Site Documentation

BIT113: User Interface Design
Team Project: Wrap up
Site Documentation Packet
The site documentation packet is compiled as the final deliverable to the client of the
work that your team has accomplished this quarter. The documentation packet should be
a clear, cohesive report of the four development phases and their results:
The revised scope documents: Strategic Brief, Comparables, User Profiles, and
Navigational Flowchart (see Phase 1.)
The design composites (as layered Photoshop document) and the revised Style
Guide (see Phase 2.)
The Site hierarchy chart showing the file organization of the site and the folder
containing the HTML templates (see Phase 3.)
The usability test documents (see Phase 4.)
One copy of the Site Documentation packet should be posted in a folder called
documentation on your team website and another copy prepared to give to the client at
the end of the final presentation. The client’s copy should include a cover letter thanking
the client for his/her efforts, hard copy outlining the documentation contents, all
documents in electronic format, and an optional hardcopy of the documents.
When formatting the documentation, pay attention to making the packet useful for the
client or developer who will continue work on the site. My assessment of the Site
Documentation Packet, whether will use the following scale:
0 - No submission
1- Minimal compilation of documents; elements seem thrown together without
thought of readability or cohesiveness; minimal comments; some elements
2- Some compilation, some commenting, e.g., within HTML and style sheet, but
documents show little consistency from one to another.
3- Complete packet shows substantial compilation and commenting, but
organization and layout changes would make the packet more useful for
follow-up development.
4- A comprehensive, cohesive documentation packet.
B. Bansenauer © 2001