Latitude and Longitude Tip Sheet

Determining Latitude and Longitude
Tip Sheet
Latitude and longitude addresses are given as coordinates: 25°S, 143°E
LATITUDE - The first coordinate in a latitude and longitude address is the LATITUDE address. The
LATITUDE address will end with either an N for North or an S for South. The LATITUDE address gives
a location that is either North or South of the Equator.
To find a latitude address, begin at the Equator. If the address is North of the Equator move above the
Equator to the given latitude coordinate. If the address is South of the Equator move below the Equator to
the given latitude coordinate. Place your finger on the latitude location so that you can match it up with the
LONGITUDE address.
LONGITUDE – The second coordinate in a latitude and longitude address is the LONGITUDE address.
The LONGITUDE address will end with either an E for East or a W for West. The LONGITUDE address
gives a location that is either East or West of the Prime Meridian.
To find a longitude address, begin at the Prime Meridian. If the address is East of the Prime Meridian
move to the right of the Prime Meridian to the given longitude coordinate. If the address is West of the
Prime Meridian move to the left of the Prime Meridian to the given longitude coordinate. Match up your
longitude location with the latitude location you had previously located.
0° ADDRESSES – If 0° is given as one of the coordinates, that address will be located on either the
Equator or the Prime Meridian.
If 0° is the first coordinate given, it is the LATITUDE address, which means it will be located along the
Equator. Then move on to finding your LONGITUDE address.
If 0° is the second coordinate given, it is the LONGITUDE address, which means it will be located along
the Prime Meridian. Match up this location with your LATITUDE address to find the correct location of
the latitude and longitude address.