ELEMENTARY EDUCATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE November 10, 2011 8:00 a.m. Dr. Becky Brannock, Steve Brown, Patty Clay, Dr. Jean Dockers, Dr. Julie Samuels, Dr. Kathy Spillman, Amber Tankersly and Dr. Marti York attended the meeting. Ex-officio members in attendance were Dr. Alice Sagehorn and Dr. Howard Smith. Dr. Hazel Coltharp, Dr. Tim Flood and Dr. Duane Whitbeck attended as guests. A discussion was held on requiring background checks for Teacher Education. It was noted that no other Regents institutions currently require background checks for their students. However, PSU is one of only two institutions that does not require an admission application fee. Discussion was held on whether it should be required with entry to the program, entry to the Professional Semester or at both points. Dr. Dockers will contact KSDE about the possibility of the background check being sufficient for the check required with the application for initial license. Dr. Alice Sagehorn motioned to implement a background check requirement upon application to Teacher Education as well as application to the Professional Semester. Dr. Becky Brannock seconded the motion. All were in favor. Discussion was then held regarding the Math course requirements for Early Childhood Unified majors. Dr. Duane Whitbeck shared concerns from the department of Family and Consumer Science. The department would like to see the ECU program closer to a four year program and believe that Math 304 Mathematics for Education II are above what should be required of the major. He also indicated that Math is infused throughout the program. Dr. Hazel Coltharp shared the requirements of other Regents institutions and comparable universities in the state of Missouri. Of the 7 compared universities, the lowest Math requirement was two courses for a total of 5 credit hours. It was noted that math standards for both the Early Childhood Unified (Birth through Third Grade) and Early Childhood-Late Childhood (Kindergarten through Sixth Grade) are identical. Dr. Whitbeck proposed that a program change be made for Early Childhood Unified majors regarding Psych 263 Developmental Psychology. The department would like students to have the option of Psych 263 or FCS 285 Lifespan Human Development. He expressed that the FCS department sees the courses as having the same content but approached from a different perspective – FCS 285 from the family perspective where PSYCH 263 has a psychological approach. Feedback from their students indicates that FCS 285 better prepares them for their other FCS courses. It was noted that PSYCH 263 is a prerequisite course for PSYCH 357 Educational Psychology. PSYCH 357 is a required course for ECU majors. Dr. Brannock will share the discussion with the Psychology and Counseling department for their response. The next meeting will be Thursday, December 15th at 8:00 a.m. It will be held in 126 Hughes Hall.