Math - Mrs. Metzger

Math 6 – Course Syllabus
Mrs. Metzger’s Contact Information
Room: 213, Bobcat Team
School Phone: (701) 323-4650
Email address:
Mrs. Metzger’s Beliefs
Everyone is capable of learning the material; but not everybody, every day, will be able to learn it in the same way.
Therefore, my job is to reteach the information in different formats, and continue to work with you until you get it. Your
job is to put forth your best effort and get help if you don’t understand. This can be raising your hand in class, working
with me in a small group, watching a Kahn Academy video, or coming in before/after school for math tutoring. I simply
want you feeling strong and confident in your math skills.
Topics we will study in Math 6
Quarter 1
•Number Properties
•Multiplying & Dividing
•Multiplying & Dividing
Quarter 2
•The Number Line
•Comparing Numbers
•Absolute Value
•The Coordinate Plane
•Fractions, Decimals, &
Quarter 3
•Ratios, Rates, & Data
•Circles and Area
Quarter 4
•Tables, Graphs, &
How will I be graded?
Grading: A standards-based progress report is used for the 6th Grade Math Standards.
Score of 1:
Score of 2:
Score of 3:
Score of 4:
The student has limited understanding of the standard.
The student has partial understanding of the standard.
The student has demonstrated full understanding of the standard.
The student’s knowledge has exceeded the 6th grade standard.
Extra Credit Policy: There will be no extra credit offered in class. All assignments/assessments, for which a student
receives a 1 or 2, will be available for retakes until that student scores a 3. All students are offered the opportunity to
challenge themselves with a level 4 question.
Tutoring & Extra Help: I will be available by arrangement before and after school for extra help and tutoring. Students
needing help should see me to make arrangements.
What if I am gone from class?
Absences, Late Work, & Missing Assignments: All assignments must be completed and turned in to show progress for
standards based grading. Students will be asked to make arrangements and perhaps stay after school to complete
assignments if they are not prepared when the assignment is due. This is to ensure that students do not fall behind in
their understanding of the material. Of course, if it’s an issue for the student to stay that day or afterschool, I am happy
to arrange a time that will work for the parent.
Supplies needed for class:
 Folder for loose papers
 College Ruled Loose Leaf Paper
 1 spiral notebook for taking notes
 2 Pencils
 Calculator (to be used after 1st Qtr.)
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