1 EFFECT OF SULFITES AND SORBATES ON THE PRESERVATION AND 2 COLOR OF PICKLED BLANCHED GARLIC UNDER DIFFERENT STORAGE 3 CONDITIONS 4 5 Francisco Javier Casado, Antonio Higinio Sánchez, Víctor Manuel Beato, Antonio de 6 Castro, Alfredo Montaño* 7 8 Food Biotechnology Department, Instituto de la Grasa IG-CSIC, Avenida Padre García 9 Tejero 4, 41012 Seville, Spain 10 *Tel: +34 95 4691054, fax: +34 95 4691262, e-mail: amontano@cica.es 11 12 Short title: additives in pickled garlic 1 13 ABSTRACT 14 The influence of sulfites and sorbates on the microbial stability and color of pickled 15 blanched garlic stored under different conditions was studied. Two storage temperatures 16 (ambient, 20–24 ºC ; refrigeration, 6–9 ºC) and two types of packaging (glass bottle, 17 plastic pouch consisting of polyester/polyethylene/ saran) were considered. Both 18 sulfites and sorbates gave satisfactory results as antimicrobial agents, even at room 19 temperature. Sulfite was also effective as an anti-browning agent, but sorbate produced 20 the opposite effect on color. The samples packed in plastic pouches stored at room 21 temperature had the highest values of the parameters b* (yellowness), C (color purity), 22 and BI (browning index). The sorbate level hardly changed during storage, regardless 23 of the storage conditions used, but the sulfite level decreased, especially in samples 24 packed in plastic pouches stored at room temperature, in which oxidation to sulfate was 25 demonstrated to be the sole mechanism of sulfite loss. 26 27 PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 28 Long-term preservation of pickled blanched garlic without the need for expensive 29 preservation treatments such as pasteurization or refrigeration is possible with the help 30 of sulfites and/or sorbates as preservatives. However, these preservatives yield opposite 31 effects on garlic color. The data collected in this study demonstrated that sulfite at 32 approximately 100 mg/L of SO2 at equilibrium was an effective antimicrobial and 33 antibrowning agent. For practical purposes, we recommend the use of sulfites alone and 34 glass packages to maintain the quality of pickled blanched garlic as the presence of 35 sorbates and/or the use of plastic packages enhance browning reaction. 36 37 Keywords: color, pickled garlic, preservation, sorbate, storage, sulfite 2 38 INTRODUCTION 39 40 Pickled blanched garlic is an interesting vegetable product since, in addition to its 41 appreciated organoleptic properties, it may present beneficial health effects due to its 42 considerable contents of organosulfur compounds (Beato et al. 2012). For its long-term 43 storage, blanched garlic is normally packed in small containers using acidified brine as 44 cover liquid with the optional addition of spices and/or olive oil. Although microbial 45 stability during storage can be guaranteed by pasteurization or the addition of 46 sorbates/benzoates plus refrigeration (Rejano et al. 1997), garlic browning could be an 47 inconvenience which could limit the product’s shelf life. To prevent this problem, the 48 use of additives such as sulfites is a practice widely used by the industry, but their effect 49 on garlic color both in the absence and presence of other additives such as sorbates has 50 not been evaluated in an objective manner. In addition, studies on the evolution during 51 storage of added preservatives have not been carried out in the case of pickled blanched 52 garlic. Since combined sulfites in foods appear to be less toxic than free sulfites (Taylor 53 et al. 1986), knowledge on the levels of both free and bound sulfites in pickled blanched 54 garlic would be interesting from a toxicological point of view. The term “sulfite” 55 includes sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium and potassium bisulfite, and sodium and 56 potassium metabisulfite, among others. In the EU, the maximum permitted 57 concentration of sulfites in vegetables in brine is 100 mg/kg, expressed as SO2, with the 58 exception of olives, in which sulfites are not permitted (EU 2011). 59 Sorbates (sodium or potassium sorbate, sorbic acid) are frequently added to 60 pickled vegetables as adjuncts to preservation. In the EU, the maximum permitted 61 concentration of sorbates in vegetable products in brine is 2000 mg/kg as sorbic acid 62 (with the exception of olives and olive-based products, 1000 mg/kg) (EU 2011). 3 63 Sorbates are generally used to inhibit yeasts and moulds, although they are also active 64 against many bacteria (Stopforth et al. 2005). Sorbates have been demonstrated to be 65 rapidly degraded during the storage of pickled green olives (Casado et al. 2010), which 66 is attributed to the action of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) accompanying the olives. In 67 other pickled vegetables such as cucumbers and caperberries, where LAB were 68 undetected during storage, sorbate levels remained practically unchanged (unpublished 69 results). In all the above-mentioned pickled vegetables, the addition of sorbates was 70 demonstrated to negatively affect the vegetable color. Sorbates could take part in 71 nonenzymatic browning reactions deteriorating the color (Wedzicha et al. 1991). 72 The main objective of the present work was to study the effect of both sulfites 73 and sorbates on the microbial stability and color of pickled garlic stored under different 74 packing conditions. Another aim of the work was to monitor the levels of both additives 75 during storage, with special emphasis on analyzing both free and combined forms of 76 sulfites. 77 78 MATERIALS AND METHODS 79 80 Materials and chemicals 81 82 Pickled garlic cloves in acidified brine were supplied in bulk by a local industry. 83 The physico-chemical characteristics of the corresponding brine were: pH, 4.02; 84 titratable acidity, 1.11% (as lactic acid); and salt, 13.2% NaCl. Prior to packing, the 85 garlic cloves were partially desalted by immersion in water for 2 days. 86 87 Cylindrical glass bottles (type “B250”, 125 g fruits plus 120 mL brine capacity) were obtained from Juvasa Co. (Dos Hermanas, Spain). Flexible plastic pouches (type 4 88 “XSARAN/PLTN”, 75 g vegetable plus 105 mL brine capacity, oxygen permeability of 89 7.6 mL/m2/day; Plastienvase Co., Córdoba, Spain) were a gift from Jolca Co. (Sevilla, 90 Spain). 91 Sodium bisulfite and potassium sorbate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St 92 Louis, MO). Deionized water was obtained from a Milli-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, 93 MA). All other chemicals and solvents were of analytical or chromatographic grade 94 from various suppliers. 95 96 Packing 97 98 Garlic cloves were divided into four lots which were packed using an acidified 99 brine as cover liquid with the following additives: (1) control, no additive was added 100 (packing C); (2) sodium bisulfite was added to adjust the SO2 level to 100 mg/kg net 101 weight (packing Su); (3) potassium sorbate was added to adjust the sorbic acid level to 102 2000 mg/ kg net weight (packing So); and (4) sodium bisulfite + potassium sorbate was 103 added at the same levels as packing Su and packing So, respectively (packing Su + So). 104 Each lot was further divided into two sub-lots, one of which was packed in a glass bottle 105 and the other in a plastic pouch. The amounts of garlic and cover brine actually added in 106 each type of packaging were: glass bottle, 150 g garlic plus 110 mL brine; and plastic 107 pouch, 75 g garlic plus 105 mL brine. Acidified cover brine consisted of lactic acid and 108 NaCl to give equilibrium values of 1.5% titratable acidity (as lactic acid) and 5.0% salt, 109 respectively. For the calculations, the moisture content of pickled garlic was assumed to 110 be 87% (w/w) (Casado et al. 2004). In the case of packing in glass bottles, hot cover 111 brine was added (≈ 70 ºC) in order to achieve and maintain a vacuum inside the bottles. 112 In order to minimize SO2 losses in the packing step, bisulfite from a stock solution (80 5 113 g/L of sodium bisulfite) was added after the addition of the cover brine and the 114 containers were immediately sealed. Finally, the containers were divided into two lots; 115 one of them was stored at room temperature (20–24 ºC) and the other one under 116 refrigeration (6–9 ºC). All samples were kept in the dark for up to 46 weeks. 117 118 Chemical and microbiological analyses 119 120 Determinations of sulfite and sorbic acid in brine were performed in duplicate 121 containers (glass bottle or plastic pouch) for each sample. Sulfites, both free and 122 combined, were determined by iodometric titration according to the Ripper method 123 (Vahl and Converse 1980) with slight modifications. Briefly, for the determination of 124 free sulfite, a 50 mL aliquot of brine sample was placed in a 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask 125 and 2 g of KI, 1 mL of 50 mM EDTA, 0.5 mL of 2% starch solution, and 3 mL of 10% 126 (v/v) H2SO4 were added; the mixture was immediately and rapidly titrated with 0.02 N 127 I2 to the lightest blue end point. Then, for the combined sulfite analysis, 10 mL of 4 N 128 NaOH were added and, after 5 min of incubation at room temperature, 15 mL of 10% 129 (v/v) H2SO4 were added and the mixture was titrated again as mentioned above. Free 130 sulfite values were corrected for non-SO2 iodine-reducing substances by performing 131 titration in another 50 mL aliquot of sample, prior to the addition of 5 mL of 0.7% (v/v) 132 acetaldehyde and incubation for 30 min. Sorbic acid was analyzed by 133 spectrophotometry after separation by steam distillation, according to the method 134 described by Montaño et al. (1995). Sulfate was determined by the turbidimetric 135 method proposed by Kolmert et al. (2000). The brine sample was diluted 1:5 with water 136 and 1 mL of the diluted brine was mixed with 1 mL of conditioning reagent (150 g 137 NaCl, 100 mL glycerol, 60 mL concentrated HCl, 200 mL 95% ethanol, and deionized 6 138 water to make up 1 l). Then, approximately 60 mg of crushed BaCl2 were added and the 139 mixture was vortex mixed for 30 s, and the absorbance at 420 nm was immediately 140 measured against a blank. The concentration of sulfate in the sulfite-containing samples 141 (packing Su and Su + So) was corrected by the average concentration of sulfate in 142 samples in which sulfite was not added (packing C and So). Analytical procedures for 143 pH, titratable acidity, and sodium chloride were the same as described by Rejano et al. 144 (1997). 145 The microbiological analysis comprised aerobic plate count, lactic acid bacteria 146 (LAB), and molds and yeasts. Media (plate count agar, PCA; de Man, Rogosa and 147 Sharpe agar MRS; and oxytetracycline glucose yeast extract agar, OGYE, respectively) 148 were from Oxoid Ltd (Basingstoke, England). PCA and MRS plates were incubated at 149 30ºC for 48 h, and OGYE agar at 25ºC for up to 5 days. 150 Color measurements 151 152 The surface color of the garlic cloves was measured by a Color-View Model 153 9000 spectrophotometer (BYK-Gardner, Inc., Silver Spring, MD) with a measurement 154 area of 11 mm diameter, 45º circumferential illumination, and observation angle of 0º. 155 All measurements were done on the CIE 1976 L*a*b* scale using illuminating 156 conditions CIE type C, 10º observer. The results were expressed as the mean of 10 157 replicate measurements, each made on one garlic clove. Hue angle (hº) was calculated 158 from the equation: hº = 180 + tan-1 (b*/a*) (20). Chroma (C) was calculated as (a*2 + 159 b*2)1/2. The browning index (BI) was calculated as follows (Palou et al. 1999): BI = 160 [100(x – 0.31)]/0.172, where x = (a* +1.75L*)/(5.645L* + a* – 3.012b*). 161 162 Statistical analysis 7 163 164 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with the Statistica software, 165 version 7.0 (Statsoft Inc., Tulsa, OK). The Duncan test was used for the comparison of 166 means. Significant differences were determined at p < 0.05. 167 168 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 169 170 Changes in chemical and microbiological characteristics during storage 171 172 The titratable acidity and pH during storage for the four treatments studied 173 (packing C, Su, So, and Su + So) under the different storage conditions are shown in 174 Figure 1. The presence of the additives, both of them added as salts, was reflected in the 175 slightly lower values of titratable acidity in comparison with the control samples. 176 Significant differences in pH compared to the control were only noted in the presence of 177 sorbate (packing So and Su + So). In all cases, the pH values were always lower than 178 3.3 units and pH changes during storage were negligible. However, a slight increase in 179 titratable acidity during storage was observed in the control samples stored at room 180 temperature. Aerobic mesophilic bacteria, LAB, and yeasts were not detected (< 1 log 181 cfu/mL) in any sample, with the exception of an appreciable number of atypical or 182 damaged yeasts in control samples at room temperature (3-5 log cfu/mL after 2 months 183 storage) (data not shown). At longer storage, this growth, which was not observed in 184 the refrigerated control samples, resulted in the appearance of visual defects related to 185 gas formation inside the containers such as swollen pouches or swollen lids on the glass 186 bottles with eventual breakage of the pouches or brine leaks, respectively. On the other 187 hand, these undesirable effects were not found in the presence of additives (packing Su, 8 188 So, and Su + So) under the different conditions at any time during storage. It must be 189 stressed that sulfite alone was an effective antimicrobial agent despite the relatively low 190 amounts of free sulfite (as discussed below), which is the active form of the sulfites in 191 terms of their antimicrobial actions (Taylor et al. 1986). 192 193 Influence of additives and packing conditions on color parameters 194 195 The ANOVA of the color parameters of garlic cloves and brine browning after 196 46 weeks of storage (Table 1) showed that the sulfite only-containing samples (packing 197 Su) had lower values of parameters b* (yellowness), C (color purity), and BI (browning 198 index) but higher hº (hue angle) than the control samples or those containing sorbate 199 (packing So and Su + So). The browning index (BI) represents the purity of the brown 200 color and is considered as an important parameter associated with browning (Palou et 201 al. 1999). All values of hº (hue angle) were in the very slightly green-predominantly 202 yellow region (hue angle between 90° and 180°) of the color solid dimensions. The 203 parameters L* (lightness), -a* (greenness), and A440-A700 (brine browning) of the 204 additive-containing samples were not significantly different from the control samples. 205 The positive effect of sulfites on garlic color could be attributed to the inhibition of non- 206 enzymatic browning (Maillard reactions) (Wedzicha and Vakalis 1988). Enzymatic 207 browning in pickled blanched garlic is unlikely, as enzymes there would have been 208 deactivated during the blanching treatment. Sorbic acid could act as a catalyst in the 209 browning reaction mechanism. It has been demonstrated that Maillard browning in 210 model solutions of glucose and glycine is accelerated by the presence of sorbic acid 211 (Wedzicha et al. 1991). The influence of the packing conditions on garlic color was 212 significant for all color parameters, except A440-A700. It can be noted (Table 1) that 9 213 samples packed in plastic pouches stored at room temperature had the worst color (i.e. 214 they showed the highest browning, as reflected in the highest values of parameters b*, 215 C, and BI). 216 217 Evolution of sulfites and sorbates during storage 218 219 In the present work, it was considered important to measure both free and bound 220 forms of sulfite in the garlic samples. Since sample preparation for analysis from 221 pickled garlic cloves could cause important losses in SO2 in the homogenization step, all 222 analyses of sulfites were performed on the packing brines. The Ripper direct iodometric 223 titration is a simple and rapid method for determining both free and total SO2 widely 224 used in wines (Vahl and Converse 1980). When this method (see Materials and 225 Methods) was applied to a brine garlic sample with added sulfites at a concentration 226 level of 100 mg/L , expressed as SO2, a recovery of 86% for total SO2 was found, which 227 is close to the minimum value established by the AOAC (AOAC 1993) of 90% for an 228 analyte concentration of 100 mg/L . The coefficient of variation for duplicate analyses 229 of all samples analyzed (n=50) in the present work following this method was, on 230 average, 5.1% for total sulfites, which is slightly lower than the maximum value 231 established by the AOAC (AOAC 1993) of 5.3% for an analyte concentration of 100 232 mg/L . However, in the case of the determination of free sulfites, the coefficient of 233 variation was too high (34%, on average). Therefore, the Ripper method was considered 234 adequate for the analysis of total sulfites, but it provided only a semi-quantitative 235 determination of free sulfites in pickled blanched garlic. 236 The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the mean value of total sulfites 237 in pickled garlic packed according to packing Su was not significantly (p=0.278) 10 238 different from that of packing Su + So. The same conclusion was obtained for the free 239 sulfites (p=0.367). The presence of sorbic acid slightly increased the combined sulfite 240 proportion, presumably due to the formation of a 1:1 addition product (Khandelwal and 241 Wedzicha 1990), but the increase was not statistically significant (p=0.058). Therefore, 242 samples from both packings were used as a whole for evaluating the effects of packing 243 conditions and storage time on the values of free, combined, and total sulfites. In all 244 three variables, the ANOVA revealed highly significant (p<0.001) effects for the two 245 factors and their interaction (data not shown). Evolution of free, combined, and total 246 sulfites during storage of pickled blanched garlic under the different storage conditions 247 is shown in Figure 2. Initial mean values of total sulfites ranged between 85 and 97 248 mg/L, expressed as SO2, without taking into account the analytical method of recovery. 249 These values agree well with the intended value (100 mg/L of SO2), indicating that the 250 amount of sulfites lost by oxidation or irreversibly bound to garlic compounds was 251 negligible at the beginning of storage. It is clear that most added sulfites were reversibly 252 bound to garlic components forming the combined sulfites, which at initial sampling 253 ranged from 59% in samples packed in plastic pouches stored under refrigeration to 254 89% in the samples packed in bottles stored at room temperature. It can be noted that, 255 regardless of storage temperature, the initial level of free SO2 was lower in the samples 256 packed in glass bottles than in pouches, which could be related to fact that the cover 257 brine was hot when added in the former. With storage time the amount of free sulfites 258 diminished and eventually disappeared (in most cases before 27 weeks of storage). 259 Therefore, in all cases, at longer storage (>27 weeks) all retained sulfite was in the form 260 of combined sulfite. This fact is interesting from a toxicological point of view, as 261 previous findings in the literature suggest that some of the combined sulfites are less 262 toxic than the inorganic sulfites. However, further studies, both in garlic and foods in 11 263 general, are needed to confirm this hypothesis. Total sulfites diminished during storage 264 but apparently the major change occurred between 9 and 27 weeks of storage, with 265 greater losses in plastic (air-permeable) pouches than in glass (air-impermeable) bottles. 266 Also, as expected, the sulfite losses were significantly lower in the case of refrigerated 267 storage. At the end (46 weeks storage), in the samples stored at room temperature, 268 average sulfite retention was 24% (pouches) and 67% (bottles) (Table 2). It can be 269 noted that the amount of retained sulfite was slightly higher (% retention was exactly 270 8% greater) in the presence than in the absence of sorbate, although this effect was only 271 significant (p<0.05) in the samples packed in plastic pouches. In addition, in these 272 samples the sulfite loss corresponded exactly to the amount of sulfate formed, indicating 273 that oxidation to sulfate was the sole mechanism of sulfite loss. However, another 274 mechanism, alone or in addition to the mentioned oxidation mechanism, appeared to be 275 present in the samples packed in glass bottles. The oxidation of sulfite to sulfate during 276 storage, especially in oxygen-permeable packages, has been found in other foods 277 (Taylor et al. 1986). 278 Contrary to sulfites, initial values of sorbate (measured after 2 weeks storage) 279 were considerably lower than the intended value (≈600 mg/L in brine, on average, 280 versus 2000 mg/L), and in general this level of sorbate did not decrease significantly 281 during storage (data not shown). The unexpectedly low levels of sorbic acid found in 282 brine can be partially attributed to the precipitation of sorbic acid (its solubility in water 283 at pH 3.1 and room temperature is 1500 mg/L ; Stopforth et al. 2005), and also to a 284 possible autoxidation mechanism and/or irreversible reaction of sorbic acid with food 285 components (Thakur et al. 1994; Scotter and Castle 2004). However, the degradation of 286 sorbic acid due to LAB action can be ruled out, as LAB were not detected during 287 storage. 12 288 289 CONCLUSION 290 291 The use of sulfites and sorbates, both separately and as a mixture, gave 292 satisfactory results in relation to the long-term preservation of pickled garlic, even at 293 ambient temperature. In addition, sulfite addition had a positive impact on garlic color 294 through browning reduction. On the contrary, sorbate addition tended to enhance garlic 295 browning. Consequently, the positive effect on color was not apparent when sulfites 296 were added together with sorbates. Storage conditions also had a significant effect on 297 garlic color, with plastic package plus ambient temperature being the worst conditions 298 to preserve the original “white” color of blanched garlic. The stabilities of additives 299 during storage were also quite different. Whereas the sorbate level hardly changed, 300 regardless of the storage conditions used, losses in added sulfite during storage were 301 apparent, particularly (>70%) in plastic pouches due to oxidation to sulfate. In all the 302 conditions assayed, after 6 months of storage, all the retained sulfite was in the form of 303 combined sulfite. Packers or processors should be aware of all these results if they use 304 sulfites and/or sorbates as additives in pickled blanched garlic. 305 306 REFERENCES 307 308 309 310 AOAC. 1993. Peer verified methods program. Manual on Policies and Procedures. AOAC Press, Arlington, VA. BEATO, V.M., SÁNCHEZ, A.H., DE CASTRO, A. and MONTAÑO, A. 2012. Effect 311 of processing and storage time on the contents of organosulfur compounds in 312 pickled blanched garlic. J. Agric. Food Chem. 60, 3485-3491. 13 313 CASADO, F.J., LÓPEZ, A., REJANO, L., SÁNCHEZ, A.H. and MONTAÑO, A. 2004. 314 Nutritional composition of commercial pickled garlic. Eur. Food Res. 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Wiss. u.-Technol. 24, 278-280. 354 15 355 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 356 357 This work was supported by the Spanish government through grant AGL- 358 2007-62686 (partially financed by EU FEDER funds), and by the Junta de Andalucía 359 financial support to group AGR-208. 360 16 361 FIGURE CAPTIONS 362 363 364 Figure 1. Values of pH (open symbols) and titratable acidity (filled symbols) during 365 storage of pickled blanched garlic under different storage conditions. ○/●, packing C; 366 □/■, packing Su; 367 pouches, analyses after 27 and 46 weeks were not performed in packing C stored at 368 room temperature. Values are means of two samples (n=2). 369 Figure 2. Free (□) and combined (■) form of sulfites during storage of pickled blanched 370 garlic under different storage conditions. Values are means of two samples, 371 corresponding to packing Su and Su + So, each analysed in duplicate. Error bars show 372 standard deviation of total sulfite (n=4). Total sulfite = free + combined sulfite. /▼, packing So; /▲, packing Su+So. Due to breakage of the 373 17 TABLE 1. INFLUENCE OF ADDITIVES AND STORAGE CONDITIONS ON COLOR PARAMETERS OF PACKED PICKLED GARLIC AFTER 46 WEEKS STORAGEa Color parameter Factor Additivesb C Su So Su + So Storage conditionsc Amb, G Amb, P R, G R, P L* a* b* hº C BI Brine color A440-A700 81.3a 80.9a 80.8a 82.0a -2.1ab -2.4a -1.8b -2.3ab 10.8b 9.3a 12.0b 10.8b 101.4ab 105.0c 99.4a 102.3b 11.0b 9.6a 12.1b 11.0b 12.0bc 9.6a 14.0c 11.7ab 0.038ab 0.021a 0.045b 0.036ab 80.2a 80.7ab 81.8ab 82.2b -2.0ab -1.8b -2.5a -2.4a 10.8b 13.1c 9.2ab 8.8a 101.0a 98.4a 104.6b 105.7b 11.0b 13.3c 10.0ab 9.3a 12.2b 15.6c 10.0ab 8.9a 0.043a 0.041a 0.028a 0.027a a Means within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different. C, no additive added to the cover brine (control); Su, sodium bisulfite added to the cover brine; So, potassium sorbate added to the cover brine; Su + So, sodium bisulfite plus potassium sorbate added to the cover brine. c Amb, ambient temperature (20– 24 ºC); R, refrigeration (6–9 ºC); G, glass bottle; P, plastic pouch. b 18 TABLE 2. FATE OF SULFITE ADDED TO PICKLED GARLIC STORED UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS AFTER 46 WEEKS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE Packinga Sulfite retainedb Sulfite oxidized to sulfateb 17.3 ± 1.2a (20) 68.6 ± 9.4b (81) Su, P Su + So, P 23.6 ± 0.6b (28) 60.6 ± 0.6b (72) Su, G 55.9 ± 6.3c (63) 28.3 ± 7.1a (32) Su + So, G 64.5 ± 4.6c (71) 0 (0) a Su, sodium bisulfite added to the cover brine; Su + So, sodium bisulfite plus potassium sorbate added to the cover brine; P, plastic pouch; G, glass bottle. b Mean ± SE, expressed as mg/L of SO2 in brine. Percentage of sulfite in comparison with its initial concentration in parenthesis. Sulfite retained was 100% in combined form. Values with the same letter indicate that there was no significant differences between them at 95% level. 19