SELECTED PUBLICATIONS AND PAPERS: Gottfried, R. Natural Contemplation and the Ethics of Virtuous Design. In Melissa Brotton, ed. Ecotheology and Nonhuman Ethics: A Kinship of Compassion. Lexington Books, forthcoming. Gottfried, R. Conservation as a Ministry. Sewanee Theological Review, December 2015. Gottfried, R. Beauty by Design. Sewanee Theological Review, December 2015.. Gottfried, R. Book review: Michael S. Northcott. 2007. A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warming. Sewanee Theological Review Vol. 52, No. 3. Gottfried, R.,D. Williams. Economic Drivers of Landscape Change: Results of a GIS Simulation. Presented at the Symposium, Landscape Change on the Cumberland Plateau: Drivers, Consequences, and Policy Solutions for a Key Biodiversity Hotspot, Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN. July 14, 2008. Gottfried, R,, C. Butler, N. Hollingshead, M. Lane, D. Lemoine , B. Scheffers D. Williams. Modeling Land Use Change and Its Environmental Impacts on the Southern Cumberland Plateau. Proceedings of Emerging Issues Along Urban/Rural Interfaces II, Atlanta, GA, April 9-12, 2007. Shoaf, J. and R. Gottfried. 2006. The Impact of the Southern Pine Beetle on the Risk of Investing in Pine. Gottfried, R., D. Williams, J. Evans, D. Haskell. A Dynamic Spatial Socioeconomic and Ecological Model to Assess Environmental Impacts of Forest Change on the Southern Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. Final Technical Report. U.S. E.P.A. Agreement Number: : R82980201-0. November 31, 2006. Gottfried, R., D. Williams, M. Lane, K. Willis. 2005. Determinants of Land Use Conversion on the Southern Cumberland Plateau. Presented at the EPA Workshop, Socio-Economic Causes and Consequences of Future Environmental Changes, San Francisco, November 16. Published in the Proceedings: Gottfried, R., D. Williams, M. Lane, C. Butler, D. Lemoine, and K. Willis. 2005. Modeling Forest Change and Its Ecological Consequences in the Southern Cumberland Plateau. Presented at Emerging Issues along Urban/Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society. A conference sponsored by The Center for Forest Sustainability of Auburn University, USFS Southern Center for Wildland-Urban Interface Research & Information, and the National Science Foundation, Atlanta, GA. March 15. Gottfried, R., D. Williams, M. Lane and K. Willis. 2004. Modeling Forest Change in a Dynamic Southern Landscape: Homebuilding in The Southern Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, November 21-23, Williams, D., R. Gottfried, and M. Lane. 2004. Hedonic Land Prices in a Dynamic Rural Landscape. Presented at the Western Economic Association International Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 2. McGrath, D., J. Evans, K. Smith, D. Haskell, N. Pelkey, R. Gottfried, C. Brockett, M. Lane, D. Williams. 2004 Mapping Land-Use Change and Monitoring the Impacts of Hardwood-to-Pine Conversion on the Southern Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. Earth Interactions. Vol. 8, paper no. 9. Williams, D., R. Gottfried, C. Brockett, J. Evans. 2004. The Effectiveness of Tennessee's Forest Greenbelt Program in Protecting Forest Cover. Landscape and Urban Planning. Vol. 69, pp. 28797.Presented at the 9th International Symposium for Society and Resource Management, University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN, June 2-5. Brockett, C. D., R. Gottfried, and J. Evans. 2003. The Use of State Tax Incentives to Promote Forest Preservation on Private Lands in Tennessee: An Evaluation of Their Equity and Effectiveness Impacts. Politics & Policy .Vol. 31, No. 2 (June). Gottfried, R. 2002. Salvation, Development, and the Ecological Individual. Presented at the conference, Christianity and Economics: Integrating Faith and Learning in Economic Scholarship, Baylor University, November 7-9, 2002. Brockett, C. D. and R. Gottfried. 2002. “State Policies and Forest Cover Preservation: Lessons from Contrasting Public Policy Regimes in Costa Rica.” Latin American Research Review.Vol. 37, No. 1. Williams, D., R. Gottfried, C. Brockett, J. Evans. 2001. "An Integrated Analysis of the Effectiveness of Tennessee’s Forest Greenbelt Program. Presented at the Southern Economics Association Meeting, Tampa, FL, November 17. Williams, D., R. Gottfried, C. D. Brockett, and J. Evans. 2001. How Effective Is Tennessee’s Forest Greenbelt Program in Protecting Forest Cover and Ecological Values? Presented at the Inaugural Meeting of the U.S. Society for Ecological Economics, Duluth, MN, July 11-13. Gottfried, R., Haddican, M., and J. Presley 1999. “Does Tennessee’s Greenbelt Program Really Protect Forest Cover?” Presented at the Southern Economic Association meeting in New Orleans, November 22, 1999. Under revision. Brockett, C. D., Gottfried, R., and J. Evans. 1999. “Economic Incentives and Institutional Innovations to Promote Forest Preservation on Private Lands: A Case Study from the Southern United States. Presented at the Fifth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics in Santiago, Chile, November 15-19, 1998. Gottfried, R. and M. Haddican 1999. “The Effectiveness of Tennessee’s Greenbelt Program in Preserving Forest: A Case Study.” Presented at the Midwest Economics Association meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, March 26, 1999. Gottfried, R. and Dutch Horchem. 1998. “Growth: Boon or Bane? An In-depth Analysis of the Prospective Effects of Economic and Population Growth on Franklin County, Tennessee.” Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of Missouri-Columbia, May 29. Gottfried, R. and M. Haddican. 1998. “The Efficacy of TN’s Forest Greenbelt Program as an Incentive for Protecting Biodiversity: A Case Study of Franklin County.” Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, University of MissouriColumbia, May 29. Twilley, R. R., Gottfried, R. R., Rivera-Monroy, V. H., Zhang, W., Armijos, M. M., and Alejandro Bodero.”1998. An Approach and Preliminary Model of Integrating Ecological and Economic Constraints of Environmental Quality in the Guayas, River Estuary, Ecuador.” Environmental Science & Policy 1:271-288. Gottfried, R., Rivera-Monroy, V. and Twilley, R. 1997. “The Economic Impact of Mangrove Deforestation on Shrimp Ponds: Results and Potential Applications of a Simulation Model of the Guayas River Estuary.” Presented at the Latin American Studies Association XX INternational Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico, April 17-19. Gottfried, R., D. Wear and R. Lee. 1996.“Institutional Solutions to Market Failure on the Landscape Scale.” Ecological Economics Vol. 18, No. 2 (August). “Nonforestry Policies’ Effects on Forestry in Costa Rica,” co-author with Segura, Miranda, and Gámez. Presented at the IV meeting of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Boston, August 7-10, 1996. "El Establecimiento y Mantenimiento de Corredores Biológicos en Propiedades Privadas." CINTERPEDS report. Funded by Faculty Development Fund, University of the South. June, 1996. "Politicas del Sector Forestal en Costa Rica." Co-author with Olman Segura, Miriam Miranda, and Luis Gámez. CINTERPEDS report for Consejo Centroamericano de Bosques y Áreas Protegidas. May, 1996. “Perspectives from The Garden on the Roles of the State and Markets in Achieving Sustainable Land Use.” Presented at the Second International Economics Meeting, Córdoba, Argentina, June 21-23, 1995. Economics, Ecology, and the Roots of Western Faith: Perspectives from the Garden. Lanham, MD:Rowman & Littlefield, 1995. “Towards an Ecologic-Economic Dynamic Simulation Model of Shrimp Pond and Mangrove Interactions in Ecuador.” Principal author of poster co-authored with Pozo, Zhang, and Twilley. Presented by Gottfried at the III International Meeting of The International Society for Ecological Economics, October 24, 1994, San José, Costa Rica. Lee, R.G., R. Flamm, R. Gottfried, R.J. Naiman, M. Turner, and D. Wear. 1994. An holistic approach to management. Journal of Forestry 92(4):51-53. “Development of Ecosystem Models to Simulate Mangrove and Shrimp Pond Sustainable Management.” Poster co-authored with Twilley, Zhang, Cárdenas and Bodero. Presented by Gottfried at the III International Meeting of The International Society for Ecological Economics, October 24, 1994, San José, Costa Rica. Gottfried, R., D. Wear and R. Lee. 1994. “The Implications of Landscape Economics for Rational Land Use” Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Fort Collins, CO, June 10, 1994. Gottfried, R., R. Lee, and D. Wear. 1994. “Landscapes, Ecosystem Value, and Sustainability” (principal author, with Robert Lee and David Wear). Presented at the 1994 Association for Environmental and Resource Economists National Workshop, Boulder, CO, June 6, 1994. “Simulation Modeling of Land Use Change as an Input to a Landscape Ecology Model.” 1994. Internal working paper. US Man & the Biosphere Temperate Zone Directorate. Gottfried, R. “The Impact of the Public Policy Environment on the Adoption of Sustainable Forestry Practices” (co-authored with Charles Brockett). Presented at the 18th International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, March 12, 1994. Gottfried, R., C. Brockett and W. Davis. 1994. “Models of Sustainable Development and Forest Resource Management in Costa Rica”. Ecological Economics. Vol. 9 , No. 2 (February). Gottfried, R. Economics, Computer Simulation and Transition Probabilities for Landscape Simulation. Poster paper presented at the Eighth Annual U.S. Landscape Ecology Symposium, International Association of Landscape Ecology, Oak Ridge, TN, March 24-27, 1992. Gottfried, R. “Land Rent Revisited: A Natural Systems Perspective.” presented at the 1992 Eastern Economic Association meeting. Gottfried, R. “On Gardening and Human Welfare, or, the Role of Attitudes and Natural Capital in Sustainable Welfare,” Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 9, No. 4 (Fall 1992). Lee, R G., R. O. Flamm, M. G. Turner, C. Bledsoe, P. Chandler, C. DeFerraro, R. Gottfried, R. J. Naiman, N. Schumaker, and D. Wear. 1992. “Integrating Sustainable Development and Environmental Vitality: A Landscape Ecological Approach.” In R. J. Naiman, ed. Watershed Management: Balancing Sustainability with Environmental Change. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992. “Natural Capital, Resource Decision-making, and Economic Development: The Case of the Osa Peninsula,” presented at the Seminario Internacional sobre Políticas Económicas para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Centroamérica, sponsored by the Maestría en Política Económica para Centroamérica y el Caribe, Universidad Nacional, November 28-29, Hotel Herradura, San José, Costa Rica. Published as “Capital natural asignación de recursos y desarrollo económico—el´ caso de la Peninsula de Osa” in Olman Segura, ed. Desarollo sostenible y políticas económicas en América Latina. San José, Costa Rica: DEI, 1992. “Incentives and Disincentives for Natural Forest Management in Costa Rica,”Report to the BOSCOSA Project, Fundación Neotrópica, San José, Costa Rica, August, 1991 (with Charles Brockett and William Davis). “The Value of a Watershed as a Series of Linked Multiproduct Assets,” presented at the International Society for Ecological Economics international conference , “The Ecological Economics of Sustainability” at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., May 22, 1990. Revised version: Ecological Economics, Vol. 5, No. 2 (May 1992), pp. 145-61. “Management of an Ecosystem as a Multiproduct Asset in a Developing Country Context,” presented at the International Society for Ecological Economics international conference, “The Ecological Economics of Sustainability” at the World Bank, Washington, D.C., May 21, 1990 (co–authored with Sergio Castillo). “The Economic Value of an Ecosystem as a Multiproduct Asset,” presented at the Eastern Economic Association meeting, March 1990, Cincinnati, Ohio. “An Integrated Approach to Sustainable Development,” presented at the Association for Social Economics session, Eastern Economic Association meeting, March 1990, Cincinnati, Ohio. “Some Reflections on the ISEW,” in Clifford Cobb. Green National Product. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1994. “Creation, Humanity, and the Divine Economy,” presented at Human Economy Center session, Eastern Economic Association meeting, March 1988, Boston. “Tempest Over El Yunque: U. S. National Forest Planning on a Tropical Rain Forest,” presented at Association of Environmental and Resource Economists session, Eastern Economic Association meeting, March 1987, Washington, D.C. “Report on the Final Plan for the Caribbean National Forest,” #CEER–T–226, Center for Energy and Environment Research, UPR/DOE, October 23, 1986, San Juan, Puerto Rico. “Tropical Storms and the Problem of Erosion in Puerto Rico,” co-authored with Jerry Ingles, presented at the International Symposium on Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in the Third World, Columbus, Ohio, September 6, 1985. Included in the select proceedings. “Can Energy Cane Stem the Tide?,”presented at the 1985 meeting of the Eastern Economic Association, Pittsburgh, March 16, 1985. Social and Economic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 3 (September, 1987). “Potential Environmental and Economic Costs to the Puerto Rican Government from Energy Cane Technology,” presented at the 1984 International Meeting of the North American Economic and Finance Association, Mexico City, July 25-28. “The Potential Impact of Energy Cane on the Rum Industry and Government of Puerto Rico,”presented at the 1984 meeting of the Eastern Economic Association, New York City, March 15-17. World Development, Vol. 14, Number 10/11 (Oct./Nov. 1986). Potential Economic and Environmental Costs to the Puerto Rican Government from Energy Cane Technology, report #CEER-T-192, Center for Energy and Environment Research, UPR/DOE, July 1984, San Juan, Puerto Rico. “The Environment: The Missing Dimension in Guatemala’s Energy Policy,” presented at the 1983 Eastern Economic Association meeting. “The Effect of Recreation Communities on Local Land Prices: The Case of Beech Mountain,” presented at the 1982 Eastern Economic Association meeting. American Economist, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 1988. Review of The Charismatic Renewal and Ecumenism by Kilian McDonnell O.S.B. in Worship, Vol. 53, No. 5, September 1979, pp. 466-67.. “La racionalización del uso de energía en Guatemala: una imperante necesidad,” Estudios Sociales, No. 16-17. “Cristianismo y desarrollo económico,” Cultura de Guatemala, No. 3. “Observations on Recreation-Led Growth in Appalachia,”American Economist, Vol. 21, No. 1, Spring 1977. Presented at 1975 Southern Economics Association meeting.