UTAS Animal Ethics Committee – Executive Terms of Reference The Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes 8 th edition 2013 (2.2.23) states: If established, an AEC Executive must include at least one member from Category C or D and may be delegated to approve minor amendments to approved projects or activities, for ratification at the next AEC meeting. The AEC should provide guidance on the type of activity that would be a minor amendment. A minor may include a change to an approved project or activity where the proposed change is not likely to cause harm to the animals, including pain and distress The UTAS AEC Executive has been established to streamline the animal ethics process, to increase the efficiency and to reduce workload of the AEC thus allowing additional time for discussion of ethical considerations. The role of the Executive is to review responses to requested revisions on applications and modifications as guided by the AEC. These reviews are noted by the committee at the following meeting. The Executive can also approve minor and straightforward modifications to previously approved protocols where the proposed change is not likely to cause harm to the animals. Urgent modifications can be considered out-of- session depending on the advice of the AWO and the Chair. In some cases the urgent modification may need to be circulated to the full committee via email. These decisions must be ratified by the entire UTAS AEC at the next meeting. The UTAS AEC Executive currently consists of the Chair and a representative from Category C. The Animal Welfare Officer is attends the AEC Executive in the capacity of an Adviser only. When particular expertise is required, another AEC member is co-opted onto the Executive accordingly. At the beginning of each year, the AEC appoints (by nomination) representatives from its members to form the Executive. November 2013