Pittsburg State University College of Education Department of Special Services and Educational Leadership Summer 2008 Note: This syllabus represents a tentative plan. Therefore, the instructor may make changes during the semester if circumstances warrant alterations. Course: Instructor: E-Mail: Office Hours: Home Phone: Class Sessions: SSLS 834 Curriculum Development July 7 – August 1 (3 hours credit) Dr. Brenda Roberts broberts@pittstate.edu M-TH 9:00-11:00 a.m. (on-line) By appointment (417) 781-2350 Mediated Course, ANGEL Internet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE DESCRIPTION In SSLS 834 Curriculum Development students examine the fundamental concepts underlying the school curriculum and their application to planning and development; social responsibility of the school; pupil needs and purposes; criteria for the selection of the curriculum content; appraisal of new trends and policies designed to improve the effectiveness of the school. COURSE PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. To demonstrate an understanding of different curriculum theories. To demonstrate an understanding of various curriculum approaches. To summarize major research related to curriculum. To identify sources of the curriculum. To identify the components of effective teaching/learning situations. To analyze innovations on the basis of curriculum theory. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES Required text: McNeil, J.D. (2003). Curriculum: The teacher’s initiative. 3rd edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Merrill-Prentice Hall. [ISBN 1-13-093804-1] Additionally, students will read short articles from related professional journals and utilize online resources via the World Wide Web. Other resources you will need: As this is a mediated course, ANGEL Internet will be utilized to facilitate your online learning experiences. You will need access to a computer with the following capabilities: Internet connection 1 Internet browser Microsoft Word Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Acrobat Reader You also need an active email address that you can check daily and that can handle uploading files and downloading files. You will also need a PSU ID number so that you can access the ANGEL site for this course. When you first enrolled at PSU, the University assigned this number to you. Finally, you will need a GUS PIN (Personal Identification Number) so that you can find out your final grade in this course as well as enroll for future classes. Off campus library access to the PSU Axe Library databases is now available. You will need your PSU ID# and a Gus PIN. You may want to bookmark the Axe Library home page. TEACHING STRATEGIES Teaching strategies will include class discussion, short writing projects, peer review, literature and publications review, team projects, written projects, and power point presentations. This class will use ANGEL as the tool to facilitate the class sessions. You are already entered into the following site: 08SU-SSLS-834-98 Curriculum Development Please check that you can access this ANGEL site. You can access ANGEL by going to the PSU home page and clicking the ANGEL Login. First time login instructions can be found on the ANGEL home page. If you have difficulties gaining access, please contact Dr. Roberts immediately. Going Digital!! This is a paperless class; therefore, all your work will be submitted digitally. As you do your written assignments, please use the following procedure: 1. Use Microsoft WORD as your word processor. 2. Include the following heading on each page of your assignment documents: Name Email address Date submitted Assignment title 3. When you name your file, please use the following format that puts your last name first: LASTNAME Shortassignmenttitle.doc Example: ROBERTS ArticleSummary.doc 2 You must always include the file extension .doc so that my machine will recognize your file as a WORD document and I can open it. This is particularly important as we cross platforms (from Mac to Windows). 4. Assignments will be submitted through ANGEL or by email. Additional procedural information will be provided with the first assignment. Sometimes work gets lost in cyberspace. For this reason, ALWAYS keep a digital copy (and a backup) of all your work. CLASS PARTICIPATION Due to the online format for this class, plan to check your email and the course ANGEL site on a daily basis (M-F). The individual assignments and group activities constitute an important part of the course and will have a designated due date. However, if circumstances dictate that you must miss checking in for a few days, please inform your instructor beforehand and other students that you may be working directly with. EVALUATION OF STUDENT LEARNING It is anticipated that all students will satisfactorily complete the following responsibilities/assignments as identified for this course. Students will be assessed in relation to course objectives through multiple indicators. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Satisfactory completion of Profile activity. Satisfactory completion of beginning-of-semester Philosophy Statement #1. Satisfactory completion of chapter assignments. Satisfactory completion of end-of-semester Philosophy Statement #2. Satisfactory participation/completion of group curriculum development project. RESPECT FOR THE INTEGRITY OF THE ACADEMIC PROCESS In both Professional Behavior and Social and Emotional Well-being for Faculty & Students The rights and responsibilities that accompany academic freedom are at the heart of the intellectual purposes of the University. Our conduct as community members should protect and promote the University’s pursuit of its academic mission. We are all, therefore, expected to conduct ourselves with integrity in our learning, teaching and research, an in the ways in which we support those endeavors. 3