Domain 5: SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST Level of Performance – Rating Sheet Element



Component 5: Student Improvement

Specialist Supervisor

Level of Performance – Rating Sheet


Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Accomplished


Uses multiple measures and a variety of assessments

Does not use multiple measures or a variety of assessments.

Occasionally uses multiple measures and/or variety of assessments but they may not address students’ strengths and weaknesses relative to the skills necessary to meet the standards.

Consistently uses multiple measures, and a variety of assessments that address students’ strength and weaknesses relative to the skills necessary to meet the standards.

Extensively uses multiple measures and a variety of assessments that provide in-depth information that addresses students’ strength and weaknesses relative to the skills necessary to meet the standards.


Providing evidence of student improvement


Identifying differences in student learning and student needs

Provides no evidence or limited and flawed evidence that does not clearly show student progress toward meeting the standards.

Provides some evidence that focuses on only one element of student learning or shows minimal student progress toward meeting the standard.

Provides multiple sources of evidence that clearly show student progress toward meeting the standards and an understanding of student needs.

Provides multiple sources of evidence that clearly show student progress toward meeting the standards and understanding of student needs.

Assists students, families and teachers in understanding the student’s performance and progress towards meeting or exceed the standards.

Does not identify differences in student learning and student needs.

Identifies differences in student learning and student needs, but the understanding of student needs may lack depth.

Identifies differences in student learning and student needs and can show how these differences influence student progress toward meeting the standards.

Identifies differences in student learning and student needs and can show how these differences influence student progress toward meeting the standards involving families, teachers and students in the process.


Developing interventions to address

student needs


Communicating student performance to families

Does not design interventions to meet individual student needs.

Designs basic interventions, but may lack a depth of understanding of individual student needs.

Designs a variety of interventions that addresses individual student needs and involves the teacher in the process.

Designs a variety of interventions that addresses individual student needs, involves the teacher and student in the process and helps the family understand what strategies to use in the home.

Does not communicate performance of students to teachers and families or communicates in a limited way.

Communicates performance of students to teachers and families, but is at times ineffective in providing a clear picture of student progress toward the standards.

Communicates student performance to teachers and families using internal and external data to provide a clear picture of student progress toward the standards.

Communicates student performance to teachers and families using internal and external data to provide a clear picture of student progress toward the standards. When appropriate, involves families in the process of increasing student improvement.


Copies: Specialist Personnel File Date
