Meet and confer notes 12.16.15

DECEMBER 16, 2015 – 4:00 PM - DEPUTY 301A
Are any faculty members currently under investigation? Nature of investigation (no
name needed).
*No new investigations
Have any investigations been completed? Results?
1. Facilities update: Meeting with contractors next Tuesday. Heating issue has been
resolved. Decker and Memorial continue to be worked on. Looking at Dec. 18th
completion for Decker. Holding contractors to the Dec 18th date. Also, BSU is #6 overall
for MnSCU bonding projects.
Positions update: Several positions now posted, two fixed-term Nursing posting on 12/28.
Two recently filled fixed-term Nursing positions have been hired for spring semester. The
faculty like the spreadsheet from HR related to the status of on-going searches.
Budget update: Summary data will be provided from the previous information request.
Faculty would like to receive information related to Title 9 financial data. The accounting
office is still working through NCAA audit.
Campaign update: Received commitments of over $35 million officially. Also looking at an
investment opportunity to build a photovoltaic array close to campus to reduce institution’s
carbon footprint. Anticipate possible $8 million investment financed by private investors.
Approximately six years after installation, the array will be gifted to the University. Meeting
in Minneapolis after the beginning of the new year. More information coming soon…
Enrollment update: Spring enrollment/credits are about even with last year. Friday is the
first drop for non-payment for spring semester. Grades are due on Monday, Dec. 21st.
Satisfactory academic progress reports will be run the following Monday, Dec. 28th. The
ACT Profile is better than past years, more students in the 20 or higher scoring range.
International Studies response
Carry over from 11-4-15
The Senate voted in support of keeping the Intl. Studies program and is now asking the
Administration to find a Director for the program.
Duty days for summer searches
Carry over from 12-2-15
Asked to keep on the agenda for the next meet and confer to allow opportunity for more faculty
Guidelines for University Scholars
Carry over from 12-2-15
Some minor edits included in the earlier draft document of the guidelines that was shared at the
last M/C meeting. Some concern was voiced by faculty with “how” or “if” departments will
nominate university scholars.
Financial Recovery Plan
Carry over from 12-2-15
President Hanson is writing an introduction section to the financial recovery plan. Several items
including understanding deferred maintenance and how to pay for it will be discussed. The
President also intends to discuss the growing importance of meeting our recruitment and
retention goals and the impact that has on achieving overall institutional financial health. The
President also intends to address the some of the unique challenges faced by universities in
operating a residential campus. There are many external bodies (legislature, collective
bargaining agreements, etc.) that restrict a university’s ability to respond to these financial
challenges. We cannot just continue to reduce expenses. Six MnSCU universities need to
create a financial recovery plan. The President is going to address larger university and
college issues and Karen will develop more specific strategies to address these financial
challenges. The report is due Jan. 7th-8th. Many of these issues are systemic and complex.
BSUFA senate would like to discuss the final draft of the financial recovery plan after January
Information request:
Carry over from 12-2-15
a. Enrollment report with incoming student data broken down by credits transferred into
each MTC Goal area - IFO is asking for the information to better determine what credits new
students are coming in with. Doug is working on the information and it should be available for
the January meet and confer.
b. Specifics on amount of carry-forwards withheld by department / unit - Randy handed
out a spreadsheet that addresses specific FY2015 and FY 2016 carry forward accounts for
different areas across the University.
Checklist of IFO information update
Carry over from 12-2-15
Randy visited with IT about what collaboration/sharing software to use. Basecamp was
suggested as a possible resource and is being used by other areas and departments across
the University to communicate information and data. BSUFA is willing to try it out.
Lib Ed Committee request / response
A motion to reinstate a coordinator of P & E to work with Goal Area 10 was passed. The
Senate asked for Erica Bailey Johnson to be appointed as an ex-officio member. Karen and
Martin are working on providing reassign credits for Erica to allow her time to take on this
TAD name change
TAD is proposing a name change to the School of Technology Art and Design.
Other: Jeff thanked the Administration on their firm response to the issues and concerns
expressed by Islamic students within the University and local community. Still no response
from HLC concerning the recent NTC reaccreditation visit last September.