 3.6MB)

Quick Start Guide
Version 2.0
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Getting started ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Lodge registration ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Administrator assignment .................................................................................................................................. 4
FIELD·TEQ approvals ............................................................................................................................................... 5
Personal Registration approval ........................................................................................................................... 5
Project approval ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Activity Plan approval ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Post activity record approval ............................................................................................................................ 12
Incident review ................................................................................................................................................. 14
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This guide is intended for users reviewing information as part of a workflow step and accepting or rejecting the
information. Approvers include users that will verify personnel qualifications, projects or activity plans.
Approvers include:
Project supervisors
Personnel approvers
Activity Plan approvers
Post Activity Record approvers
Incident approvers
Technical review approvers such as dive officers.
FIELD·TEQ provides approval workflows that ensure OHS decisions are recorded and provide who, what and
why auditability through change logs.
Each FIELD·TEQ entity such as personnel registration, project or activity plan has a custom workflow but each
one can be simplified to similar basic processes:
Lodge—complete the required details then enter the workflow.
Review and accept—approvers review and accept or reject the lodged entity.
Approve—the final review is approved and the entity is approved for a role or use.
FIELD·TEQ workflows provide automated control of review steps based on the activity types, for example
diving activity types include an extra dive officer review then re-join the usual workflow for the entity being
FIELD·TEQ enforces approval conditions to ensure OHS compliance, these conditions include:
An activity plan can only be lodged after its associated project is approved.
Personnel can only be assigned an activity role they are approved and qualified for.
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Getting started
To become an approver you must:
1. Lodge your FIELD·TEQ registration.
2. Be assigned to an approver security group by an administrator.
Lodge registration
Approvers must be FIELD·TEQ users and lodging a registration is the simplest method for becoming a user.
Further information on lodging registrations is provided in the FIELD·TEQ Participants Quick Start Guide.
Administrator assignment
To become an approver you must belong to a FIELD·TEQ approver security group appropriate to the FIELD·TEQ
entities you will be approving. Assignment of approver security groups is managed by an Administrator or
System Administrator.
To verify you have been assigned to the appropriate approver security group:
1. Login and navigate to your Dashboard page.
2. View the Forms Requiring Your Attention list for forms requiring approval. Review the State column in the
list to ensure you are being notified of review forms, an example is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Approver's Dashboard
While this test will definitively show you belong to the correct groups if you do not see forms requiring review
there could be two causes:
no entities currently require review; or
you are not assigned to the correct groups.
Apply some discretion when interpreting this test.
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FIELD·TEQ approvals
FIELD·TEQ has been developed to ensure that entities submitted for approval, such as registrations or projects
are ready for verification and comprise all the necessary information. This in many cases simplifies the
approval task to checking the detail or summary information and selection of the Approve button.
Personal Registration approval
The workflow for a personal registration is shown in Figure 2.
When a Draft personnel registration is lodged FIELD·TEQ determines the workflow reviews according to the
selected tasks and methods. For example a registration is branched to a technical review such as a Dive Officer
Review when diving tasks have been selected for the registration. If a technical review is not required the
registration is sent directly to an administrative review.
Registrations can be rejected at either review stage causing the registration to be sent back to the user for
Figure 2 Personal registration workflow
Personnel registrations are automatically assigned to approvers as they progress through the workflow.
Personnel registrations requiring approval are displayed in a list of Forms Requiring Your Attention an example
is shown in
Figure 3.
The Forms Requiring Your Attention list displays all forms requiring review including projects, activity plans,
post activity records and incidents.
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Figure 3 Forms ready for review
To review a personnel registration:
1. Select the Details button, for the personnel registration to display the registration Personal Details page.
2. Review the registration details using your organisational or OHS compliant procedures.
The review will typically include:
Reviewing associated tasks or methods, selecting Edit, and assigning approval ratings for the level of
competency for Methods/Tasks.
Figure 4 Assigning approval ratings for the level of competency for Methods/Tasks
Viewing qualifications uploaded to the Attachments page and verifying them against listed qualifications.
Once this has been completed the approver would then select the Qualifications checked checkbox as
shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5 Admin menu checkbox for verifying qualifications
Reviewing activity details to assess previous experience for the selected tasks and methods.
Reviewing Medical information and selecting the Medical details checked checkbox as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6 Verifying Medical Details
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After the registration has been reviewed activity roles are assigned:
1. Select the Admin Summary tab to display the Summary page.
2. Select Edit to display the page with editable fields, an example is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 The Admin Summary page
3. Complete the page then select the Save button.
To progress the registration in the workflow:
1. Select the Personal Details tab to display the Personal Details page.
2. Select the Accept (or Approve) button to display the Accept dialog.
a. The Generate report button can be used to create a document comprising all the information
associated with the item being reviewed and any errors or warnings. This can then be sent to the
responsible user or participant if they are not FIELD·TEQ users.
3. Select the Confirm button to complete the acceptance.
The registration then moves to the next workflow step:
Accepting the Technical review will move the registration to the Administrative review.
Approving the Administrative review will approve the registration.
Project approval
The project workflow is shown in 8, the type of project determines the number of reviews required to approve
the project. Project activities cannot be lodged or approved until the project has been approved.
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All projects require acceptance by a nominated supervisor before entering the technical or administrative
review steps. Projects that require a rigorous assessment, such as diving are subjected to a technical review to
ensure compliance and then move to the general administrative review where all the organisational
requirements are verified and approved or rejected. Project types that do not require a technical review move
directly to an administrative review.
Figure 8 Project workflow
Projects requiring approval are displayed in the list of Forms Requiring Your Attention on the Dashboard
page, an example is shown in 9.
Figure 9 Project for review
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To review a project:
1. Select the Details button for the project to display the Project Details page, an example is shown in 10.
2. Review the project pages, typically:
a. Project Details
b. Site Info
c. Risks
d. Safe Work Procedures
e. Activity Plans—when plans have been created.
Figure 10 Project Details page
3. Select the Accept (or Approve at the final review) button to complete the review and progress the project
in the workflow.
Activity Plan approval
Activity plans when lodged enter the workflow shown in 11. The workflow path is determined by the activity
type and their associated OHS requirements. Activity plans cannot be lodged until the project has been
Activity plans that do not require approval have a simple one step workflow where plans move from Draft to
Lodged state after being lodged and do not require approval.
Activity plans that require approval, such as a Dive Trip move to a technical review such as a Dive Officer
Review after being lodged. This state indicates that a technical expert is reviewing the plan. After the review
the plan moves to either the Approved or Rejected Pending Info states.
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Figure 11 Activity Plan workflow
Activity plans requiring approval are displayed in the list of Forms Requiring Your Attention, an example is
shown in 12.
Figure 12 Activity plan requiring review
To review an activity plan:
1. Select the Details button for the plan to display the Activity Plan Details page, an example is shown in 13.
2. Review the activity plan pages, typically:
a. Activity Plan Details
b. Methods/Tasks
c. Day Plans
d. Personnel
e. Assets.
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Figure 13 Activity Plan Details page
3. Select the Approve button to complete the review and approve the activity plan.
Post activity record approval
The post activity record workflow requires only one review for the record to be approved; the workflow is
shown in 14.
Figure 14 Post activity record workflow
Post activity records requiring approval are displayed in the list of Forms Requiring Your Attention, an
example is shown in 15.
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Figure 15 Post Activity Record requiring review
To review a post activity record:
1. Select the Details button for the post activity record to display the Post Activity Record Details page an
example is shown in 16.
2. Review the post activity record pages, typically:
a. Post Activity Record Details
b. Personnel
c. Day Plans
d. Dives
e. Incidents.
Figure 4 Post Activity Record Details page
3. Select the Accept button to complete the review and approve the post activity record.
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Incident review
An incident is typically an unexpected event that injures a participant or damages an asset. The incident
workflow has one review and is shown in Figure 5. Incidents are lodged automatically when the associated
post activity record is lodged for approval.
Figure 5 Incident workflow
Incidents requiring review are displayed in the list of Forms Requiring Your Attention, an example is shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6 Incident requiring review
To review an incident report:
1. Select the Details button for the incident to display the Incident Details page an example is shown in
Figure 7.
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2. Review the incident report pages, typically:
a. Incident Details
b. Injured Persons
c. Damaged Assets
d. Notification—for recording notification information associated with the workplace safety
authorities and organisational safety standards.
e. Reports—for generating a PDF incident report suitable for workplace safety authorities or
organisational use.
Figure 7 Incident Details page
3. Select the Close Incident button to close the incident.
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