College of Education Council for Teacher Education Meeting Minutes

College of Education
Council for Teacher Education
Meeting Minutes
April 1 and 4, 2011 -Ballot Meetings
(via email due to time restraint)
Ballot meetings of the Council for Teacher Education was held with ballots to be
returned by April 4, to the College of Education. Ballots were sent for the following
PSYCH: Course Revision – 834 Introduction to Human Neuropsychology
PSYCH: Course Deletion – Removing PSYCH 770 Forensic Psychology
PSYCH: Existing 759 Advanced Dev. Psychology
Proposed – 859 Advanced Dev. Psychology
PSYCH: Request for Degree changes – MS in Psychology
Courses to be added to candidacy: PSYCH 859 Adv Dev Psych and PSYCH 834
Intro to Human Neuropsych
Courses to be deleted from candidacy: 761 History and Systems, 724 Physio
Psych, 685 Psych of Personality, 756 Social Psych and 759 Adv Dev Psych
PSYCH: Course Revision – PSYCH 740: Topics in Psychology
ARTS AND SCIENCES: Change to the Bachelor of Fine Arts with Art Education
Course additions: 6 credit hours in General Education (Social Sciences and
Course deletions: 3 credit hours in the Fine Art Component (Art 236 Drawing II).
Students will be offered Art 236 as one of the lower level electives.
ARTS AND SCIENCES: Dept. – History, Philosophy and Social Sciences
New course proposals: 528-Korea since 1700-3 credit hours, 529-History of
South Asia, 531-Samurai: History, Literature, Myth, 532-History of Japanese
Women and 533-0US-East Asia relations.
ARTS AND SCIENCES: Dept. History-Change in Existing Course
Course description change – HIST 579-Supervised Student Teaching and Followup of Teachers
Delete: Offered on a Pass-Fail Basis Only
Council for Teacher Education Email Ballot Meeting Minutes –
April 4, 2011
The above changes were approved by a one-fourth majority of the council. There
were no dissenting votes. Therefore, the changes as proposed have been passed. The
ballots will be attached to the minutes for review.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen LaSota
Senior Administrative Specialist