Math Syllabus

Math 6 – Course Syllabus
Mr. Brash Contact Information
Room:122, Team: Jaguars
Email address:
Mr. Brash’s Beliefs
Math is a fun subject that everyone can be successful at. It requires hard work and dedication.
It is easy to get frustrated, but understand that every problem is a process. You are not meant
to get every single problem correct. You should put down all work that you know for each
problem and never leave anything blank. You should be challenged but not overwhelmed with
your Math homework. I hope you have about twenty minutes of homework a night. Just like
anything you get better if you practice.
Topics we will study in Math 6
Quarter 1
•Number Properties
•Multiplying & Dividing
•Multiplying & Dividing
Quarter 2
•The Number Line
•Comparing Numbers
•Absolute Value
•The Coordinate Plane
•Fractions, Decimals, &
Quarter 3
•Ratios, Rates, & Data
•Circles and Area
Quarter 4
•Tables, Graphs, &
How will I be graded?
Grading: A standards-based progress report is used for the 6th Grade Math Standards.
Score of 1:
Score of 2:
Score of 3:
Score of 4:
The student has limited understanding of the benchmark/goal.
The student has partially met the benchmark/goal.
The student has met the benchmark/goal.
The student has exceeded the benchmark/goal.
Extra Credit Policy: There will be no extra credit offered in class. All assignments/assessments, for which a student
receives a 1 or 2, will be available for retakes until that student scores a 3. All students who attain a score of 3 are
offered the opportunity to challenge themselves with a level 4 question.
Tutoring & Extra Help: I will be available by arrangement before school, during home base, and also after school for
extra help and tutoring. Students needing help should see me to make arrangements.
What if I am gone from class?
Absences: If you are planning to be absent, please let me know at least one day in advance. All
makeup work/assignments are found on our team website. Remember that if you have a cut slip for
an absence, you are expected to have your homework done when you return to school. You will have
2 days to make up homework for each day you are unexpectedly absent (due to sickness, etc.).
Late Work & Missing Assignments: All assignments must be completed in to show progress for standards based
grading. Students will be asked to make arrangements and stay for detention to complete assignments if they are not
prepared when the assignment is due. This is to ensure that students do not fall behind in their understanding of the
material. Of course, if it’s an issue for the student to stay that day or afterschool, I am happy to arrange a time that will
work for the parent.
Supplies needed for class:
 Blue 3-ring Binder
 Notebook(Just for Math work)
 2 Pencils
Math Links
Utilize for videos and the online textbook. Each student
receives a user name and password for this site.