Meet and confer notes 5.6.15

BSUFA meet and confer notes may 6 2015
Any Faculty under investigation
1. Memorial Hall project substantial completion will be late July/early August 2. Decker will then begin
this summer. 3. Laurel House - house is just about complete - Honors program has four students
selected to live in the facility for the fall. 4. Recreation Center - the roof will be replaced - the main
courts will be closed. 5. The plaza will be closed most of the summer to make repairs
Handout and brief discussion based on the scenarios
Position Updates
Three probationary positions currently ongoing Several Fixed Term positions are in progress
Campaign Update
All the same - $1,500,000 away from completion
Enrollment Update
Handout and discussion
Tadlock requested sections be moved to the summer and held for International students. The Summer
enrollment for these courses are low and faculty would like an update. Guilfoile will follow-up with
Orientation Fee
Guilfoile followed up with Michelle Frenzel and there are no other options. There are requirements that
only students that participate are charged and this is a good step/process.
Responses to Parking Proposal
We will come back to this item.
Response to A B grading
Ueland will get back with a response next week after the BSUFA Union meeting.
Guilfoile - Frenzel did ask around. BSU and WSU are the only system university that does not have
plus/minus grading.
Course Evaluations
The discussion is ongoing. Faculty would like information on how it is going.
Guilfoile - the response rate is 22% and there was only one notice that was sent out.
Parking Proposal
Attachment - we plan on moving forward with the proposal beginning in the fall. A couple of changes
will be: enforcement in the AIRC lot will match the reserved lot to allow for parking for night classes.
The other change relates to the rate increases will be implemented over a three year period.
BSUFA Requests Attachment - no other additional conversation at this time.
Overload and Adjunct Information
Attachments - ADJ is the column for the cumulative number for the adjuncts.
Timelines for 2015-2016
Attachments - Guilfoile - the sabbatical is the same as last year. The non-renewal was changed to
conform more to the contract language. The changes are intended to meet the contract language. The
dates had adjustments as well and the changes are designed to reflect the contract as well.
BSUFA Meet and Confer Dates 2015-2016
The goal is to try and get the dates as close to the BSUFA Union meeting as possible. This is similar to
the past.
Proposed AAR dates
BSUFA Travel Allocation for AAR participation Attachment - the goal is to continue to support faculty
participation in AAR.
Free Tuition and Administration Reorganization - Hanson - BSU 2020 is a part of our strategic plan but it
moves it along quicker. The goal is to be the premier, residential university in the upper-midwest. We
must engage in high impact practices (advising, recruitment, etc.). We must socialize our freshman
differently. It is about educating students about being involved locally. One suggestion is to scholarship
incoming freshman for up to 12 credit hours. The idea is to get some commitments from students living in the halls, limit online campus offerings for FY students, the scholarship would restrict students
from leaving the residence halls. The third piece is about administrative flattening. In order to generate
some positions, we need to flatten the administration and I want to take the work load and even it out.
Right now, we have a Dean with 100 faculty and one Dean with 30 faculty. The combination of these
three variables will push us to become the premiere residential campus. If we change a little bit of how
we work, we can bring about these outcomes.
Ueland - when we can we expect a proposal on this item?
Hanson - I will bring a proposal forward to the first Meet and Confer in August.
Hagg Sauer ALC update We just began working with the architect - we believe she will be great on this project. We hosted a
meeting on April 30 to discuss the project with campus. On May 11, we will host another stakeholder
meeting. There will be a steering committee for May 11 and other steering committee meetings
throughout the summer.
Will the IFO be a stakeholder? Yes.
Timelines - what happens with departures of Maki, Guilfoile and faculty being off contract? Hanson - we
do not have an answer as of yet.
Grant Audit Conflict of Interest Form Two attachments - we had an audit on our grant process and a desk audit - the attachments are in
response to the audits. We looked at Minnesota State Mankato and tweaked their policy. This is
something we have to do. The proposal may be distributed widely.
MARS Director Appointment Why was the MARS Director only sent out to one college and not to all faculty? It was converted from a
department to a college level decision without going to Meet and Confer.
Guilfoile - Tadlock believes this is a College level re-assignment and not a departmental reassignment.
Ueland - are there other appointments that are similar to this one?
Guilfoile - there are reassignments for coordinators?
Ueland - why was it changed from department to college wide?
Guilfoile - I am not aware of the discussions around the matter.
Henry - we do not want an appointment for life, there needs to be an end date on the posting.
Guilfoile - we will take it under advisement.