Digital Media Production Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT)

Digital Media Production
Digital Media
Anselm Spoerri PhD (MIT)
SC&I @ Rutgers University
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Lecture 7 - Overview
Summary – Video Editing Principles
Video Capture Techniques
– Knight Digital Media Center: Video Techniques – Video Shooting Tips
Video Editing
– Media Production Workflow
– Premiere Elements Tutorials by Adobe TV
Premiere Elements
– Quick Demo using Nike Ad
Lectures – Week 7 Content
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Summary – Basic Film Editing
Compress Time by Selecting “Highlights”
– Viewer Fills In
"Real time" = "Screen time"
Create Illusion of Continuity
Location of Focus
Motion & Speed
Line of Sight
Theme: similarity in subject & background in terms of shapes,
color, texture, motion
Create Illusion of Cause & Effect
Motivate Cuts
Any Edit Has Potential of Breaking Illusion of Continuity
Use or Break Conventions & Viewer Expectations
Use Cuts to Create Rhythm
Maintain or Break Continuity As Storyline Requires
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Summary – Basic Editing Principles
Continuity of Direction of Motion & Speed
Total > Medium > Close-up Shot
Continuity of Location of Focus
Continuity of Line of Sight
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Video Capture Techniques
Knight Digital Media Center: Video Techniques Readings
Planning Your Shots
Storyboard provides guidance
When Shooting Be Quiet
Hold Your Shots
For 15 sec, before you pan, zoom or go onto another shot
Avoid Excessive Panning & Zooming
Static (wide angle) shot – Pan – Static shot
Close-up: wide-angle view and move camera closer to subject
Shoot in Sequence and Get All Your Shots
25% Wide shots, 25% Medium shots, 50% Close-ups shots
Cut-Aways and Natural sound
Framing and Composing Your Shots
Apply Image Composition Principles  Rules of Thirds
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Video Capture Techniques
Steady Your Shots
Tripod Lean on / against
Anticipate Action
Think ahead, get positioned for Action to Come
Movement Into or Out of Frame
Provide general scope of interview : want to capture fresh response
Person looks at you, not into camera | Shoot from the side
Sit-down Interview:
Set-up Shot (back and side of reporter and shows only subject talking)
Wide-angle Shot (shows back of reporter and subject talking)
Cut-Away Shot (frontal shot of reporter listening to the person … same
side as set-up shot … don’t cross line of sight)
Avoid High Contrast Lighting Situations
Don't place subject against bright background
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Media Production Workflow
Create / Capture
______Photo/Video/Phone Camera
– Collect Raw Footage
– Video Camera: analog or digital
Edit / Effects
– Create Story
– Perform Edits and Apply Effects
– For DVD or Web
| YouTube | Vimeo
– Download or Streaming
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Premiere Elements
– Overview of Making Movie with Premiere Elements (7:53)
– New Features in Premiere Elements 10 (7:42)
– Making the move from iMovie (2:22)
– Understanding Workflow (1:26) [PrE 9]
– Meeting the Welcome Screen (4:59)
– Creating New Project (7:25) [PrE 9]
– Understanding Options When Creating New Project (7:57)
– Capture Video from Cassette or Webcam (7:21) [PrE 9]
– Using Sceneline and Timeline (3:52) [PrE 9]
– Quickly Trim all but Your Best Footage (4:31)
– Creating Transition Effects (7:25)
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri
Premiere Elements
– Applying and Modifying Video Effects (8:53) [PrE 9]
– Turn Photos into Entertaining Movies (1:00)
– Easily Correct or Enhance Color (1:03)
– Get Perfect Color throughout Movie (6:34)
– Adding Music to Movie (4:09)
– Get Professional-Quality Sound throughout Movie (5:47)
– Quickly Share on Facebook and YouTube (6:37)
– Create and Share Web DVDs (6:35)
– Share with Convenience (1:01)
Digital Media Production
© Anselm Spoerri