
Pro- active plan
The CEE Citizens Network has made a commitment in 2003 to take on a pro-active role in
promoting citizen participation throughout the CEE region. At the Representative
team meeting on May 1st and 2nd in Zagreb, there was a facilitated conversation of ideas
about how the Network will move forward with this. As the result of the meeting in Zagreb,
a work plan of the CEE CN was developed for the coming two years. There were three
different initial areas prepared for achieving this task. CEE Citizens Network members
organizations agreed, through their representatives, to build support among nongovernmental organizations, citizens and institutions for taking action throughout the
region. The results of the work plan will also influence the other activities of the Network
including the web site, future trainings and the 2005 Conference of community leaders and
Draft of pro-active plan:
Exchange of knowledge, best practices and success stories on a regional
It is important that we do know the failures and the successes of our colleagues in the
region. If not, we are in danger of “re-inventing the wheel over and over again”.
For a better exchange of knowledge, best practices and success stories on a regional
level, the following steps will be taken:
For the 1st year
 To promote, among the CEE CN members the exchange of best practices. This would
be achieved by centralizing, from every country that is represented in the Network, the “best
practice” examples. This material should be, at the most, three pages long and it would
contain information about context (social, economic, cultural, etc), goals, objectives,
implementation and results (achieved impact). This material should contain enough details for
raising the interest of the reader. If more detailed information is needed, the NGO/person who
implemented the described practice would be contacted. For this, it is necessary that at the end
of any material describing a best practice, the author should mention his or her availability to
share more information with those interested.
 To promote the exchange of knowledge, best practices and success stories among
non-CEE CN members in the region. The details for this activity are similar to what is
described above. Still, this kind of activity would have to be realized in collaboration with
CEE CN members in each country. Thus, this organization (CEE CN member) should send a
message (e-mail is probably the best solution) to other NGO’s in that country about our intent
to centralize and share best practice examples in the region. After that, the organization would
work mainly with the group in charge of the “best practice” database.
 Creating a solid database. All the materials should be sent to the “Best practices” Team.
It will be organized in a database that will allow an optimal access for anyone interested in a
certain type of subjects.
 Up-loading the database on the CEE CN website (
For the 2nd year:
 Make best use of the CEE CN events (conferences, training, RT meetings, etc) by
contacting those who implemented “the best practice examples” in the country where we will
be at that time.
 Establishing a “contest” for the examples of best practice database and giving a “prize”
(or more prizes).
2. Awareness raising and spread of information on Citizen Participation
 Announcement of Citizen Participation day/week at the end of 2005 Conference
There is also an idea to try and get UN, World Bank and other organizations to support and be
part of the event.
 Organizing Citizen Participation Week
The idea is to organize an annual Citizen Participation Week, which could include such things
as talk shows, conferences, trainings and press events. The CP Week should be organized
during 2005 for the first time. The month of September was agreed upon but the specific week
remains to be determined. Each member organization should use their own way how to do it.
The possible model is to invite some other local NGOs dealing with CP issue, provide them
with information and ask to joint organization of CP week. Then establishing of working
group that will plan activities for CP Week. It would be good if the working group can raise
some funds for the planned activities as well. If there will be no additional funds it means that
it would be difficult to organize some events/actions specially tailored. Organizations should
plan their ongoing activities in a way to concentrate the most important ones in the frame of
the CP Week. If, for instance, some organizations would have planned trainings, seminars,
workshops, etc. they can inform participants that these events are taking place in the
framework of the CP Week.
 Organizing a campaign “What does the good citizen means?”
 Publishing the booklets and brochures
The ideas is to publish some booklets and distribute them, as well as create occasions to meet
Government officials and International organizations and provide them with information
about our activities (the CEE Citizens Network activities as well as in-country events).
3. Preparing all actors for the dialogue with local authorities, opening and
conducting the dialogue
The following needs were identified:
institutionalize the citizens participation = legislation + instructions to implement it +
understanding of being a community actor
mutual benefit of citizens participation both for citizens and for authorities
institutionalization of active citizens/initiative groups
enlarging the space for public participation
good practices & success stories
corporate engagement
knowledge and methods in community organizing/development
Strategic directions:
1. Dialog with local authorities
o preparing actors
 awareness rising
 capacity building (using best practices & success stories, too)
 organizing the community
o opening the dialog
o facilitating the dialog
2. Legal changes
o implementation
o systems
o monitoring
3. Resources
Target groups: citizens and local authorities
Strategic objectives for the next 2 years:
1. to rise the interest for dialog at community level
2. to train the actors for dialog
3. to organize the communities for dialog with local authorities (public administration)
Starting from the strategic objectives for the next 2 years, the action plan for Preparing
Actors for Dialog is:
Specific objective: In 2 years CEE CN will publish a case study describing at least 3 success
stories of preparing, initiating and facilitating the dialog between community and local
For this we expect the following results:
after 3 months 30 civic activists will be trained to organize their communities for the
dialog with authorities.
after 9 months 15 citizens organizations will be established as partners for the
dialog with authorities
after 12 months the dialog between community and authorities will be initiated in at
least 9 communities
after 21 months in at least 5 communities the dialog between community and
authorities should create some concrete results (a community problem solved, new
public consulting system/process established etc.)