1 Intake and dietary sources of haem and non-haem iron in Flemish preschoolers 2 3 Inge Huybrechts1,2, Yi Lin1, Willem De Keyzer1,3, Christophe Matthys4,1, Linda Harvey5,6, 4 Aline Meirhaeghe7, Jean Dallongeville7, Beatriz Sarria8, Guy De Backer1, Stefaan De 5 Henauw1,3 6 7 1 Department of Public Health, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium 8 2 Dietary Exposure Assessment group, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 9 Lyon, France 10 3 Department of Nutrition and dietetics, University College Ghent, Gent, Belgium 11 4 Clinical and experimental Endocrinology, KULeuven, Leuven, Belgium. 12 5 Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich, NR4 7UA, UK 13 6 School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 14 7TJ, UK 15 7 INSERM, U744; Institut Pasteur de Lille; Univ. Lille Nord de France, Lille, France 16 8 Department of Metabolism and Nutrition, Food Science and Technology and Nutrition 17 Institute (ICTAN), Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) 28040 Madrid, Spain. 18 19 Running title: iron intakes among preschoolers 20 Key words: dietary sources, iron, child 21 1 22 *Corresponding author: Inge Huybrechts, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine 23 and Health Sciences, Ghent University, UZ – 2 Blok A, De Pintelaan 185, B-9000 Ghent, 24 Belgium. Tel: +32 (0)9 332 24 23, Fax: +32 (0)9 332 49 94, email: inge.huybrechts@ugent.be 25 26 Total number of words in abstract: 247 27 Total number of words in manuscript: 2990 28 Funding for this project was provided by the Belgian Nutrition Information Center. 29 30 Abbreviations 31 IOM: Institute of Medicine 32 WHO: World Health Organization 33 FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization 34 SHC: Superior Health Council 35 DRI: Dietary reference intakes 36 EAR: Estimated Average Requirement 37 EDR: Estimated Dietary Record 38 SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 39 FBDG: Food Based Dietary Guidelines 40 41 2 42 Abstract 43 Background/Objectives: In the absence of biochemical data on iron status in preschoolers, 44 data on the adequacy of iron intake may be used to assess the possible risk of iron deficiency 45 in this population group. Therefore, this study aims to investigate iron intake and its food 46 sources in Flemish preschoolers. 47 Subjects/Methods: 661 Flemish preschoolers 2.5-6.5 years old were recruited via a random 48 cluster sampling design, using schools as primary sampling units. Three-day estimated diet 49 records were used to assess dietary intakes. The contribution to iron intake (haem and non- 50 haem) of 57 food groups was computed by summing the amount provided by the food group 51 for all individuals divided by the total intake for all individuals. 52 Results: Mean total iron intake (s.d.) was 7.4 ( 2.3) and 6.7 ( 2.8) mg/day for boys and 53 girls, respectively. 65% of the children <4 years old and 45% of those 4-6.5 years old 54 presented adequate iron intakes. The food groups with the highest mean proportional 55 contribution to total iron intake were bread, meat & meat products, breakfast cereals and 56 sweet snacks (in that order). Children from small families whose mother had a low 57 educational level had higher iron intakes. 58 Conclusions: Iron intakes were similar for boys and girls and almost half of the Flemish 59 preschoolers doenot comply with the dietary iron recommendations. 60 61 3 62 Introduction 63 Iron is an essential nutrient for humans, having a prominent position in a number of 64 physiological processes, such as oxygen transport and storage, oxidative energy production 65 and others (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1998; FAO/WHO, 2004; 66 Hoge Gezondheidsraad, 2006). Iron is present in different forms (haem and non-haem) with 67 differences in characteristics and bioavailability (haem iron has a higher bioavailability than 68 non-haem iron). Long term, inadequate iron intake can lead to iron deficiency anaemia, loss 69 of appetite, lassitude, delayed psychomotor and cognitive infant and child development and 70 lower resistance to infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1998; 71 FAO/WHO, 2004). 72 Pynaert and colleagues reported insufficient iron intakes among Belgian adolescents 73 investigated in 1997, with 99.5% of the 13-18 years old girls and 38.8% of the boys not 74 reaching Belgian dietary recommendations (Pynaert et al, 2005). When bioavailable iron was 75 considered (using absorption factors of 25% for haem iron (FAO/WHO, 2004) and 10% for 76 non-haem iron (Heath & Fairweather-Tait, 2002), 84.5% of the adolescent boys and only 77 16.5% of the girls met the age-specific requirement (Pynaert et al, 2005). However, there are 78 no data related to the intake of bioavailable iron among Belgian children. Moreover, there are 79 no biochemical data on iron status in this population group. Therefore, data on the adequacy 80 of iron intake may indicate the possible risk of iron deficiency in Belgian preschoolers. 81 This study investigates the intake of total, haem and non-haem, iron among Flemish 82 preschoolers and the percentage of children reaching the new Belgian iron recommendations. 83 In addition, the most important food sources that contribute to children’s dietary iron intakes 84 were investigated and the potentially associated variables studied. 85 4 86 Methods 87 Survey population 88 This study used data from the Flanders preschool dietary survey (data collected from October 89 2002 until February 2003), in which usual dietary intake of Flemish preschoolers (2.5-6.5 y 90 old) was estimated from 3-day estimated dietary records (3d EDR), completed by parents. 91 The sampling design and methods have been described in detail previously, along with the 92 response rate and the representativeness of the study sample (50% response rate and 49% 93 after data-cleaning) (Huybrechts et al, 2008). In brief, a random cluster sampling design at the 94 level of schools, stratified by province and age was used (Huybrechts et al, 2008). 95 The percentage of underreporters has been described in depth previously and was shown to be 96 low (< 2% of the children when using Goldberg cut-offs (Black et al, 1991) adapted for 97 children) (Huybrechts & De Henauw, 2007). Underreporters have not been excluded from the 98 study sample that was used for the analyses here described as similar results were obtained 99 when excluding the underreporters (data not shown). 100 101 The Ethical Committee of the Ghent University Hospital (Belgium) granted ethical approval 102 for the study (file number: 2002/300). All parents of the children participating in the Flanders 103 preschool dietary survey provided informed written consent. 104 105 Assessment of iron intakes 106 Parents were asked to complete estimated dietary records about their child’s food intake on 107 three consecutive days. Details on brand name and/or food type (e.g. low fat) were reported 108 whenever available. Only diaries with three completed record days were included (n 696; 109 66% of collected diaries). 5 110 The Dutch food composition databases NEVO (NEVO, 2001) was used for calculating haem, 111 non-haem and total iron intakes. Losses during preparations were taken into account as all 112 foods were coded “as eaten” and not “as raw”. 113 114 In total 936 foods and composite dishes were encoded in the original database. All recipes 115 that were described in depth as individual ingredients in the diaries were encoded as 116 ingredients in the original database. After linking haem and non-haem iron values (g/100g) of 117 the NEVO table with the detailed food list, all food items were divided into 57 food groups of 118 similar nutrient content or consumption, based on the classification of the Flemish FBDG 119 (VIG, 2004), and the expert opinion of the investigators (see food groups listed in table 3). 120 121 Parental questionnaire about socio-demographic, economic and lifestyle factors 122 To evaluate possible determinants of food consumption habits, a general questionnaire, 123 registering additive information about the child, its parents and the family/household 124 composition was completed by the parents. The authors categorized parental work status 125 (employed or unemployed), education (lower secondary education (only the 3 first years, or less 126 of the secondary education), secondary education or post-secondary education) and smoking 127 status (yes/no); as well as family size (less than two versus two or more children); and child 128 nutritional supplement consumption (yes/no). Children’s physical activity level was estimated 129 by the parents as follows: light means sedentary, medium means that a sport is often practiced 130 and high, that one or more sports are regularly practiced, which involves training. 131 132 Statistical analyses 133 The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version 14 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, 134 IL, USA) was used. In total, 661 children were included in the analyses (age and/or sex were 6 135 missing for 35 children what reduced our sample from 696 to 661 children in the statistical 136 analyses). Mean and median ‘usual’ intakes of the population were calculated using statistical 137 modelling to correct for day-to-day variability in the 3d EDR (Guenther et al, 1997; Nusser et 138 al, 1996). The program used to calculate usual intakes was the Software for Intake 139 Distribution Estimation (C-side) (Iowa State University, 2006). 140 Belgian Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) was 3.9 mg/d for children < 4 years old and 4.2 141 mg/d for children ≥ 4 years old (Gezondheidsraad, 2009),however, no Estimated Average 142 Requirement (EAR) are given. Therefore, the US EAR for preschool aged children was used: 143 3.0 mg/d for children < 4 years old and 4.1 mg/d for children ≥ 4 years old (IOM, 2001). As 144 on average 25% of haem iron (FAO/WHO, 2004) and 10% of non-haem iron (Heath & 145 Fairweather-Tait, 2002) are absorbable, bioavailable iron intake was estimated as follows 146 (Pynaert et al, 2005): bioavailable iron intake = (haem iron intake 0.25) + (non-haem iron 147 intake 0.10) (FAO/WHO, 2004). Since all these recommendations included different 148 reference values for children under four years old and children at least four years old, we 149 calculated the median intakes for these two different age groups (2.5-3 years old versus 4-6.5 150 years old) (Table 2). For determining the proportion of preschoolers who had an iron intake 151 below the recommendations the full probability approach was used (Carriquiry, 1999; Gibson 152 & Ferguson, 2008). 153 The population proportion formula was used to determine the percentage contribution of each 154 of the 57 food groups to the intake of each dietary component (haem and non-haem iron). 155 This was done by summing the amount of the component provided by the food for all 156 individuals divided by the total intake of that component from all foods for the entire study 157 population (Fox et al, 2006; Krebs-Smith et al, 1989; Royo-Bordonada et al, 2003). 158 A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to test for normality. To compare the means of 159 different groups, the Independent-Samples T-Test was used for normally distributed data, 7 160 otherwise the Mann–Whitney U test was used. All analyses were also executed using bio- 161 available total iron intake. 162 A generalized linear model (GLM) was used to investigate the associations of total iron, 163 haem-iron and non-haem iron intake (dependent variables) with the sociodemographic, 164 economic and lifestyle variables available in parental questionnaires (independent variables). 165 Associations were simultaneously controlled for all variables included in the models: total 166 energy intake, sex, age, physical activity level, supplement use, household size, occupational 167 status and educational level of the parents and smoking of the parents. Interactions of the 168 independent variables with age and gender were also included (only the interactions between 169 mother’s education level and age were significantly influenced total iron, and non-haem iron 170 status). Afterward, a fitted model was used by reducing the full model until only statistically 171 significant (p<0.01) variables were left. . This was done by several backward steps, so that the 172 least significant covariable is dropped except it is significant at the critical level of 0.01. The 173 reduced models are successively re-fitted applying the same rule until all remaining variables 174 are statistically significant. The Type I Wald Chi-Square test was used to determine 175 significance. A P-value of <0.01 was taken in order to reduce the probability of false-positive 176 findings. 177 178 Results 179 In Table 1 the energy intake (kcal/day), the absolute (mg/day) and energy-adjusted 180 (mg/1000 kcal) intake of total, haem and non-haem iron intake in boys and girls separately are 181 shown. 182 8 183 Insert Table 1 184 The absolute mean intake of non-haem and haem iron respectively was on average 6.9 and 0.6 185 mg/day for boys and 6.2 and 0.6 mg/day for girls, respectively. The higher intake of non- 186 haem iron compared with haem iron was consistently observed in boys and girls. Although 187 significant differences were found between genders for total iron intake and non-haem iron 188 intakes (p<0.001), no significant differences were found after correcting for energy intake. 189 190 Table 2 shows the median iron intakes and the percentage of the population that reaches iron 191 intake recommendations using the full probability approach. Also median bioavailable iron 192 intakes (mg/day) in the different age categories are shown. The median intake of total iron 193 and bioavailable iron was above the EAR in both age categories (Table 2). The percentage of 194 children meeting the iron recommendation was 65% and 45% in the youngest and oldest age 195 group respectively (table 2). 196 197 Insert Table 2 198 While the dietary reference intakes for iron differed between the two age groups, the reference 199 intakes for boys were the same as for girls in the three different dietary recommendations 200 discussed above. When stratifying for gender, the proportions of children meeting the iron 201 recommendations when using the full probability approach was very similar between boys 202 and girls and comparable to the values given for the total population in table 2 (data not 203 shown). 204 9 205 The average proportional contribution of different food groups to dietary total, haem and non- 206 haem iron intakes is shown in Table 3. Food groups with the highest mean proportional 207 contribution to total dietary iron intake in both boys and girls were in the following order: 208 bread (14.5%), meat & meat products (10.5%), breakfast cereals (10.2%) and sweet snacks 209 (9.5%). For haem iron, the main contributors were meat & meat products (69.5%), cold cuts 210 from meat products (18.5%) and poultry (5.6%). For non-haem iron, the main contributors 211 were bread (15.9%), breakfast cereals (11.2%), and sweet snacks (10.4%), followed by 212 sugared milk drinks (6.7%), and cooked vegetables (6.3%).The contributions for the total 213 study population are presented in table 3, being the contributions for both genders similar 214 (data not shown). 215 216 Insert Table 3 217 Associations of socio-demographic factors with total iron, haem and non-haem iron intakes 218 are shown in Table 4. Total energy intake and mother’s lower secondary education were 219 positively associated with total, haem and non-haem iron intake. The maternal educational 220 level was inversely associated with total, haem and non-haem iron intake (p<0.004) (Table 4). 221 Children from lower educated mothers had significantly higher iron intakes compared with 222 children from higher educated mothers. In addition, children from smaller families had higher 223 total iron and non-haem iron intakes than those from bigger families (>2 children). In 224 contrast, age was negatively associated with total and non-haem iron intakes. 225 226 Insert Table 4 227 10 228 Discussion 229 Previous research reported insufficient iron intakes among Belgian adolescents, mainly in 230 adolescent girls (13-18 years old) (Pynaert et al, 2005). When bioavailable iron was 231 considered, 84.5% of the adolescent boys and only 16.5% of the girls met the age-specific 232 requirement (Pynaert et al, 2005). However, data related to the intake of bioavailable iron 233 among Belgian children is lacking, as well as biochemical data on their iron status. Therefore, 234 we evaluated the iron intake of the children in order to assess the possible risk of iron 235 deficiency in this population group. We observed that total iron intakes were higher among 236 boys than among girls, however this difference disappeared when correcting for total energy 237 intake. When comparing total dietary intakes with the recommendations via the full 238 probability approach, 65% of the children <4 years old had total iron intakes above the iron 239 recommendation and 45% in the age group 4-6.5 years old. This means that almost half of the 240 preschool aged population in Belgium has inadequate iron intakes when comparing with the 241 recommendations. 242 243 A comparison of iron intake in Flemish preschoolers with other preschool populations from 244 other countries is difficult to make and needs to be interpreted carefully, mainly because of 245 potential differences in methodology, study population and dietary reference values used. 246 Furthermore, only few studies reported bioavailable iron or haem and non-haem iron 247 separately. Taking this into account, our iron intake results were comparable with those from 248 France, the Netherlands and the UK (Lambert et al, 2004). This review reported that iron 249 intakes in 2- to 3-year-olds ranged from about 5 to 10 mg/d, and those of 4- to 6-year-old 250 boys and girls from around 6 to 13 mg/d (Lambert et al, 2004). 11 251 In the DONALD cohort in Germany, detailed data were collected on diet, metabolism, growth 252 and development from healthy subjects between infancy and adulthood. Food consumption 253 was assessed with 3-day weighed dietary records. From 1995–2000, mean iron intake in the 254 age category 4–8 y was 8 (SD=2.1) mg/day which was slightly higher than in our population 255 (Sichert-Hellert & Kersting, 2003). 256 In our study, bread is the main source of total iron intake (15%), followed by meat (11%) and 257 breakfast cereals (10%). Meat was the primary source of haem iron intake (32%). The 258 contribution of breakfast cereals to iron intake was much higher in US children than in 259 Flemish preschoolers. Subar et al. already reported an important contribution from fortified 260 foods to different micronutrients in US children in 1989-1991 (Subar et al, 1998). 261 Comparison with the main iron contributors among 4-year old Swedish children showed that 262 meat products had a higher contribution to total iron intakes (23%), whereas bread had a 263 much lower (<10%) (Garemo et al, 2007). 264 265 As previously indicated, there are no data available on biological iron status in our study 266 population, thus it is not clear to what extent the observed intake translates into adequate 267 overall iron status. It is known that the risk for iron deficiency (serum ferritin < 12 µg/L)) is 268 apparent, especially in adolescent girls. For instance, in Great Britain, the National Diet and 269 Nutrition Survey (1997) of young people (aged 4–18 y), demonstrated that iron status indices 270 were strongly correlated with haem iron intake, but not with total or non-haem iron intake, 271 and improved with increasing meat consumption (Thane et al, 2003). Low haemoglobin levels 272 were observed in 9% of children aged 4- y old (Thane et al, 2003). 273 From a Swedish follow-up study that began at age 6 months, Ohlund and colleagues reported 274 that prevalences of anaemia and iron deficiency were low, affecting 2 (1.8%) and 3 (2.8%) 275 children at the age of 4 y (n = 127), respectively; no child had iron deficiency anaemia 12 276 (Ohlund et al, 2008). These authors also showed that food choices had little effect on iron 277 status and that haemoglobin concentrations and mean corpuscular volume tend to track from 278 infancy into childhood. In this study, dietary iron intake was not significantly correlated with 279 hemoglobin concentrations, whereas the consumption of meat products had a positive effect 280 on serum ferritin concentrations and mean corpuscular volume in boys (P = 0.015 and 0.04, 281 respectively). In healthy, well-nourished children with a low prevalence of iron deficiency, 282 the mother's haemoglobin concentration was significantly associated with that of her child, 283 but the underlying mechanism is unclear (Ohlund et al, 2008). 284 285 When looking at possible child or family characteristics that could be associated with dietary 286 intakes, the authors found a significant influence of the educational level of the mother and 287 family size on total iron and haem-iron intake in preschool aged children (children from lower 288 educated mothers and small families had higher iron intakes). Possible explanations for these 289 associations between participant characteristics and iron intake are the fact that people with 290 different socio-economic status might have different dietary behaviours that lead to different 291 iron intakes. 292 293 Our study presents the following strengths and limitations. A large representative sample of 294 661 Flemish preschoolers participated in the study. Although, willingness to participate leads 295 to some selection bias, these data represent a more general population of preschool children in 296 Flanders compared to other food consumption surveys which are mostly restricted to local 297 areas. Nonetheless, as previously shown (Huybrechts et al, 2008), the study sample was 298 subject to certain selection bias, with lower socio-economic classes being underrepresented. It 299 is also noteworthy that like any dietary assessment methodology, diet records are prone to a 300 degree of misreporting that may have influenced our classification of compliance and non13 301 compliance with Dietary reference intakes (DRI). In addition, a 3d diet record does not 302 necessarily reflect an individual’s usual intake. Therefore, a statistical modelling method that 303 accounts for within-individual variability was used to calculate usual iron intakes (except for 304 the food group intakes reported in table 3). Since all days of the week were included in the 305 study, it was possible to adjust our data to remove the effect of the day of the week. 306 Unfortunately, it was impossible to correct for seasonal variations, because our fieldwork was 307 only conducted during autumn and wintertime. No data were found relating to potential 308 seasonal influences on nutrient intakes in this population group in Belgium. However, from 309 the National food consumption survey in 2004, it could be concluded that seasonal variations 310 were only limited at the nutrient level (De Vriese et al, 2006). These low seasonal variations 311 could be due to the widespread availability of most foods all year round. 312 In addition, it should be noted that food composition data, used for calculating nutrient intakes 313 might also introduce some error in dietary surveys reporting nutrient intakes. Food 314 composition data is essential for calculating nutrient intakes from consumption data. 315 However, most of the available food composition tables do not include detailed data on haem 316 and non-haem iron, therefore the authors were not able to use the Belgian food composition 317 table (NUBEL). The food composition table from The Netherlands (NEVO) was the only 318 FCT available from a neighbouring country with similar food consumption habits that 319 included haem and non-haem iron data. Therefore this FCT was used instead of our Belgian 320 Nubel table. However, using a food composition table from another country might have some 321 limitations since differences in food composition might exist between different countries for 322 similar food items. Furthermore, not all Belgian food items were included in the NEVO table 323 what required extra calculations via recipes/ingredients or what forced us to use information 324 from a similar food item that was available in the NEVO table. Therefore, the authors would 14 325 like to emphasize the growing requirement for robust food composition data as described by 326 Westenbrink and colleagues (Westenbrink et al, 2009). 327 328 The data presented in this paper do not include the use of iron supplements as this information 329 was not included in the three-day dietary records. However, from the food frequency 330 questionnaire used in the Flanders preschool dietary survey, it could be concluded that only 331 1.3% of the children were using iron supplements, limiting the impact of the absence of this 332 variable in our study (Huybrechts et al, 2010). 333 334 Conclusion 335 Iron intakes were similar for boys and girls (when adjusting for energy intake) and the mean 336 iron intake of the majority of Flemish preschoolers complies with several (inter)national 337 dietary iron recommendations. However, almost half of the children seem to have inadequate 338 iron intakes when comparing with the recommendations via the full probability approach. The 339 educational level of the mother and family size were the only socio-economic factors that had 340 a significant influence on total iron and haem-iron intake in preschool aged children (children 341 from lower educated mothers and small families had higher iron intakes). 342 343 344 Acknowledgement 345 We thank all the parents and teachers who participated into this project and generously 346 volunteered their time and knowledge. We also acknowledge Mia Bellemans and Mieke De 347 Maeyer, the dieticians of our team, who were responsible for the data input. In addition we 348 would like to thank Dr. Ilse Pynaert for her assistance in the data linking procedures to 15 349 calculate the haem and non-haem iron intakes. Funding for this project was provided by the 350 Belgian Nutrition Information Center. 351 352 Inge Huybrechts was responsible for the study design, fieldwork, analyses and the writing of 353 the manuscript. Christophe Matthys, Guy De Backer and Stefaan De Henauw contributed in 354 the conceptualisation of the study design and the development of the questionnaires. Yi Lin 355 and Willem De Keyzer assisted in the statistical analyses. Linda Harvey, Aline Meirhaeghe 356 and Jean Dalongeville and Beatriz Sarria assisted in the interpretation of the results and in the 357 writing of the manuscript. All authors assisted in the writing of the manuscript. 358 359 Conflict of Interest 360 There is no conflict of interest to report 361 362 16 363 Table 1 – Description of energy intake (kcal/day), absolute (mg/day) and energy-adjusted 364 (mg/1000 kcal) intake of total, haem and non-haem iron and the ratio of non-haem/haem iron 365 intake (mean (s.d.)) in boys (n=338) and girls (n=323). Total group Mean SD Boys (n=338) Energy(kcal/d) 1509.4 287.5 Total iron (mg/d) 7.4 2.3 Haem iron (mg/d) 0.6 0.4 Non-haem iron (mg/d) 6.9 2.2 Total iron (mg/1000kcal) 4.9 1.3 Haem iron (mg/1000kcal) Non-haem iron (mg/1000kcal) 0.4 0.3 4.6 1.2 Girls (n=323) Energy(kcal/d) 1397.6 288.3 Total iron (mg/d) 6.7 2.2 Haem iron (mg/d) 0.6 0.4 Non-haem iron (mg/d) 6.2 2.1 Total iron (mg/1000kcal) 4.8 1.2 Haem iron (mg/1000kcal) Non-haem iron (mg/1000kcal) 0.4 0.3 4.4 1.2 366 367 17 368 Table 2 - Median iron intake (mg/day) and proportions of preschoolers who met the 369 recommendation in children younger than 4 years old (n=197) and children aged 4-6 years old 370 using the full probability approach (n=465). 371 Dietary Age (y) recommendation Referen ce values (mg/d) Median (SE) (mg/d) Percentage >EAR (full probability approach) 65.0 (p<0.01)* <4 3.0 6.47 (0.19) ≥4 4.1 6.87 (0.10) <4 0.46 0.74 (0.02) ≥4 0.50 0.78 (0.01) IOM FAO/WHO Bioavailable iron 45.0 372 373 The Institute of Medicine (IOM) (IOM, 2001) 374 FAO/WHO 2004: required intake of bioavailable iron 375 * Pearson Chi-Square to test for significance level when comparing the two age categories 18 Table 3 - Mean proportional contribution of different food groups to dietary iron intake among Flemish preschoolers. Food intake (g/d) Food group Subgroup Beverages (incl. juices but no drinks from restgroup*) Water Mean (SD) 486.2 Total Iron orde % r 7.1 Haem Iron % order 2.4 Non-Haem Iron % 7.6 224.2 (226.4) 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.1 (90.1) 0.1 0.0 0.1 8.2 (43.5) 0.1 0.0 0.1 172.8 (209.3) 4.2 0.0 4.6 Vegetable juice 0.2 (6.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Soup / bouillon 57.7 (101.7) 2.7 26.1 2.4 Light beverages Tea and coffee without sugar Fruit juice Bread and cereals Bread / rolls / crackers / rice cakes 86.7 70.3 (46.8) 14.5 Sugared bread 7.5 (22.5) 1.4 Breakfast cereals (ready-to-eat / hot) 8.9 (20.0) 10.2 6.7 Potatoes and grains Pasta / noodles Rice Potatoes Vegetables Cooked vegetables 87.2 8 0.0 1 3 order 5 2.8 28.6 0.0 15.9 0.0 1.5 0.0 11.2 7.3 0.0 8 1 2 15.4 (41.0) 1.0 0.0 1.1 6.3 (25.5) 0.4 0.0 0.4 65.0 (69.3) 5.3 6.4 7 0.0 5.8 6 5.7 6 6.3 5 66.5 53.7 (60.1) 0.0 7.0 0.0 19 Food intake (g/d) Food group Subgroup Raw vegetables Fruit (sweetened / unsweetened) Mean (SD) 12.8 (38.3) 109.9 Total Iron orde % r 0.7 3.4 Haem Iron % order Non-Haem Iron % 0.0 0.0 0.8 3.8 Fresh fruit 94.0 (102.7) 2.7 0.0 2.9 Canned fruit 15.4 (45.4) 0.6 0.0 0.7 0.4 (3.7) 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 (1.5) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dried fruit Olives Milk, milk products and calcium enriched soy milk Milka Sugared milk drinks (e.g. Fristi, chocolate milk, …) 439.9 10.4 179.0 (218.5) 0.8 188.3 (226.8) 6.2 4.5 (25.3) Sugared or flavoured yoghurt 0.0 0.9 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.2 (46.9) 0.4 0.0 0.4 Soy drinks 15.7 (82.5) 0.9 0.0 1.0 Milk desserts 19.9 (56.2) 0.5 0.0 0.5 Milk desserts based on soy 2.3 (19.1) 0.1 0.0 0.1 Probiotics (e.g. Actimel, Yakult, …) 0.7 (7.4) 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.3 (43.3) 1.6 0.0 1.7 Yoghurt White (fresh) cheese Chees e 14.5 Hard cheeseb 11.8 (22.6) 0.3 0.2 10 11.4 0.0 5 order 0.0 4 0.4 0.0 0.3 20 Food intake (g/d) Food group Subgroup Mean Cheese spread Fat & oilc (SD) 2.7 (8.8) Total Iron orde % r % 0.1 order % 0.0 0.1 8.6 Haem Iron Non-Haem Iron 0.1 0.0 0.1 Butter / margarine 8.3 (9.5) 0.1 0.0 0.1 Oil 0.3 (1.4) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Frying oil 0.0 (0.6) 0.0 19.3 0.0 96.8 0.0 12.1 Meat / poultry / fish / egg / meat alternates 90.3 69.5 1 5.0 1.6 5.6 3 1.3 8.5 (28.7) 0.9 2.7 4 0.8 Cold cuts (from meat products) 20.7 (30.2) 3.9 18.5 2 2.5 Cold cuts (from fish products) 0.9 (6.8) 0.2 0.5 6 0.1 Eggsd Meat substitutes (e.g. tofu, tempe, …) 5.1 (18.2) 1.5 0.0 1.7 1.7 (11.6) 0.6 0.0 0.6 Nuts and seeds 0.3 (3.4) 0.1 19.5 0.0 0.1 21.3 0.0 0.6 0.0 10.4 Meat, game and meat products 37.2 (46.1) 10.5 Chicken / turkey 15.9 (34.7) Fish / shellfish Restgroup (snacks & desserts) Brioches Sweet snacks (e.g. candy bars, candies) Salty snacks (e.g. chips, salty biscuits) 201.8 3.5 (17.0) 0.6 43.6 (43.5) 9.5 2.1 (9.8) 0.6 2 10 0.2 4 order 0.2 8 7 3 0.7 21 Food intake (g/d) Food group Subgroup Mean Tea and coffee with sugar Soft drinks Salty sauces (e.g. béarnaise, cream sauces) (SD) Total Iron orde % r Haem Iron % order Non-Haem Iron % 3.2 (26.6) 0.0 0.0 0.0 97.7 (169.4) 0.3 0.0 0.4 12.5 (24.9) 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 Cream Sweet sauces (e.g. chocolate or caramel sauce) 0.3 (2.6) 0.8 0.0 0.1 (2.5) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Chocolate 3.1 (9.5) 0.8 0.0 0.9 Chocolate spread Other sweet spread (e.g. jam, honey, …) 9.4 (13.9) 4.0 0.0 4.4 5.3 (11.6) 0.7 0.0 0.7 Sugar 0.1 (0.9) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fried snacks (e.g. churros) 0.1 (2.6) 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.6 (37.7) 1.8 0.1 6.2 (23.2) 0.4 0.6 0.0 French fries / croquettes Sweet desserts (e.g. ice cream, tiramisu, …) Miscellaneous 4.2 9 10 order 9 2.0 0.4 0.6 0.5 Pizza & quiches 2.2 (17.8) 0.3 0.4 7 0.2 Other miscellaneouse 2.0 (21.3) 0.3 0.2 9 0.2 The contributions of each food group are expressed in percentage of daily iron intakes.a Includes cow's milk and goat's milk 22 b Excludes cream cheese c Includes lard / animal fats and regular / low-fat / fat-free versions of cream cheese / sour cream / cream / cream substitutes / half-skimmed products d includes only eggs reported separately and eggs included in disaggregated food mixtures e includes foods or components with negligible contributions to total nutrient intakes that could not be categorized in the above food groups (e.g. herbs and spices / monosodium glutamate / starch / plain gelatin / artificial sweeteners / pectin / cocoa powder / etc.) * The restgroup includes low nutritious, high energy-dense foods that are not recommended on a daily basis 23 Table 4 - Associations of iron intakes with socio-demographic characteristics of participants. Dependent variable: Coefficients β 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Bound Bound value P β SE Intercept -0.053 0.737 -1.498 1.392 0.943 Energy (kcal) 0.006 0.000 0.005 0.006 <0.001 Family size (<2 children) ‡ 2.210 0.746 0.748 3.671 0.003 Lower secondary maternal education‡ 6.272 2.533 1.307 11.236 0.013 Secondary maternal education‡ -0.886 0.643 -2.147 0.374 0.168 Lower secondary maternal education* age -1.182 0.506 -2.174 -0.190 0.020 Secondary maternal education* age 0.142 0.140 -0.131 0.415 0.309 Energy * family size (≤2children) ‡ -0.002 0.000 -0.003 -0.001 0.001 Energy (kcal) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 <0.001 Lower secondary maternal education‡ 0.205 0.071 0.066 0.344 0.004 Secondary maternal education‡ 0.006 0.028 -0.049 0.061 0.832 Energy * family size (≤2children) ‡ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 Energy (kcal) 0.005 0.000 0.004 0.006 <0.001 Age (years) -0.217 0.092 -0.397 -0.037 0.018 Lower secondary maternal education‡ 8.797 2.451 3.993 13.601 <0.001 Secondary maternal education‡ -0.869 0.651 -2.145 0.406 0.181 Family size (≤2children) ‡ Lower secondary maternal education * age 1.922 0.752 0.448 3.397 0.011 -1.718 0.494 -2.685 -0.750 0.001 Secondary maternal education* age 0.146 0.141 -0.131 0.422 0.302 Family size *energy ‡ -0.001 0.000 -0.002 0.000 0.005 Total Iron intake (mg/d) Haem iron (mg/d) Non-haem iron (mg/d) 24 ‡ Mother’s education level (lower secondary education (only the 3 first years, or less of the secondary education), secondary education or higher education) and family size (≤2 children and > 2 children) using higher educated mothers and > 2 children as a reference 25 Reference List Black AE, Goldberg GR, Jebb SA, Livingstone MB, Cole TJ and Prentice AM (1991): Critical evaluation of energy intake data using fundamental principles of energy physiology: 2. 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