Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching Databases Can we use the database to answer marketing questions? We set up our Jalapeño survey in section three of the text to try and answer some basic consumer questions about who might buy jalapeño poppers and why. However, at this point we need to take another look at our database design and decide if the responses we’re getting to the different questions (our fields) are really going to allow us to quantify this survey to any extent. In other words, what will happen when we actually try to query (search) this database to figure out useful information for our marketing efforts for jalapeño poppers. Here’s another look at our database as it stands right now: The responses we’re getting to the questions are all over the board. For example, we want to know when the respondents tend to eat snack foods. Does it really matter that they eat at 8:00pm versus 9:00pm? We really want to know the answer in a matter of broad categories that will help our research. It might make sense in this case to have response categories of morning, afternoon, and evening. Let’s look at the “where shop” field as another example. We don’t really need to know that somebody shops at Sam’s club, orWal-Mart, or K-Mart. As marketers we’re interested that they are making food purchases at discount stores, instead of a grocery store or a convenience store. We don’t need to know the specifics of the store name. For example, we might have different marketing campaigns for our products at a discount store versus a convenience store. 17 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching Establishing Controlled Vocabulary in our database We need to do a little redesigning of the responses for our database to more accurately group our customer’s preferences. Remember when the Library Catalog told you to USE a particular subject heading instead of the one you originally typed? This way all books about women in management have the subject heading women executives. In other words, when you type in women executives as a subject search you should retrieve all the books that have women executives in the subject field. We can apply this same concept to our jalapeño survey database to make our fields more searchable and not have to worry about distinctions that aren’t important to our survey research. This convention of coming up with consistent names for a particular concept is called using controlled vocabulary. In the library catalog we’re concerned that our subject headings for a particular concept, such as women executives, is consistent throughout the database. For our jalapeño database our controlled vocabulary will be our consumer responses to our survey questions. We want their answers to be as consistent as possible within certain parameters, such as they shop at 1)discount store, or 2) convenience store, or 3) grocery store. Let’s take a look at the controlled vocabulary we can use for our survey questions that aren’t already yes/no type answers. Here’s a copy of our survey with the new controlled vocabulary added for responses to each question (field). 18 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching As you‘ll note, we’ve given controlled vocabulary to the “when eat”, “time prep”, and “where shop” fields. For time prep we’ll assume that jalapeño poppers take 10 minutes to cook. This consistent language will help us when we actually go to query (search) the database by particular fields. So you’re aware, usually not all fields in a database are searchable. For example, I haven’t done anything to make the TV snacking field very consistent or searchable. In the library catalog the information about the book, how many pages and illustrations, is a separate field. However, there would be no point in searching this field. It would only answer the questions such as what books are there on women executives that are over x number of pages. The fields that are searchable or can be used for queries are called access points. Database with Controlled Vocabulary Here’s our revised database with the changes made to the controlled vocabulary: 19 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching I’ve only inputted 21 records into this database, but if this were a real survey we’d probably have at least 300. Imagine that we want to query or search this database to isolate the responses in various fields. Searching the database by fields (access points) This is a search by the “when eat” field, also known as an access point. I’ve asked the computer to only retrieve the records where the respondent said that they eat snack foods in the evening. Only evening shows up at the response in the records selected You can search by more than one field (access point) at a time to make your search more precise. In this search we want to find the people who thought the jalapeño poppers were 20 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching pretty good (rating of 3 or 4 or5) and were willing to spend at least 10 minutes in cooking preparation time (numbers 2 or 3 or 4 or 5). We’ve isolated the fields “rate 1-5” and “time prep” for this search. Making a query in an MS Access database So how exactly do you get MS Access to search the fields with the controlled vocabulary that we set up in the database? Here’s the database query screen. We’ll pretend that we only want to find records for survey customers that responded that “yes” they would purchase the product and that they answered “where shop” as at a discount store. 21 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching Here are the search results : How does this translate to library databases? Imagine you are an indexer that works for the companies that put together databases such as IAC Searchbank, Business Abstracts, or FIS Online. It's your job to try and make sense of all the articles and determine what they are really about. In other words, identify the subjects, as well as things like the author, title, journal name, etc. Take a look at the following short article from Business Week and identify the main points: Source: Business Week, Sept 3, 2001 i3747 pEB6. Title: Irksome--and Effective.(pop-under Internet advertising)(Brief Article) Raise your hand if you like junk mail. What, nobody? O.K., who enjoys telemarketing calls? Still no takers? Fortunately for advertisers, it doesn't much matter. Advertising isn't a popularity contest, and consumers often dislike ad tactics that work. Direct mail. Inane TV jingles. Perfume-infused magazines. Annoying, yes, but they get the job done. That's important to keep in mind when evaluating the Web's latest ad phenomenon, the pop-under. If you don't know already, a pop-under is a screen that launches beneath your browser window while you visit a site such as MSN,, or Yahoo! Most surfers don't notice them until they close their browser and find the pop-under ads lurking on their desktops, hawking a company or a product. That's not to everybody's liking. Christine Mohan, a manager at New York Times Digital, says reaction to the site's pop-under ads has been mixed. "In the beginning, people were taken aback--they didn't know where it was coming from," she says. That's an understatement. Everyone I've talked to about pop-unders, which began cluttering desktops last year, had much stronger words. "They're horrible," says my neighbor Joy. "Please tell me you're writing about how they're going away soon." Sorry, Joy. The Times and others will continue to offer pop-unders--and that's smart. Assuming ads must be lovable is a myth the Internet community has to get over, and soon. Dot-coms produced years of creative, cute--and ultimately useless--television advertising. Pop-unders, on the other hand, are a powerful marketing vehicle. Take X10, easily the best-known user of the format. Since launching a pop-under campaign this spring, the wireless camera maker has risen from obscurity to become the fourth most visited site on the Web, outstripping even the likes of e-tailer and auction site eBay. X10 won't talk about results, but it's hard to ignore the brand-building boost it has gotten from pop-unders. Consumers 22 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching may complain about those ads, but they've seen them. Other businesses are testing the pop-under waters. They cost more than banner ads--about $5 per 1,000 impressions, vs. $1 for banners. Early adopters say they're worth it. Discount e-tailer Inc. says traffic is up 66% since it began using pop-under ads on and The New York Times's site. Diet company Nutri/System Inc. has an even better claim: Not only are pop-unders driving site traffic, the visitors are buying. "We are definitely seeing sales," says Chris Dominello, vice-president of marketing. "It's a format that works." And it's on a lot of desktops. Online ad network Inc. has seen sales of pop-unders nearly double every month since November, says CEO David Gross. In that time, the company has served more than 2 billion pop-unders for 20 advertisers on 4,000 sites. Why the surge? Pop-unders are larger than either pop-up or banner ads, and can present more complex graphics. They contain anything from discounts to mysterious teasers. "It's a richer ad with more story to tell," Gross says. Despite such enthusiasm, there are doubters. Analyst Marissa Gluck of Jupiter Media Metrix says pop-unders are a mirage. The impressive 10% click-through rate some have shown isn't as good as it seems: Most visitors leave within seconds. Only about 4% of them really look at the site, she found in a study. Still, 4% is better than the sub-1% most banner ads turn in today. More importantly, 4% is better than less-than-popular--but ultimately effective--ad strategies already in use. Only 1.2% of Sunday newspaper coupons get redeemed. In direct mail, a 2% response is typical. Telemarketers know most folks will just hang up. These tactics elicit consumer groans--yet respectable response rates. That's why they're still around. If the early returns are any guide, pop-under ads will be with us for a long while, no matter how much we hate them. Clearly some of the main points are items such as: pop-under ads, internet advertising, effectiveness of pop-under ads, direct marketing, cost internet advertising, junk mail, banner ads, X10 company, cost of pop-under ads, and statistics for pop-under ads. In the end the indexer usually is limited to selecting two or three subject headings for each article. In addition to identifying the main concepts, the indexer must also figure out what is the controlled vocabulary for these main concepts. In other words, in our jalapeño database we set the controlled vocabulary for the "where shop" field to be "discount store" or "convenience store" or "grocery store". The indexer has a list of controlled vocabulary to work from to describe the various concepts. For example, every concept about pop-under advertising from effectiveness to cost might simply get the subject heading: pop-up advertising. You don't have this list to work from when you're doing your research. I suggest doing a keyword search to find one relevant article. Once you've found this article take a close look at the official controlled vocabulary subject headings and redo your search. This is the record in Business Abstracts for the article that you just read. If I was interested in pop-under advertising I would select the descriptor internet advertising-pop-up advertising. 23 Dealing Effectively With Data Section 4 Using Controlled Vocabulary for Searching 24