9 Year - Parts of a Cow

Crawford County 4-H Dairy Skills
9 year old
Parts of a Dairy Cow
Basic tissues that make up a cow’s body
 Connective
 Epithelium
 Muscle
 Nerve
Connective Tissue includes Ligaments which connect one bone to another bone and Tendons which connect a
muscle to a bone.
Organ systems found in the body.
 Circulatory
 Respiratory
 Integumentary
 Nervous
 Digestive
 Endocrine
 Reproductive
 Skeletal
 Muscular
Teeth: A cow has no upper front teeth. A mature dairy cow has 32 teeth.
The esophagus is the tube that connects the mouth to the rumen.
Approximately 400 pounds of blood are pumped through the udder to produce one pound of milk.
The major artery supplying blood to the udder is the external pudic artery.
The mature dairy cow produces 50 to 80 quarts of saliva per day.
Normal Stats for a Dairy Cow:
 Temperatures: Calf – 102.5 degrees F Adult Dairy Cow - 101.5 degrees F
 Pulse Rate (cow) = 60 – 70 heart beats per minute
 Respiratory Rate (cow) = 30 breaths per minute
1. List the two parts of the back.
a. ____________________________
2. List the five parts of the udder.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
3. List the five parts of the head.
a. ____________________________
b. ____________________________
c. ____________________________
4. How many teeth doe a mature dairy cow have? __________________
5. What is the tissue that connects one bone to another bone? ____________________________