TROY UNIVERSITY MASTER SYLLABUS SORRELL COLLEGE OF BUSINESS MGT 4480 Technology and Innovation Management Prerequisites QM 3345 Course Description This course requires the student to take a hands-on approach to investigate the strategic implications of technology and innovation for manufacturing and service organizations that operate in dynamic environments. The course provides a study of leading-edge product and process technologies, emerging organizational and social issues that influence the adoption of technology, and methods for forecasting future trends in technology. Assurance of Learning: Assurance of Learning Learning Goal 1: Investigate the strategic implications of technology and innovation for manufacturing and service organizations. To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives: Objective 1: Explain the relationship between technology and innovation to successful business strategy. Measure: Essay question: What is the relationship between technology and innovation to successful business strategy? Objective 2: Create business strategy that incorporates technology. Measure: Business case that requires technology integration Learning Goal 2: Study innovative product and process technologies To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives: Objective 1: Differentiate between process and product innovation. Measure: Essay question: What is the difference between process and product innovation? Objective 2: Evaluate the efficacy of leading-edge process and technologies Measure: Completion of evaluation rubric and research-based justification of answers. Master Syllabi are developed by the senior faculty in each business discipline. This Master Syllabus must be used as the basis for developing the instructor syllabus for this course, which must also comply with the content specifications outlined in the Troy University Faculty Handbook. The objectives included on this Master Syllabus must be included among the objectives on the instructor’s syllabus, which may expand upon the same as the instructor sees fit. The statement of purpose seeks to position the course properly within the curriculum and should be consulted by faculty as a source of advisement guidance. Specific choice of text and other details are further subject to Program Coordinator guidance. 1 August 2005 Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 2 Learning Goal 3: Study emerging organizational, including financial, and social issues that influence the adoption of technology To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives: Objective 1: Explain critical factors that impact an organization’s management of innovation and technology Measure: Essay question: Explain critical factors that impact an organization’s management of innovation and technology. Objective2: Develop recommendations to address management problems related to innovation and technology management Measure: project rubric Learning Goal 4: Study how the principles of continuous improvement relate to customer satisfaction, process improvement, and corporate strategy. To meet this goal, the student must complete the following objectives: Objective 1: Explain how the principles of continuous improvement relate to 1) customer satisfaction, 2) process improvement, and 3) corporate. Objective 2: Design an innovative and improved product or service using the Plan, Do, Check, Act framework from the Baldridge Performance Excellence criteria. Measure: Innovation rubric; project rubric Purpose To prepare Management majors to deal with the challenges of differentiation through technology and innovation. Three important issues are studied in the course: (1) The different types of technology; (2) the factors that influence the adoption or rejection of new technologies; (3) how technology choices impact an organization’s corporate strategy. BABA/BSBA Global Business concentration specified required for Management and General Business. Approved Texts Required: Fast Company magazine subscription Required: Baldridge Performance Excellence Criteria ( Lord, M., deBethizy, D., & Wager, J. (2005 or current). Innovation that fits: Moving beyond the fads to choose the RIGHT innovation strategy for your business (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies) Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 3 Narayanan, V. K. (2001 or current). Managing technology and innovation for competitive advantage (1st ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. White, M. A. & Bruton, G. D. (2011). The management of technology and innovation: A strategic approach (2nd ed). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Supplements: Christensen, C. M. (1997, 2011). The Innovator’s Dilemma. Harvard Business Press Appendix: Project Rubric Grading Rubric for MGT 4480 Project Student: Objective: The purpose of this project is to give the student a forum to display his/her best work in a professional presentation that demonstrates a full working knowledge of innovation management tools and knowledge. Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies) Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 CRITERIA 1. Professionalism 2. Organization 3. Mechanics 4 POOR = 40 POINTS* Papers are wrinkled; paper is poor quality; binding is poor or nonexistent; missing fundamental components; does not demonstrate knowledge of professional business writing. AVERAGE = 70 POINTS Plain, vanilla; indicates no extra effort; all components are included; bound in some manner; demonstrates knowledge of professional business writing. EXCELLENT = 100 POINTS Presentation is neat, colorful; high quality paper; extra components are included; binding is neat and allows easy access of materials. Professional business writing provides the foundation for the presentation. 4 points No sequence; difficult to understand; No paragraphs. 7 points There is order to the information; order is not highlighted. Uses paragraph form, but sentences may not be related. 4 points Presentation has four or more spelling errors, grammar errors; presentation is “slapped together;” four or more word use errors; is difficult to understand the intended meaning; is not competitive against other presentations. 7 points Presentation has two/three misspellings or grammar errors; presentation is complete but no extra effort is demonstrated. Two or three word use errors; intended meaning can be deciphered; will not be competitive with an excellent presentation, but looks good next to 10 points Information is sequenced and easily identifiable; may contain index, dividers, or other organizational tools; uses paragraph form with topical sentences that are supported by remainder of the paragraph. 10 points Error free; presentation demonstrates extra effort on the part of the student to create a positive image; writing is clear and concise. TOTAL Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies) Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 5 the poor presentation. 4 points Leaves out two or more of the matrices or analyses; relies on a soft research base and does not tie the research to the project. 4. Necessary components 4 points Superfluous or no graphics. 5. Graphics 6. Specialty 7. Recommendations 8. Accuracy 9. Ancillaries 7 points Leaves out one analysis; uses a strong research base to support recommendations. 7 points Graphics are used but may not support the text. 4 points 7 points Student’s specialty is Student’s specialty is not highlighted in the given special case report. consideration but may not be integrated into the case effectively (addressed in the strategies of the organization). 4 points 7 points Recommendations are Recommendations not justified nor have been justified grounded in research. and grounded in research. 4 points 7 points Information/recommen Information/recomme dations are the result ndations are based on of faulty reasoning or correct application of misapplication of tools and information. tools. 4 points The ancillaries to this project are weak or nonexistent. Powerpoint may be ineffective or there 7 points The ancillaries meet requirements but do not effectively highlight the innovation and 10 points The analyses are complete and grounded in a solid research base; justification of decisions is integrated into the report. 10 points Graphics are used to explain and reinforce the text. 10 points Student’s specialty is highlighted and integrated meaningfully into the strategic plan. 10 points Recommendations are creative, based in research, and well justified. 10 points Student demonstrates innovative and creative applications of tools and information. 10 points Ancillaries are engaging and clever to the reasonable adult. They highlight the Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies) Master Syllabus: MGT 4480 10. Objective 6 may be poor support for the report. creativity of the project. 4 points Not met; student does not clearly demonstrate her/his knowledge of the strategic management process and tools consistently. This report will suffer when compared to other reports and presentations. 7 points Meets the objective: Student demonstrates a consistent knowledge of the strategic management process and tools through the materials in the case report. This report will look “okay” but bland next to the excellent report. 4 points 7 points innovative and creative nature of the project. 10 points Exceeds the objective: Student demonstrates a consistent and superior knowledge of the strategic management process and tools in a manner that makes a clearly positive statement about the student’s work. This report will be professional and cannot be identified as student work. 10 points Total Comments: * The instructor reserves the right to grade exceptionally poor work below 40 points. Troy University Faculty Handbook (2010): Section [extract] — essential elements of the syllabus (somewhat modified for space): 1. Course title 2. Course number + section 3. Term 4. Instructor 5. Prerequisites 6. Office hours 7. Class days, times 8. Classroom location 9. Office location + e-mail address 10. Office telephone 11. Course description, objectives 12. Text(s) 13. Other materials 14. Grading methods, 16. General supports criterion weights, (computer works, make-up policy, writing center) mid-term grade 17. Daily assignments, reports holidays, add/drop 15. Procedure, course & open dates, dead requirements day, final exam 18. ADA statement 19. Electronic device statement 20. Additional services, statements 21. Absence policy 22. Incomplete-work policy 23. Cheating policy 24. Specialization requirements (certification, licensure, teacher competencies)