Web Design Prof. Anselm Spoerri Information Visualization Course


Information Visualization Course

Web Design

Prof. Anselm Spoerri


© Anselm Spoerri

Lecture 12 – Overview

Group Project

‒ Deliverables

‒ Grading

Big Picture for Group Project

– Get & Display Data | $query | Parameters | Thumbnails | Embed | HTML

MySQL & PHP code

Sample files in Sakai > Resources > PHP Files

Browse View for Gigapan | Photosynth | Video and Thumbnails with Links

Individual Item based on supplied id for Gigapan | Photosynth | Video

Dynamic Browse Page based on supplied parameters in URL

Dynamic Browse Page with Menus


Browse Page

Individual Page


© Anselm Spoerri

Group Project Deliverables

Web pages to design

Home page

Browse page(s) with filter capabilities

Individual pages for specific Gigapan, Photosynth or Video item

Navigation Structure

Specify primary categories

Interactive and Clear “you are here” indicator

– You can use CSS or image swap behaviors

Consistent and Attractive Look & Feel

Hierarchical HTML Page Structure and controlled by CSS rules.

Database Communication

PHP code and MySQL queries need to be created to dynamically generate required web pages using content stored in the whereRU database.

© Anselm Spoerri

Group Project Grading

Technical Quality

of Deliverables

– Have the required types of pages been created, are they dynamically generated using PHP code & MySQL queries and does

it all work (hyperlinks, content and images etc).

Design Quality

of Deliverables

– Does the prototype have an attractive look & feel and have the

design principles covered in class been implemented, such as do the pages have a clear visual hierarchy (review lectures slides for more specific information).

© Anselm Spoerri

Big Picture for Group Project

Get & Display Data


Parameters via URL


Embed Media


Browse Page

© Anselm Spoerri

Get & Display Data from whereRU database

Assume connected to whereRU database

Specify $db_table appropriate for $query

– 'whereru_all' :need to specify type field and multiple items with same id

– 'whereru_gigapan' | 'whereru_photosynth' | 'whereru_video'

Specify $query

Fetch $result = mysql_query($query);

How many rows in result table: $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

Display $result use for loop: for ($j = 0 ; $j < $rows ; ++$j)

– $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); // returns array

index to use to get specific field  consult whereruTables.doc

© Anselm Spoerri


$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table";

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE campus='Newark'";

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table ORDER BY date_created DESC";

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE campus='Newark' ORDER

BY date_created DESC";

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE type='gigapan'

AND campus='Newark' AND category='Architecture & History'

ORDER BY date_created DESC";

© Anselm Spoerri

$query – containing PHP variables

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE id=$id";

Note: since id field contains number, don’t need to place $id variable in quotes

$query = "SELECT * FROM $db_table WHERE type=




AND campus= \" $fromget_campus \"

AND category= \" $fromget_category \"

ORDER BY date_created DESC";

Note: since type, campus, category fields contain strings, need to place PHP variables in quotes

© Anselm Spoerri

Supply Parameters via URL



after filename extension

Example: databaseConnect_individual_gigapan_spoerri.php?id=50

Provide parameter name = parameter value

Example: <a href="individualGigapan.php?id=$row[$id]">



to separate multiple parameter name & value pairs

Example: thumb.php?id=$row[$id]&t=1&w=84&h=42

Recap: to supply variables via URL need start with ?

for first variable and use & for subsequent variables

© Anselm Spoerri

Receiving Parameters in PHP browse.php


type=gigapan & campus=Newark & category=Athletics databaseConnect_browse_general_spoerri.php?type=gigapan&campus=New%20Brunswick&category=Athletics



which contains parameter name & value pairs

Use extract

function to “unpack” $_GET and assign parameter to variable with prefix so not overwrite existing PHP variables

Example: extract($_GET, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'fromget');

Create PHP variables that contain prefix _ and exact spelling of parameter

Example: $fromget_type

Recap: spelling of parameter name matters!

© Anselm Spoerri

Thumbnail Images

Use thumb.php and provide


and w and h parameter

Gigapan: t= 1

<img src="http://whereru.rutgers.edu/ thumb.php

?id=$row[$id]& t=1

&w=84&h=42" />

Photosynth: t= 2

<img src="http://whereru.rutgers.edu/ thumb.php

?id=$row[$id]& t=2

&w=84&h=42" />

Video: t= 3

<img src="http://whereru.rutgers.edu/ thumb.php

?id=$row[$id]& t=3

&w=84&h=42" />

w and h specify width and height of thumbnail

Remember: you have to escape \ the quotation marks if used inside an echo statement

© Anselm Spoerri

Embed Media


<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:$width"."px; height:$height"."px;" data="$row[$embed]" ><param name="movie" value="$row[$embed]" /></object>


<iframe src=“$row[$embed]" frameborder="0" width="$width" height="$height" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></iframe>


<object width="$width" height="$height"><param name="movie" value="$row[$embed]"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="$row[$embed]" type="application/xshockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="$width" height="$height"></embed></object>

Remember: you have to escape \ the quotation marks if used inside an echo statement

© Anselm Spoerri


Use echo function to “write” HTML code to page

echo function takes string as input

Remember to escape \ in HTML code that contains strings, such as CSS

Remember to have closing tag

Example: echo(“

<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" style=\"width:$width"."px; height:$height"."px;\" data=\"$row[$embed]\" >

<param name=\"movie\" value=\"$row[$embed]\" />



© Anselm Spoerri

Recap – Browse Page

Which Sample Page to Consult?

browseMenusLinks_lastname (form with pull downs) databaseConnect_browse_general_lastname

Code Structure used for Thumbnails? if and elseif structure

$t = 0; if ($mediaType == "gigapan") {


} elseif ($mediaType == "photosynth") {


} elseif ($mediaType == "video") {

$t=3; }

Which Page Linked to Thumbnails? Parameters Supplied?


© Anselm Spoerri

Recap – Individual Page

Which Sample Page to Consult?


Uses $db_table = 'whereru_gigapan';

 use 'whereru_all' if you want general individual page

 need to specify type field

Embed Code for Photosynth / Video? databaseConnect_table_photosynth_lastname databaseConnect_table_video_lastnane

Code Inspiration for Assigning Parameters to PHP variables?

browseMenusLinks_lastname databaseConnect_browse_general_lastname

Code Structure to use for Different Emded Code? if and elseif structure

© Anselm Spoerri

Recap – Troubleshooting

Check Easy Things First


of file name, variables …

Is variable defined?

= versus ==


Closing Quotes and Brackets  vertical quotes in PHP

Uploaded into correct folder  project folder in team folder


of file name, variables …

© Anselm Spoerri
