1 HAMP, Transferrin (exon 7) and HFE genotyping suggests that haplotype block 2 analysis is the best strategy for predicting iron deficiency phenotype in women 3 Beatriz Sarriá 1a Ana M López-Parrab, Santiago Navas-Carreteroa, Ana M Pérez- 4 Granadosa, Carlos Baezab, Eduardo Arroyo-Pardob and M Pilar Vaqueroa 5 a Department of Metabolism and Nutrition, Instituto del Frío (CSIC) 28040 Madrid, Spain. 6 b Department of Toxicology and Health Legislation, Medicine Faculty (UCM) 28040 Madrid, 7 Spain. 8 9 Abstract 10 Strategies to draw associations between disease and genes and nutrients are the 11 examination of mutations and/or haplotypes. We studied, the relationship between certain 12 mutations in HAMP (hepcidin, exon 1, 2 and 3), Tf (transferrin, exon 7) and HFE 13 (hemochromatosis, H63D and C282Y) genes, as well as their associations in haplotypes, and 14 iron deficiency with or without anemia in young women. One-hundred-and-sixty-two young, 15 menstruating women were recruited. Hemoglobin (Hb g/dl), ferritin (Ft μg/l), total iron 16 binding capacity, transferrin saturation, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume were 17 determined and subjects were divided in 3 iron status: sufficient (Hb ≥12, Ft ≥20; n=63), 18 deficient (Hb≥12, Ft<20 or Hb<12, Ft≥20; n=77) and deficient anemic (Hb <12, Ft<20; 19 n=22). Mutations in HAMP gene were detected using single strand conformational 20 polymorphism analysis, in exon 7 of the transferrin gene using DNA sequencing and C282Y 21 and H63D mutations in HFE gene using restriction enzymes. Among the iron deficient 22 women, 8 were G277S/L247L heterozygous (except 1 L247L homozygote) and 1 was I7V 23 heterozygous for the mutation in HAMP gene. Among the iron deficient anemic, 3 were 24 G277S/L247L/H63D heterozygous (except 1 H63D homozygote) and 1 I7V heterozygote. 25 Among the iron sufficient, 2 were G277S/L247L/H63D heterozygous, 1 26 G277S/L247L/H268H heterozygote and 2 G277S/L247L heterozygotes. We conclude that: 1) 27 the iron deficient anemic group presented the highest proportion of subjects carrying 28 mutations 2) there are 3 possible haplotypes G277S /L247L, G277S/L247L/H63D and 29 G277S/L247L/H268H, non restricted to any iron status 3) the analysis of haplotypes or 30 haplotype blocks is the best strategy to associate genes and iron deficiency. 1 Corresponding author: Beatriz Sarriá Telephone: +34 91 549 0038; Fax: +34 91 549 36 27; Email: beasarria@if.csic.es 1 1 Key words: Hepcidin, HAMP, transferrin, HFE, haplotype, iron deficiency, iron 2 deficiency anemia, women, humans 3 4 5 1. Introduction If dietary recommendations are based on genotype, the influence of diet on health and 6 on the prevention of disease will be undertaken much more efficiently. A mass number of 7 genes form each individual’s genotype. Most genes have small sequence differences or 8 polymorphisms and often these polymorphisms may affect how well a protein works and how 9 it interacts with other proteins or substrates. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the 10 most common form of DNA sequence variation and are useful polymorphic markers for 11 investigating genes. Haplotypes are sets of SNP alleles along a region of a chromosome. A 12 recent strategy to draw associations between disease and genes and nutrients is the 13 examination of haplotypes or haplotype blocks [1]. 14 Iron deficiency anemia is only part of the overall syndrome of iron deficiency which 15 reaches even higher prevalence. Little is known about the genetic basis of non-diet related 16 iron deficiency. The contribution of genetic differences between women to variation in iron 17 stores outweighs the comparatively small effects of interindividual variation in iron loss 18 through menstruation and number of pregnancies [2]. A polymorphism in exon 7 (G277S) of 19 the transferrin gene (Tf), which corresponds to the transferrin electrophoretic C3 variant, has 20 been associated with a significant reduction in total iron binding capacity and higher mean 21 transferrin saturation predisposing menstruating women to iron deficiency anemia [3]. This 22 variant is found at the highest frequency in the white population (frequency of 0.0634 (111 of 23 1752 alleles; [3]). However, Aisen [4] constructed the mutation in a human transferrin 24 expression vector and obtained that mutant and native proteins were equally efficient at 25 donating iron. Accordingly, no relationship was found between transferrin concentration, iron 26 status and the G277S variant in pregnant women [5]. The G277S transferrin mutation did not 2 1 affect iron absorption in iron deficient women versus the wild-type [6]. Considering this 2 disagreement, the role of G277S polymorphisms in iron deficiency anemia also needs to be 3 clarified. The G277S mutation may be associated with other transferrin mutations, and/or 4 other polymorphisms located in other genes. 5 It is widely known that HFE (hemochromatosis) and HAMP (hepcidin) genes are 6 involved in iron metabolism. HFE mutations C282Y and H63D are responsible for iron 7 overload [7, 8]. However, the role of C282Y and H63D in iron deficiency remains 8 controversial. According to Beutler et al [9] in a large cohort of patients with HFE mutations, 9 the prevalence of non-anemic iron deficiency was significantly lower among female carriers 10 of the C282Y mutation compared with HFE wild types. However, prevalence of frank iron 11 deficiency anemia did not differ significantly among genotypes. Datz et al [10] pointed to the 12 C282Y mutation having a protective role against iron deficiency in young women. C282Y 13 heterozygote women showed significantly higher values for hemoglobin, serum iron, and 14 transferrin saturation than women homozygous for the wild-type allele, but there was no 15 significant difference in the prevalence of either iron deficiency anemia or iron depletion 16 between these groups. Similarly, Rossi et al [11] found a significantly higher mean 17 hemoglobin levels among C282Y/H63D compound heterozygotes compared with wild-type 18 homozygotes without significant difference in the prevalence of subjects with iron depletion 19 (defined as ferritin<20 µg or ferritin <12 µg/l and a transferrin saturation <15%) between 20 genotypes. The H63D mutation is relevant in certain geographical areas, such as Spain [12, 21 13, 14] but its frequency and clinical penetrance has been studied to less extent than C282Y. 22 None of these studies have looked into the association of the C282Y and H63D with other 23 mutations in iron metabolism proteins. 24 25 HAMP gene codes for hepcidin, which plays an essential role in iron homeostasis [15]. This peptide is a novel, hepatic, antimicrobial hormone that could provide the link 3 1 between iron stores and intestinal absorption [16]. At molecular level, it seems to be the key 2 systemic regulator of iron absorption [17]. In mice, anemia seems to be the predominant 3 issue in regulating the HAMP gene [18]. Given that it plays such an important role in iron 4 homeostasis, it might be predicted that mutations in HAMP gene may result in a distinctive 5 iron-related phenotype [19, 20]. 6 The study of Tf/HFE/HAMP haplotypes may yield stronger associations between iron 7 deficiency phenotype and genotype. The aim of this work is to determine HAMP, Tf (exon 7) 8 and HFE mutations and their possible linkage for predicting iron deficiency phenotype in 9 women. 10 11 2. Methods and materials 12 13 14 2.1. Subjects Volunteer recruitment was carried out by setting up advertisements in the 15 Complutense University campus and by giving short talks about the study between lectures. 16 One hundred and sixty-two, 18-45 year-old, non-pregnant, non-smoking, white, menstruating 17 women were recruited. 18 Volunteers had not been treated with iron for the last twelve months. All subjects 19 underwent a pre-study screening which included a blood test and a health questionnaire. 20 This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hospital Clinica Puerta de Hierro and 21 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, in Madrid (Spain). 22 23 2.2. Study design 24 4 1 This is an observational study. Subjects were divided into three groups attending to 2 their iron phenotype, established by hemoglobin (g/dl) and ferritin (μg/l) values: iron 3 sufficient (Hb ≥12, Ft ≥20), deficient (Hb≥12 and Ft<20 or Hb<12 and Ft≥20) and anemic 4 (Hb<12 and Ft<20). 5 Exon 7 of Tf gene, C282Y and H63D mutations in the HFE gene, and the 3 exons of 6 the HAMP gene were genotyped in the former three groups. Genetic results were used to 7 establish haplotypes in order to study associations between haplotypes and iron status. 8 9 2.3. Blood sampling 10 11 Blood samples were collected by venipuncture into EDTA tubes. DNA was extracted 12 from whole blood using standard phenol-chloroform methodology with proteinase K (adapted 13 from Sambrook et al [21]. 14 15 2.4. Biochemical and hematological measurements 16 17 Measurements of hemoglobin concentration (Hb), serum ferritin (Ft), hematocrit 18 (Hct), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), serum transferrin (Tf) and serum iron (Fe) were 19 carried out following standard laboratory techniques and using the Symex NE 9100 20 automated hematology (Symex, Kobe, Japan) and the Modular Analytics Serum Work Area 21 (Roche, Basel, Switzerland) analyzers. Total iron binding capacity (TIBC (µmol/l) = 25.1 x 22 Tf (g/l)) and transferrin saturation (TfS (%) = [Fe (g/dl)/TIBC(g/dl)] x 100) were 23 calculated. 24 25 2.5. Genetic analysis 5 1 2 Amplification of exon 7 was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in a 25 3 μl reaction volume containing 1X Standard Buffer (Tris-HCl (pH 9,0) 75mM, KCl 50 mM, 4 (NH4)2SO4 20 mM), 2.5 mM MgCl2, 200 μM dNTPs mix, 1 U Taq polymerase (Biotools) and 5 0.200 μM of each primer. PCR programming was carried out in a eppendorf mastercycler 6 using the following conditions: for initial denaturizing 1 cycle at 95 ºC – 3 min; followed 32 7 cycles of amplification at 93 ºC – 30 s, 62 ºC – 30 s, 72 ºC – 30 s and 1 cycle of final 8 extension at 72 ºC - 7 min. Exon 7 of transferrin gene was amplified in the 162 samples using 9 primers described by Beutler et al., [22]. The PCR product was purified with a QIAquick gel 10 extraction kit (QIAGEN) and sequenced on an Applied Biosystems automatic sequencer 11 model 3730. Results were compared to a consensus sequence for transferrin gene found in 12 Ensembl database v34, Gen ID ENST00000264998. Hemochromatosis gene mutations, 13 C282Y and H63D, were analyzed using restriction enzymes according to Alvarez et al [14] in 14 the all the samples. The 3 exons of the HAMP gene were amplified in all 162 subjects 15 according to Zaahl et al [23]. Amplicons were then analyzed by SSCP in an ALF Sequencer 16 (Pharmacia) [24], according to the manufacturer’s protocol with slight modifications 17 (ALFexpress, Pharmacia Biotech). Mutants yielded an abnormal pattern of double peaks 18 which was clearly detected (Fig. 1). PCR products of mutated individuals were purified with a 19 QIAquick gel extraction kit (QIAGEN) and sequenced on an Applied Biosystems automatic 20 sequencer model 3730. The sequences obtained were compared to a consensus for HAMP 21 gene found in Ensembl database v34, Gen ID ENSG00000105697. 22 23 2.6. Statistical methods 24 6 1 An explanatory analysis of the data was carried out considering the number of subjects 2 studied and the fact that we obtained, within each iron status, different number of subjects, 3 carrying different number of mutations. With this purpose three variables were generated: a) 4 iron status or degree of iron deficiency, b) number of mutations carried and c) proportion of 5 subjects carrying mutations in different genes within each iron status. These variables were 6 globally transformed and normalized by “optimal scaling” [25]. CATPCA-Principal 7 components analysis for categorical data by Data Theory Scaling System Group (DTSS) 8 (Leiden, The Netherlands) was used. 9 10 11 3. Results 12 13 Attending to the hemoglobin (g/dl) and ferritin (μg/l) values obtained, among the 162 14 subjects, 63 were iron sufficient (Hb ≥12, Ft ≥20), 77 iron-deficient (Hb≥12 and Ft<20 or 15 Hb<12 and Ft≥20) and 22 iron deficient anemic (Hb<12 and Ft<20). The hematological and 16 biochemical parameters data in the three iron status groups are shown in table 1. The values 17 for the other iron status indicators examined: total iron binding capacity, transferrin 18 saturation, hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume were within the range corresponding to 19 iron sufficiency, deficiency and deficiency anemia, respectively. Only the transferrin 20 saturation data (%) was slightly high in the iron deficient group attending to the cutoff point 21 for abnormal values proposed by Dallman et al [26] of <16%, as well as the mean corpuscular 22 volume in the iron deficient anemic group according to Gibson [27] of 80 fl. 23 Table 2 shows all the different genotypes obtained attending to HFE (C282Y and 24 H63D), transferrin (exon 7) and HAMP (3 exons) gene mutations as well as genotype 25 frequencies in the iron sufficient, iron deficient and iron deficient anemic groups. Three 7 1 mutations were observed in exon 7 of the transferrin gene: L247L, G277S and H268H. As far 2 as the HFE gene, H63D heterozygotes and 1 homozygote were obtained. Concerning the 3 hepcidin gene, one SNP, I7V, was obtained in exon 1. Among the group of 63 iron sufficient 4 women, 5 subjects carried mutations: 2 subjects were heterozygous for H63D, G277S and 5 L247L mutations, one was heterozygous for G277S, L247L and H268H and two were 6 heterozygous for G277S and L247L. Among the 77 iron deficient women, 8 were 7 heterozygous for G277S and L247L (except 1 L247L homozygote) and 1 subject was 8 heterozygous for the I7V mutation in the HAMP gene. Among the subgroup of 22 iron 9 deficient anemic, 3 G277S/L247L heterozygous individuals who also presented the H63D 10 mutation (1 was homozygote) were obtained and 1 subject was heterozygous for the I7V 11 mutation in the HAMP gene. 12 Attending to these results, there seems to be an association between these mutations 13 and there are three possible haplotypes, G277S/L247L which was obtained in the iron 14 sufficient and deficient groups, G277S/L247L/ H63D in the iron sufficient and iron deficient 15 anemic groups and G277S/L247L/H268H/ corresponding to an iron sufficient subject. 16 The prevalence of iron deficiency in women with genotype G277S/G277G was 18.7% 17 and 13.0% in G277G/G277G. In the 3 iron status groups, subjects carrying the G277S 18 mutation showed a slight reduction in TIBC [G277G/G277S 62.9, 74.4 and 73.0 versus 19 G277G/G277G 70.4, 79.2 and 83.6 for iron sufficient, iron deficient and iron deficient anemic 20 subjects, respectively]. 21 In order to further interpret our results, an explanatory analysis was carried out and 22 three variables were generated: a) iron status or degree of iron deficiency (3 levels: 1 iron 23 sufficient, 2 iron deficient and 3 iron deficient anemic) b) number of mutations (from 1 to 5) 24 c) proportion of subjects carrying mutations in different genes within each iron status 25 (intervals). The distribution of the number subjects carrying mutations, the number of 8 1 mutations and the proportion of subjects carrying mutations in different genes within the three 2 iron status levels is reported in table 3. 3 Once these variables were globally transformed and normalized by optimal scaling, 4 using the new scale it was possible to calculate correlations, such as Pearson’s correlations, 5 and express the results in a subspace where both variables and objects (subjects with a certain 6 iron status, number of mutations, and proportion of subjects carrying mutations in different 7 genes) were projected. Figure 2 allows our results to be visually interpreted. Virtual axis X 8 represents the variables proportion of subjects carrying mutations and iron status, which are 9 highly correlated, and virtual axis Y shows the number of mutations, which is independent 10 from the degree of iron deficiency. 11 The results of this study indicate that the distribution of the number of subjects 12 carrying mutation(s), the number of mutations and the proportion of subjects carrying 13 mutations within the iron sufficient, iron deficient and iron deficient anemic groups was not 14 homogenous, but the iron deficient anemic group presented the highest proportion of subjects 15 carrying mutations followed by the iron deficient and the least the iron sufficient (table 3, Fig. 16 2). 17 18 4. Discussion 19 20 The percentages of iron-deficient menstruating white women within the G277G 21 transferrin genotype are comparable to those described by Lee et al [3] who worked with a 22 larger group of white women (n=1511) and obtained a higher prevalence of iron deficiency in 23 menstruating white women with genotype G277S/G277S and G277S/G277G than in the wild- 24 type subjects. Accordingly, we obtained a higher prevalence of iron deficiency in women with 25 genotype G277S/G277G (18.7%) compared to G277G/G277G (13.0%) although we do not 9 1 disregard that we worked with a smaller number of subjects. Furthermore, in accordance with 2 the above indicated authors G277S carriers also showed a slight reduction in TIBC. 3 Nevertheless, the outcome of the present work does not point to a clear association between 4 the G277S mutation and iron deficiency. 5 The L247L mutation in exon 7 was detected in all 16 subjects who carried the G277S 6 mutation, this indicates that they are closely enough linked to be inherited as a unit. The 7 G277S/L247L haplotype has not been described previously in the literature. L247L, on its 8 own, has recently been identified in a patient with atransferrinemia [28] who presented severe 9 hypochromic, microcytic anemia. Another silent mutation, H268H, was also identified in one 10 G277S carrier. Haplotypes G277S/L247L and G277S/L247L/H268 need to be further 11 investigated as well as their association to iron deficiency. 12 As far as the HFE gene, we obtained a higher frequency for the H63D mutation than 13 for C282Y which is in agreement with population studies that indicate that the H63D 14 mutation is more common, particularly in Spain compared to other countries in Europe [12, 15 13, 14]. Mutations in the HFE gene have been extensively studied and shown different 16 degrees of clinical penetrance. The relationship between HFE mutations and iron deficiency 17 anemia is controversial and has been mostly evaluated in individuals carrying the C282Y 18 mutation rather than H63D. The presence of the G277S allele in the heterozygous state in 19 HFE patients homozygous for the C282Y mutation has been suggested to reduce mean TIBC 20 levels to values similar to those of Caucasian individuals with a normal HFE gene [3]. In the 21 present work, there were 2 heterozygotes and 1 mutant homozygote for the H63D mutation, 22 all being G277S carriers, who were iron deficient and showed TIBC (µmol/L) values of 69 23 and 71.8, the heterozygotes, and 73.8 the homozygote, which are close to the cutoff point of 24 73 indicating low iron status [29]. In contrast, 2 subjects who were H63D/G277S carriers 25 were iron sufficient (TIBC (µmol/L) values of 67 and 50). Given this small number, it was not 10 1 possible to draw any conclusion as to how the H63D/G277S genotype affects TIBC levels and 2 consequently iron status. This outcome points to the existence of another possible haplotype 3 G277S/L247/H63D which role in iron status needs to be studied in more detail. 4 Mutations in the hepcidin peptide can originate abnormal peptides which are involved 5 in dysfunctions of iron metabolism [20]. The I7V hepcidine gene mutation affects leader 6 peptide sequence and substitutes a hydrophobic amino acid (Isoleucine) with another 7 hydrophobic one (Valine). It is interesting that the indicated mutation was found in an iron- 8 deficient and iron-deficient anemic subject. However, from two volunteers, no reliable 9 conclusion concerning the relationship between I7V and iron status may be drawn. This 10 11 mutation was not associated to any other in the genes studies. The results of the present study indicate that although SNPs may hold true for some 12 conditions, iron status pathologies are complex from a genetic point of view and thus the 13 phenotype predominantly depends on the combined variation of several genes apart from 14 environmental and behavioral factors. The probable existence of linkage disequilibria among 15 mutations can be very helpful for a better prediction of iron deficiency. In agreement with 16 Trujillo et al [2], we point to haplotype block analysis as the best strategy in understanding 17 the distribution of risk alleles in human populations which could lead to tailoring prevention 18 strategies to those at increased risk. 19 We conclude that the iron deficient anemic group presented the highest proportion of subjects 20 carrying mutations of genes associated with iron deficiency as well as overload, although the 21 sample size of this group was small. We found that there are 3 possible haplotypes G277S 22 /L247L, G277S/L247L/H63D and G277S/L247L/H268H, non restricted to any iron status. 23 Further studies should be focused on the analysis of haplotypes or haplotype blocks to 24 associate genes and iron deficiency. 11 1 This study opens a new pathway to the understanding of the genetic factors involved in iron 2 deficiency, which leads to considering the use of diets based upon individual genotype, iron 3 requirements and status. 4 5 Acknowledgments 6 This study was funded by the EU (MERG-CT-2003-506368) and the Spanish 7 government (AGL 2002-04411-C02-02 ALI). Santiago Navas is granted with a Comunidad 8 de Madrid fellowship and Social European Funds. The authors thank the volunteers who took 9 part in this study and Laura Barrios for the statistical analysis. 10 11 References 12 13 14 [1] Trujillo E, Davis C, Milner J. Nutrigenomics, proteomics, Metabolomics and the Practice of Dietetics. 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Am J Clin Nutr 1979; 32(10): 2115-9. 12 13 14 Abreviations list 15 Hemoglobin: Hb 16 Serum ferritin: Ft 17 Single nucleotide polymorphisms: SNPs 18 Hematocrit: Hct 19 Mean corpuscular volume: MCV 20 Serum transferrin: Tf 21 Serum iron: Fe 15 1 Total iron binding capacity: TIBC 2 Transferrin saturation: TfS 3 Polymerase chain reaction: PCR 4 Iron sufficient: IS 5 Iron deficient: ID 6 Iron deficient anemic: IDA 7 8 16 1 Figure legends 2 3 Figure 1. SSCP electropherograms (left) and sequence (right) of HAMP genes (exon 1) of a 4 homozygous individual with the A/A genotype (A) and a heterozygous individual with the 5 I7V mutation (A->G) (B). 6 7 Figure 2. Bidimensional dispersion diagram. Virtual axis X represents the variables 8 proportion of subjects carrying mutations and iron status and virtual axis Y the number of 9 mutations which are independent from the degree of iron deficiency. The objects represent 10 the subjects with a certain iron status, number of mutations, and proportion of subjects 11 carrying mutations in different genes. 12 17 1 18 1 2 3 Table 1. Hematological and biochemical characterization of the volunteers who participated in the study. Iron status Iron sufficient (n=63) Iron deficient (n=77) Iron deficient anemic (n=22) Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.5±0.8 13.3±0.7 11.3±0.5 Serum ferritin (µg/l) 37.0 (36-50) 11.5 (11-16) 6.2 (5.5-10) 70±10 79±12 82±13 25.1±11.6 22.1±10.4 13.9±11.2 Hematocrit (%) 40±2 40±2 35±1 Mean corpuscular volume (fl) 89±4 88±4 83±7 Total iron binding capacity (µmol/l) Transferrin saturation (%) 4 5 6 7 Values are arithmetic mean ± standard deviation Ferritin values are expressed as geometric mean (confidence interval). 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 2 Table 2. Genotypes obtained attending to mutations in HFE, transferrin and HAMP genes. Genotype frequencies in the iron status groups Genes Genotypes 3 4 5 HFE Genotype frequencies (%) HAMP 1 Position 282 -/- Position 63 -/- Position 247 -/- Transferrin Position 268 -/- 2 -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- 3 -/- -/- +/- -/- 4 -/- -/- +/- 5 -/- -/- 6 -/- 7 Iron sufficient Iron deficient Iron deficient anemic 18.52 19.75 3.70 +/- 0 0.62 0.62 -/- -/- 4.94 1.85 0.62 +/- -/- -/- 0 0.62 0 +/- +/- +/- -/- 0.62 0 0 -/- +/- -/- +/- -/- 1.23 3.70 0 -/- -/- +/ -/- -/- -/- 0 0 0.62 8 -/- -/- +/ -/- +/- -/- 0 0.62 0.62 9 -/- +/- -/- -/- -/- -/- 5.55 14.81 4.32 10 -/- +/- +/- -/- -/- -/- 1.85 1.85 1.23 11 -/- +/- +/- -/- +/- -/- 1.23 0.62 0.62 12 -/- +/ -/- -/- -/- -/- 1.85 1.85 0 13 -/- +/ +/- -/- +/- -/- 0 0 0.62 14 +/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- 2.47 1.23 0 15 +/- -/- +/- -/- -/- -/- 0 0 0.62 16 +/- -/- -/- +/- -/- -/- 0.62 0 0 Position 277 -/- Position 7 -/- Black font represent: homocygote wild-types, red font: heterocygote mutants; blue font: homocygote mutants. 6 2 1 2 3 4 Table 3. Distribution of the number of subjects carrying mutations, the number of mutations and the proportion of subjects carrying mutations in different genes within the three iron status levels * Iron status (degree of iron deficiency) Number of subjects carrying one or more mutations Number of mutations Proportion of subjects carrying mutations ** 5 6 7 8 9 1. Iron sufficient (n=63) 2. Iron deficient (n=77) 3. Iron deficient anemic (n=22) 2 1 2 7 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 3 3 1 0,03 0,02 0,03 0,09 0,01 0,01 0,09 0,05 0,05 * Each column corresponds to subjects carrying identical mutations within each iron status group. ** Calculated as Number of subject / n of the corresponding iron status group 10 11 12 13 3 1 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 1.Wild-type and Mutant patterns in the HAMP gene determined by Single Strand Conformational Polymorphism Pattern A: Peak for Wild-type genotype in HAMP gene. Pattern B: Abnormal double peak for mutant genotype in HAMP gene 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 1 2 Figure 2. Distribution of subjects attending to the number of mutations present, the proportion of subjects carrying mutations and iron status. 2 Number of mutations ID IS IS Proportion of subjects carrying mutations IDA IDA IS ID 0 2 Dimension 2 1 Iron status -1 IDA ID -2 -1,5 -1,0 -0,5 0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 Dimension 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS= iron sufficient group (n= 63) ID=iron deficient group (n= 77) IDA=iron deficient anemic (n= 22) Normalization and distribution of subjects performed by Pearson’s correlation test. 15 2