Early phases of a successful invasion: mitochondrial phylogeography of the common genet (Genetta genetta) within the Mediterranean Basin Philippe Gaubert Æ José A. Godoy Æ Irene del Cerro Æ Francisco Palomares Abstract The Mediterranean Basin, connected by cultural exchanges since prehistoric times, provides an outstanding framework to study species translocations. We address here the early phases of the successful invasion of the common genet (Genetta genetta), a small carnivoran supposedly introduced from Africa to Europe during historical times, by assessing mitochondrial nucleotide variability in 134 individuals from its native and invasive ranges. We identify four lineages within the native species range [northern Algeria, Peninsular Arabia, southern Africa and western Africa + Maghreb (including northern Algeria)], in contradiction with morphological taxonomy. We propose that the cooccurrence in Maghreb of two divergent lineages (autochthonous and western African) is due to P. Gaubert I. del Cerro F. Palomares Departamento de Biologı́a de la Conservación, Estación Biológica de Doñana, Pabellón del Perù, Avda. Marı́a Luisa s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain P. Gaubert (&) UR IRD 131 – UMS MNHN 403, Département Milieux et Peuplements Aquatiques, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 43 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris, France e-mail: gaubert@mnhn.fr J. A. Godoy I. del Cerro Laboratorio de Ecologı́a Molecular, Estación Biológica de Donaña, Pabellón del Perù, Avda. Marı́a Luisa s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain secondary contact through intermittent permeability of the Saharan belt during the Plio-Pleistocene. Estimates of coalescence time and genetic diversity, in concert with other available evidences in the literature, indicate that the origin of European populations of common genets is in Maghreb, possibly restricted to northern Algeria. The autochthonous mitochondrial lineage of Maghreb was the only contributor to the European pool, suggesting that translocations were associated to a cultural constraint such as a local use of the species, which might have artificially excluded the western African lineage. Haplotype network and nested clade analysis (NCA) provide evidence for independent events of introductions throughout Spain (Andalucia, Cataluñ a, and the Balearic Isl.)—and, to a lesser extent, Portugal—acting as a ‘translocation hotspot’. Due to the reduced number of northern Algerian individuals belonging to the autochthonous mitochondrial lineage of Maghreb, it remains impossible to test hypotheses of historical translocations, although a main contribution of the Moors is likely. Our demographic analyses support a scenario of very recent introduction of a reduced number of individuals in Europe followed by rapid population expansion. We suggest that an exceptional combination of factors including multiple translocations, human-driven propagation across natural barriers, and natural processes of colonization allowed by a wide ecological tolerance, promoted the successful spread of the common genet into Europe. 123 Keywords Carnivora Historical demography Introduced species Mediterranean MtDNA Phylogeography Introduction The Mediterranean Basin, connected by cultural exchanges since prehistoric times, provides an outstanding framework to study species translocations, notably in mammals (Dobson 1998; Gippoliti and Amori 2006). After the faunal migrations between Maghreb and Europe that occurred during the Messinian crisis (ca. 7–5.3 Mya; van der Made et al. 2006), the Strait of Gibraltar acted as a biogeographic barrier to dispersal (Castella et al. 2000; Dobson and Wright 2000; Juste et al. 2004). It is only recently that the biodiversity structure of the Mediterranean Basin was profoundly modified through translocations of non-native species (Alcover 1980; Vigne 1992; Marra 2005; Gippoliti and Amori 2006), notably mammals, occurring between Maghreb and south-western Europe from ca. 9,000 years ago (Dobson 1998; Vignes 1999; Anderung et al. 2005; Modolo et al. 2005; Beja-Pereira et al. 2006; Gippoliti and Amori 2006). One of the main translocation flows into Europe took place during the Moor invasion of Iberian Peninsula, starting 711 A.D. and lasting ca. five centuries (Wenner 1980; Dobson 1998; Cymbron et al. 1999; Ramon-Laca 2003). A legend relates that after the defeat of Moor armies near Poitiers, France, in 732 A.D., the King’s Majordomo Charles Martel found in the loot a great quantity of furs belonging to an African small carnivoran, the common genet (Genetta genetta) (Perrot 1820). This long stood as the main evidence supporting the hypothesis of an introduction of the species through Moor conquerors, together with the dating of the only known archaeological remains of common genets in Europe to the early 13th century Almohad levels in Portugal (Morales 1994). Gsell (1913), and later Amigues (1999), proposed an alternative scenario based on mentions by antique Greek authors of a ‘‘weasel from Tartessos’’ (south-western Iberian Peninsula), suggesting that the common genet was introduced in Europe from Greek Lybian colonies during the 6th century B.C. A third scenario was proposed by Schauenberg (1966), who argued instead for the natural presence of 123 G. genetta in south-western Europe as a relict population from the Messinian period, despite the absence of Plio-Pleistocene remains. The common genet, which now spreads from Portugal to continental Spain, Mallorca, Cabrera and Ibiza (Balearic Isl.), south-western France and Italy (Gaubert et al. 2008; Delibes and Gaubert in press), represents, together with the Egyptian mongoose Herpestes ichneumon (Palomares in press), a rare example of successful translocation of a wild African carnivoran into Europe. Poorly addressed but critical to the understanding of the eco-evolutionary mechanisms that underlie such ecological successes are the processes occurring during the early phases of invasion, namely how, when and from where species were introduced (Stepien et al. 2002; Muñ oz-Fuentes et al. 2006; Roman and Darling 2007; Hayes and Barry in press). We herein investigate the phylogeography of G. genetta in both its native and invasive ranges using fragments of two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and control region). We give special emphasis to European populations, with the aim of (i) reconstructing the evolutionary history of Mediterranean populations during Plio-Pleistocene climatic variations, (ii) tracing back the geographic origin of European common genets and (iii) assessing translocation patterns and historical demography within the invasive range of the species. By doing so, we attempt to characterize the early phases of invasion of the common genets in Europe in the historical context of the Mediterranean Basin. Materials and methods Geographic and nucleotide coverage Genets are elusive small carnivorans that remain extremely difficult to collect due to their nocturnal, solitary way of life and their low density in the wild (e.g. Gaubert et al. 2002). We examined nucleotide variation in a total of 134 common genets from all the regions invaded in Europe, including the Balearic Isl., and also most of its native range, covering Maghreb, the Arabian Peninsula, western and southern Africa (Appendix I). Given that outgroup taxon permutations did not influence ingroup topology (data not shown), we only presented phylogenetic trees rooted with G. maculata. We amplified two fragments of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), including (i) 403 bp of cytochrome b (cytb) and (ii) 494–499 bp spanning the left domain of the control region (CR1), after previously described protocols and primers (Gaubert and Begg 2007); CR1 alignment (with outgroup) was 500 bp long and included six indels. Shorter fragments were obtained for 10 museum or badly preserved samples from Maghreb and western Africa using the protocol of Palomares et al. (2002). In the latter case, we sequenced (i) 278 bp of cytb following previously described primers and PCR cycles (Gaubert et al. 2004a, b), and (ii) 202 bp of CR1 partially covering the domain of extended termination associated sequences (Gaubert and Begg 2007) with a pair of new primers: HVGg-H 50 CAC GAT ATA CAT AGT ATG YCT T 30 - HVGg-L 50 GAA ATT CTT TTT AAA CTA TTC CTT 30 (annealing temperature: 58°C). PCR products were directly purified from reaction components by ultrafiltration using Montage PCR filter units (Millipore Corp., Billerica, MA) or isolated from a 1.5% agarose gel through the MinElute Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen S.A., Courtaboeuf, France). We sequenced the purified products in both forward and reverse directions in an ABI Prism 3100 Genetic Analyzer v. 2.0 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) automated DNA sequence following manufacturer’s recommendations. All the sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank database (accession nos. EF371617EF371704). Phylogeographic analysis in the native and invasive ranges of G. genetta Sequences were aligned by eye using BioEdit 5.0.6 (Hall 1999). Models of molecular evolution for statistical phylogenetic analyses were selected from alignments pruned from indels and incomplete nucleotide sequences using ModelGenerator (Keane et al. 2004) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (Posada and Buckley 2004). We performed model selection with four gamma categories for the two separated data sets (all individuals) and a concatenated matrix (cytb + CR1) consisting of 900 bp for a geographically representative subset of 38 individuals including all the variable cytb sequences (Fig. 1). The best-fitting model selected for cytb and cytb + CR1 was HKY (Hasegawa et al. 1985) with a proportion of invariable sites (I), and TrN (Tamura and Nei 1993) + I for CR1. We ran maximum likelihood (ML) analysis through PhyML (Guindon and Gascuel 2003), injecting model parameters as calculated in ModelGenerator. Node support was assessed using nonparametric bootstrapping with 500 pseudoreplicates. Bayesian analyses were ran with MrBayes 3.1 (Ronquist et al. 2005). Indels resulting from the CR1 alignment were coded as binary characters using GapCoder (Young and Healy 2003) before running Bayesian analysis under a model that mixed HKY + I (nucleotides) and ‘‘Restriction Site’’ (three indel characters), an approximation of the F81 model (Ronquist et al. 2005). For the concatenated analysis we attributed models respective to each partition, unlinking parameters and allowing partitions to evolve under different rates. We used default priors and fixed a gamma distribution divided into five categories. We ran four Monte Carlo Markov chains (MCMC) simultaneously for 2,000,000 Metropoliscoupled generations in two independent runs. Convergence between runs was estimated visually by examining the plot ‘‘number of generations vs. log likelihood values’’ and using the Potential Scale Reduction Factor (PSRF) provided in the ‘‘sump’’ output of MrBayes. Burnin was fixed to 25,000 for each data set with chains sampled every 10 generations. The final majority-rule consensus phylograms were based on 312,173 (cytb), 258,560 (CR1), and 225,341 (cytb + CR1) trees. Coalescence time estimates for the main lineages were calculated from a cytb + CR1 submatrix consisting of sequences without ambiguities (33 in total; outgroup excluded). We used MCMCcoal v. 1.1. (Yang and Yoder 1999; Yang 2002), which estimates ancestral population sizes by extracting information from conflicts among gene tree topologies and coalescent times using a MCMC algorithm. This method assumes a molecular clock (Jukes Cantor model) and a known species (or population) tree (Rannala and Yang 2003). ‘‘Speciation time’’ is expressed as s = age of divergence 9 l, where l is the mutation rate per site per year. We used a divergence time of 3.55 Myr for the root of the G. genetta tree as the midpoint between the first geological record of the genus Genetta (4.1 Myr; Werdelin 2003) and a molecular calibration estimate obtained at the species node from a mitochondrial phylogeny (3.1 Myr; Gaubert and Begg 2007). We 123 SOUTH-WESTERN EUROPE Maghreb ARABIAN PENINSULA Sahara Mr France GgE149 Algeria GgT316 Se AS Portugal GgT477 Clade I 96 Om western Africa Ma Be Ye Ch Spain (Baleares, Cabrera Isl.) GgT511 AFRICA Spain (Baleares, Majorca Isl.) GgT514 Spain (continent) GgT408 0.99 Italy GgT540 Spain (Andalucia) GgT438 Algeria GgE91 Algeria GgE88 Na Algeria GgT150 southern Africa SA Algeria GgT317 Spain (Baleares, Ibiza Isl.) GgT487 Saudi Arabia GgC81 - Clade II 1.00 Saudi Arabia GgT96 Clade III 1.00 88 - Oman GgC52 0.95 99 - Yemen GgT104 100 Saudi Arabia GgT502 Saudi Arabia GgT504 South Africa GgE19 South Africa GgE107 South Africa GgT98 100 100 Namibia GgE89 1.00 Namibia GgT380 1.00 Clade IV 75 0.99 Algeria GgE92 Tunisia GgT161 Benin GgT304 Benin GgT306 Benin (+ Chad) GgT298 (+ GgT327) Morocco GgT120 0.05 Morocco GgT121 Algeria GgT539 98 95 0.95 Morocco GgT543 1.00 Mali GgE16 Mauritania GgE81 Senegal GgE65 Senegal GgE75 Fig. 1 Phylogeography of Genetta genetta inferred from Bayesian analysis of cytochrome b + left domain of control region (900 bp + 3 indels) under a model combining HKY + I and ‘‘Restriction Site’’ (see ‘Materials and methods’). Values above and below nodes indicate bootstrap indices C75% (ML analysis) and Bayesian posterior probabilities C0.95, respectively. Scale bar corresponds to 5% sequence divergence. The outgroup species (G. maculata) was removed for convenience of visibility. Specimen numbers refer to Appendix I. Countries sampled across sub-Saharan Africa and Arabian Peninsula are indicated as follows: Mr: Mauritania; Se: Senegal; Ma: Mali; Be: Benin; Ch: Chad; Na: Namibia; SA: South Africa; AS: Saudi Arabia; Ye: Yemen; Om: Oman. Detailed geographic sampling for Maghreb and south-western Europe is given in Fig. 2 then calculated l from sG. genetta and applied the mutation rate to all s values to obtain coalescence time estimates along the tree. We used a burnin of 10,000 generations for a total of 100,000 samples taken every two generations, and executed two independent runs using different random number seeds. Priors for the five-tuning variables were given values yielding a range for the five acceptance proportions between 0.1 and 0.7. The shape parameters a of the gamma distribution were fixed to values C1 (Yang 2002). For both mtDNA fragments, number of polymorphic sites and haplotypes, haplotype and nucleotide 123 diversity, and genetic differentiation among lineages estimated from haplotype and nucleotide statistics (using Monte Carlo permutation test; 10,000 permutations) were calculated through DnaSP v. 4.10 (Rozas et al. 2003). Average number of pairwise differences was estimated through MEGA v. 3.1 (Kumar et al. 2004). Haplotype network and demographic history within the Mediterranean border We assessed genealogical relationships within populations from the Mediterranean border (Clade I; see Fig. 1) on the basis of CR1 nucleotide variability for a total of 100 individuals (cytb provided only one variable site). We used (i) Network v. (www. fluxus-engineering.com) and the Median Joining method (Bandelt et al. 1999), with parameter e fixed to 0 (minimized production of median networks), and (ii) TCS v. 1.21 (Clement et al. 2000), applying the statistical parsimony procedure (Templeton et al. 1992) and a 95% cut-off for mutational connections. In order to assess the impact of irregular sampling effort across the area covered by Clade I on genetic diversity estimates, we used the rarefaction analysis (Simberloff 1972) applied to haplotype frequencies (e.g. Bernatchez et al. 1989). This method is based on the assumption that a greater sampling effort is likely to yield a higher diversity of haplotypes at greater frequencies. We used Rarefaction Calculator (J. Brzustowski, http://www.biology.ualberta.ca/jbrzusto/ rarefact.php) to estimate the expected average number of haplotypes in 42 hypothetical sub-samples (equivalent to the number of locale in Europe; Appendix I) of five individuals (i.e. the number of northern Algerian individuals belonging to Clade I) taken from the European sample set (95 individuals). By doing so, we were able to assess whether the number of haplotypes found in northern Algeria was likely dependant on the sampling effort (value within the range of expected diversity from the European sample set) or not (higher or lower value). We also used the program to estimate the distribution curve of expected number of haplotypes with increasing sample size. We calculated the rarefaction curve using sub-samples randomly taken from of our complete sample set, and changing their size incrementally from 1 to 100 (100 constituting the total number of individuals in Clade I) (Formia et al. 2007). We then ran EstimateS v.8.0.0 (Colwell 2006) to calculate the finite total number of haplotypes within Clade I using the Michaelis–Menten asymptotic function (Colwell and Coddington 1994). The program computes two different diversity estimators—MMRuns and MMMeans—from the estimated Michaelis–Menten asymptote (based here on 100 individuals). We used them both to provide an interval of values, MMRuns (averages over 100 randomization runs for each pooling level) tending to over-estimate finite total number relative to MMMeans (estimates for each sample pooling level without randomization) (Colwell et al. 2004; Colwell 2006). Geographical associations at different hierarchical levels of the resulting CR1 haplotype network were tested using the nested clade analysis (NCA) method (Templeton et al. 1995; Templeton 1998), as implemented in GeoDis 2.5 (Posada and Templeton 2006). In the particular case of invasive species, NCA might indicate independent translocations to separate areas under historical events such as ‘‘fragmentation’’ or ‘‘colonization’’ (see Templeton 1998). We applied the standard, n-step nesting rules (Templeton et al. 1987; Templeton and Sing 1993) to define clade hierarchy within the intraspecific network. Test for geographical association of nested clades was done by defining a location pairwise distance matrix (Posada and Templeton 2006). We used Encarta (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) to calculate distances between localities, taking into account the geographic shape of south-western Europe. We then built a second distance matrix where we arbitrarily multiplied by 10 the pairwise distance values that involved localities separated by the Mediterranean Sea, in an attempt at accounting for impassable geographic areas. Randomization of clade distance distribution was performed through 1,000 permutations to obtain statistical inferences at the 5% threshold. We used the updated version of the GeoDis inference key (11 Nov 2005) to infer population structure and history at each clade nesting level (Templeton 1998; Posada and Templeton 2006). Because NCA was demonstrated to yield a high frequency of false positive under specific demographic conditions (Panchal and Beaumont 2007; Petit 2008a; but see Templeton 2008), we assessed historical scenarios through alternative, independent methods, whenever it was possible (Garrick et al. 2008; but see 123 France F7 F8 5 EUROPE S10 0 F6 F4 F5 F3 S9 Italy I1 F2 S8 F9 F1 S7 S4 P2 S5 Portugal S6 S3 S2 S11 1 Spain P1 4 S13 3 Balearic Isl. S12 2 S1 1 2 A5 A3 A4 A1 A6 T2 A2 Tunisia MAGHREB M2 T1 Morocco Algeria 3 M1 Hap 11 S1 Hap 12 Hap 17 2-1 1-8 A6 Hap 9 S3 S1 S1 8 S11 1 Hap 13 1-4 3-2 1-5 S4 Hap 8 1-6 A4 A5 F6 1-1 Hap 3 Hap 2 F3 F6 F7 F8 Hap 1 P1 P2 S1 S2 S3 S5 S7 S8 S9 S10 0 S11 1 S12 2 F1 F2 F4 1-7 F5 Hap 16 S6 F9 F3 A3 1-3 S13 3 P1 I1 P2 2-2 1-9 Hap 15 Hap 18 A4 F2 S6 1-2 F1 Hap 6 3-1 S6 F9 Hap 7 Hap 4 Fig. 2 Geographic sampling of Genetta genetta for Europe and Maghreb, and haplotype network within Clade I inferred from sequences of the left domain of the control region (CR1). Localities representing Clade I are indicated in green tones. Clade IV haplotypes from Maghreb are provided (in grey) but were not included into the network because they belong to a distinct lineage, non-sister group to Clade I (see Fig. 1). Codes for regions sampled are detailed in Table 3. Numbers correspond to: 1—Strait of Gibraltar (Moor invasion, starting 711 A.D.); 2—Carthage (814 to 146 B.C.); 3—Cyrenaica 123 (eastern coastal region of Lybia; former Greek colonies, ca. 700 to 525 B.C.); 4—Tartessos kingdom (ca. 1000 B.C. to 600 A.D.); 5—Poitiers, France (northernmost battle of Moors, 732 A.D.). Orange circles in the network correspond to reconstructed, hypothetical haplotypes. Each connection between points represents a single mutation (except in Hap 11 and 12, which are linked to the rest of the network by eight mutations). Nested clade design is such that dashed, red and blue lines enclose 1-, 2- and 3-step clades, respectively. The total cladogram regroups Clades 3-1 and 3-2 Petit 2008b). Given that the sample set from northern Algeria was reduced, we investigated demographic history within Clade I by concentrating on European populations. We examined three groups, namely Europe + northern Algeria (Clade I), Europe and ‘‘Europe without Clade 3-2’’ (i.e. excluding a divergent lineage possibly introduced independently; see Fig. 2 and ‘Results’). We assessed demographic expansion using (i) the Tajima selective neutrality test (Tajima 1993) and (ii) the Fu neutrality test (Fu 1997), to remove the potential effects of genetic hitchhiking and background selection (Lessa et al. 2003). The two tests were run with Arlequin v. 3.01 (Excoffier et al. 2005) using 4,000 permutations. We also examined mismatch distributions (pairwise sequence differences; Rogers and Harpending 1992) and frequency spectra (allelic frequency distribution at a site; Tajima 1989) through DnaSP to evaluate expanding population scenarios. Smoothness of observed distributions was calculated through the raggedness statistics (r; Harpending 1994) using coalescent simulations (1,000 replicates). Results Phylogeographic analysis The cytb and CR1 alignments yielded 27 and 41 variable sites, of which 19 and 29 (including three indels) were phylogenetically informative, respectively. We obtained similar tree topologies through ML and Bayesian analyses. The combined analysis suggested the existence of four well-supported geographic lineages within the common genet (Fig. 1), including south-western Europe + northern Algeria (Clade I), Arabian Peninsula (Clade II), southern Africa (Clade III), and western Africa + Maghreb [including Algeria] (Clade IV). CR1 fragment sizes were clade-specific, yielding 499, 495 and 494 bp for Clade I, Clades III–IV and Clade II, respectively. Clade I was sister-group to the other clades; the node grouping (Clade II, (Clade III, Clade IV)) was supported in the Bayesian analysis only. Assuming a 3.55 Myr time of origin for G. genetta, the mutation rate per site per year l for cytb + CR1 was 1.12 (0.88 - 1.36) 9 10-9. Using this rate, the split between all four major lineages could be dated back to Pliocene (Table 1). Coalescence times within Table 1 Coalescence times of lineages along the phylogenetic tree of Genetta genetta Clade Coalescence time (Myr) CI (I, (II, (III, IV))) (II, (III, IV)) 3.55a 3.47 – (2.86–4.42) (III, IV) I 3.32 0.43 (2.74–4.23) (0.35–0.55) II III IV 1.53 2.67 0.13 (1.26–1.94) (2.20–3.40) (0.11–0.17) Numbering of clades refers to Fig. 1. Coalescence time is given with 95% confidence interval (CI) a Mean time of origin fixed at the G. genetta node (see ‘Materials and methods’) each lineage yielded more precise estimates (i.e. narrower CI values), with southern Africa and Arabian Peninsula clades coalescing in the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, respectively. Extant populations from Europe + northern Algeria and western Africa coalesced more recently (Late Pleistocene). Examination of genetic differentiation within G. genetta (Table 2) revealed that Clade I had a mitochondrial diversity significantly lower than those calculated for Arabian and sub-Saharan lineages, including the partly sympatric ‘western African + Maghreb’ clade (data not shown). The number of mtDNA polymorphic sites and haplotypes was lower in the northern Algerian pool (Clade I) than in its European counterpart, with two cytb haplotypes detected in Europe for only one in northern Algeria. However, this picture is most probably due to the low number of samples available for the latter region (see ‘Discussion’). On the other hand, nucleotide diversity, haplotype diversity and mean pairwise differences in CR1, the most variable gene fragment, were much higher for northern Algeria. Genetic differentiation between Algerian Clade I and European populations was not significant in that case. Haplotype network and demographic history within Clade I Both methods of genealogical reconstruction yielded the same CR1 haplotype network for common genets from the Mediterranean border (Clade I). A total of 18 haplotypes were found, three of them restricted to northern Algeria (Fig. 2 and Table 3). Hap 8 was 123 Incomplete nucleotide sequences removed a Numbering of clades refers to Fig. 1; cytb and CR1 go for cytochrome b and left domain of control region, respectively. 95% CI and standard error are given between parentheses (haplotype diversity and mean pairwise difference, respectively) 0.923 (±0.394) 3.263 (±0.924) 1.611 (±0.698) 5.333 (±1.394) 0.01111 0.722 (±0.312) 0.917 (±0.143) 0.00400 6 5 14 5 495 9 403 3.600 (±1.403) 3.000 (±1.308) Clade IVa 9 0.01285 0.154 (±0.247) 0.901 (±0.084) 0.00111 9 2 9 2 495 19 13 Clade IV 403 3.933 (±1.186) 3.222 (±1.125) 0.00652 0.00606 0.800 (±0.321) 0.600 (±0.343) 0.00893 0.600 (±0.421) 0.750 (±0.220) 0.00976 4 2 3 3 9 5 6 10 494 495 403 5 Clade III 403 5 6 Clade II 9 2.400 (±0.954) _ 0.00481 0.900 (±0.316) _ _ 4 1 6 0 499 403 5 North Algeria 5 0.154 (±0.149) 1.457 (±0.378) 0.250 (±0.246) 1.328 (±0.338) 0.00292 0.00266 0.154 (±0.247) 0.630 (±0.108) 0.00038 0.250 (±0.353) 0.590 (±0.114) 0.00062 18 15 2 2 26 23 1 1 499 499 403 403 100 95 13 8 cytb CR1 CR1 cytb CR1 cytb CR1 cytb CR1 cytb CRI Clade I Europe cytb cytb CR1 Nucleotide diversity Mean pairwise difference N sequences N sites (alignment) N polymorphic sites N haplotypes Haplotype diversity Table 2 Mitochondrial diversity among the main lineages of Genetta genetta 123 shared between Algeria and Europe (one specimen from Cataluñ a, Spain). The number of mutations separating the different haplotypes was generally low (1–4), with the exception of a cluster restricted to Andalucia, southern Spain (Hap 11 and 12), which was nine mutations distant from its putative Algerian relatives (it also showed a unique cytb haplotype). Hap 3 was the most frequent and widespread across Europe (60%), including the Balearic Isl. of Mallorca (where Hap 3 co-occurred with the unshared Hap 13) and Cabrera (Hap 3 = 100%). The common genets from Ibiza (Balearic Isl.) had a single, unshared haplotype (Hap 14), not found on the continents. Populations from western and central France consisted of two exclusive haplotypes (Hap 1 and 2). Results from the rarefaction analysis yielded an expected number of haplotypes for northern Algeria of 2.73 (±1.88 [95% CI]). The number of haplotypes detected in Spain (41 individuals; 10 haplotypes), Italy (1; 1), and northern Algeria (5; 4) fell within the 95% confidence limits of the rarefaction curve, whereas France (35; 5) and Portugal (18; 2) had lower diversities than expected (7–14 and 4–10 expected haplotypes, respectively). The rarefaction curve showed that expected haplotype diversity increased with sample size (Fig. 3). Michaelis–Menten estimators yielded values of 22,26 (MMRuns) and 21,45 (MMMeans), thus approximating the total finite number of 22–23 haplotypes within Clade I. The nested clade structure resulting from the CR1 haplotype network consisted of four levels (Fig. 2). Significant geographical associations were revealed at two clade levels (Table 4). Both distance matrices yielded similar scenario inferences (see ‘Materials and methods’). Clade 1-3 (northern Algeria, Portugal, Cataluñ a, Ibiza Isl.) had a geographical pattern compatible with allopatric fragmentation, or long distance colonization if steps 19–20 of the chain of inference were considered inapplicable (absence of terrestrial habitats between haplotypes). Restricted gene flow with isolation by distance was inferred for two 1-step clades (1-1: western France; 1-2: continental Europe plus Mallorca and Cabrera Isl.), whereas geographical associations within Clade 2-1 (Algeria and Europe) fit the pattern expected under restricted gene flow/ dispersal with some long distance dispersal. Tests of demographic history yielded significant D (Tajima’s) and Fs (Fu’s) statistics in every CR1 haplotype partition (Table 5), thus suggesting genuine Samples N Hap 1 Hap 2 Hap 3 Hap 4 Hap 5 France Languedoc-Roussillon (F1) Midi-Pyrénées (F2) 35 9 5 3 2 20 3 2 2 2 4 Aquitaine (F3) Limousin (F4) Auvergne (F5) Poitou-Charentes (F6) 11 2 1 2 4 2 Pays-de-la-Loire (F7) Centre (F8) PACA (F9) Italy 4 4 1 1 4 1 Piemonte (I1) Spain Hap 6 Hap 7 Hap 8 Hap 9 Hap 10 Hap 11 Hap 12 Hap 13 Hap 14 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 Hap 15 1 1 5 1 Madrid (S3) Castilla-y-Leon (S4) Aragon (S5) Cataluña (S6) 2 2 2 4 1 Pais Vasco (S7) Cantabria (S8) 2 1 2 1 Asturias (S9) Galicia (S10) Baleares, Mallorca Isl. (S11) Baleares, Cabrera Isl. (S12) 2 3 3 7 2 3 2 7 4 18 5 15 3 3 2 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 4 2 531 123 1 3 8 1 5 1 1 1 2 Andalucia (S1) Extremadura (S2) Algeria Algiers (A3) Hap 18 1 1 26 Porto – Braga – Viana de Castelo 13 (P2) Hap 17 9 1 2 1 41 Baleares, Ibiza Isl. (S13) Portugal Beja (P1) Hap 16 Phylogeography of the common genet Table 3 Sample set of Genetta genetta within Clade I and distribution of CR1 haplotypes by main regions P. Gaubert et al. demographic expansion within Clade I and Europe. Mismatch analysis revealed a slightly bimodal distribution of pairwise nucleotide differences within Clade I and Europe, and a unimodal distribution when the divergent lineage from southern Spain (Clade 3-2) was excluded (Fig. 4). Although the typical ‘smooth peak-like’ distribution characterizing population expansion was not found, our mismatch pattern could fit a scenario of very recent population expansion, as suggested by mutation class distributions, which showed an excess of 1–2 step mutations relative to the frequency expected under a model of constant population size (Fig. 4). 1 Hap 12 Hap 13 Hap 14 Hap 15 Hap 16 1 Hap 17 Hap 18 532 123 1 1 Jijel (A5) El Kala (A6) Codes for samples and numbering of haplotypes refer to Fig. 2. Sample sizes are given under the ‘‘N’’ column 1 1 2 Zeralda (A4) Samples Table 3 continued N Hap 1 Hap 2 Hap 3 Hap 4 Hap 5 Hap 6 Hap 7 Hap 8 Hap 9 Hap 10 Hap 11 Discussion Phylogeography of the common genet in its native range: the Saharan belt as an intermittent geographic barrier The mitochondrial phylogeographic analysis identified four geographic clusters within the native range of the common genet: northern Algeria, Arabian Peninsula, southern Africa and western Africa + Maghreb (including Algeria), with the two latter clades strongly supported as sister-groups (Fig. 1). Our results are not concordant with craniometrical analyses that grouped ‘‘western Africa – Maghreb - Europe’’ and ‘‘southern + eastern Africa - Arabian Peninsula’’ in two distinct clusters (Crawford-Cabral 1981). Despite the co-occurrence of two divergent haplogroups in Maghreb, the morphological homogeneity of G. genetta in this region is remarkable (Delibes and Gaubert in press), especially since western African common genets show a different pelage from those of the Mediterranean rim (Schlawe 1981). We here suggest that previous taxonomic works based on pelage similarity (Schlawe 1980) were likely misled by the adaptability of coat pattern to environmental conditions. Indeed, one of us (PG) could observe from museum collections that genets under similar climatic conditions tended to exhibit similar coat pattern (e.g. spots dark, ground pale greyish and long hair under Mediterranean climate in G. genetta from Maghreb and Europe, and the South African small-spotted genet G. felina). The alternation of periods of isolation and permeability of the Saharan belt since the Pliocene Phylogeography of the common genet 24 21 18 n haplotypes Fig. 3 Rarefaction curve of CR1 haplotype diversity within Clade I (95% confidence interval (vertical grey bars) = standard deviation 9 1.96). The top dashed lines indicate the total finite number of haplotypes calculated from two asymptote diversity estimators using EstimateS (MMRuns = 22,26; MMMeans = 21,45). The five countries represented in Clade I are plotted as black circles 533 15 12 Spain 9 6 France N Algeria 3 Portugal 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 n samples (Thomas 1979; Thomas et al. 1982) may be responsible for the complex scenario we evidenced in common genets from Maghreb, combining an allopatric isolation that generated a homogeneous haplogroup (Clade I) and a subsequent arrival of western African migrants (Clade IV). The times of coalescence for Clades I and IV were unexpectedly recent (Late Pleistocene), which suggests smaller long term effective population sizes possibly due to the accumulation of hyper-arid cycles during PlioPleistocene. We propose that recurrent bottleneck events affected northern Algerian haplotypes (Clade I) during refuge-like forest contractions following arid phases in Maghreb (Harris et al. 2002; Cosson et al. 2005; Modolo et al. 2005), coincident with the estimated time of coalescence of Clade I (350,000– 550,000 years), and as suggested by a significantly lower mitochondrial diversity compared to subSaharan and Arabian lineages. On the other hand, the presence of haplotypes from western Africa argue for a recent, northward passage of common genets through the Saharan belt, possibly during the major extension of the palaeomonsoon system (Dobson and Wright 2000), which induced a semi-humid climate all over Sahara (Kuper and Krö pelin 2006) and a vegetation—in its western part—similar to that of the modern Mediterranean biome ca. 6,000 B.P. (Jolly et al. 1998). On the geographic origin of the European common genet The question of the geographic origin of the European common genet has long excited the interest and imagination of zoologists. As a consequence, some preconceived ideas have emerged in the community, although very few have been based on archaeozoological or historical evidences. By reviewing the literature available in a variety of fields and taking into account our own results, we intend to clarify the possible scenarios of introduction of the species in south-western Europe: (i) The paleontological and phylogenetic evidence: despite the presence of numerous excavation sites in south-western Europe, and notably in Spain, the genus Genetta has never been recorded (Kurten 2007); more generally, the frequency of Viverridae fossils is extremely low compared to other carnivoran families (Montoya et al. 2001). The fossil described under Genetta plesictoides from Cyprus caves (Bate 1903)—the dating of which remains ambiguous (Boekschoeten and Sondaar 1972)— has been unequivocally attributed by Wolsan and Morlo (1997) to Herpestides antiquus, a Viverridae Miocene fossil present in Europe. On the other hand, the genus Genetta is mentioned in the Early Pliocene of Kenya (Werdelin 2003) and the Late 123 534 P. Gaubert et al. Table 4 Results of the nested clade analysis conducted within Genetta genetta Clade I Clades Geographic distance analysis 1–1 Hap 1 (int) Hap 2 (tip) 1-2 Hap 3 (int) Hap 4 (tip) Hap 6 (tip) Hap 7 (tip) 1–3 Hap 8 (int) Hap 14 (tip) Hap 15 (tip) Hap 16 (tip) 2-1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-6 1-7 (tip) (int) (int) (int) (tip) (tip) 1-8 (int) Dc = 177; Dn = 169 Interior versus tip clade test Chain of inference I-TDc = 177L; I-TDn = 38 1-2-3-4-No: restricted gene flow with isolation by distance I-TDc = 469L; I-TDn = 33 1-2-3-4-No: restricted gene flow with isolation by distance I-TDc = 371; I-TDn = -25 1-19-No: allopatric fragmentation 1-(19-20)-2-3-5-15-No: long distance colonization (short branch length between haplotypes) I-TDc = 455L; I-TDn = -38 1-2-3-5-6-7-Yes: restricted gene flow/dispersal but with some long distance dispersal L Dc = 0S; Dn = 130 Dc = 610; Dn = 611 Dc = 225S; Dn = 627 Dc = 0S; Dn = 496 Dc = 0; Dn = 492 Dc = 496; Dn = 582 Dc = 0 S ; Dn = 453S Dc = 335; Dn = 842L Dc = 0; Dn = 509 Dc Dc Dc Dc Dc Dc = = = = = = S 162 ; Dn = 687 608S; Dn = 630S 606; Dn = 708L 422; Dn = 558S 0; Dn = 708 0; Dn = 585 Dc = 0; Dn = 1089 Numbering of clades corresponds to Fig. 2, with interior (int) and tip clades indicated. Geographic distance analysis was conducted using a distance matrix, with the clade distance Dc as the geographical spread of a clade, and the nested clade distance Dn as the distance of a clade from the geographical centre of the nested clade (Templeton 1998). The interior versus tip clade distances were calculated as the difference between the average interior distance and the average tip distance (I-TDc and I-TDn). Significant values at the 5% level are indicated by S (significantly small) or L (significantly large). Chain of inference refers to the steps in the key of Templeton (11Nov05); we represented an alternative chain for Clades 1–3 where steps 19–20 were considered inapplicable (absence of terrestrial habitats between haplotypes) Table 5 Tests of population growth within Genetta genetta Clade I Clade I Europe Europea Tajima’s test (D) Fu’s test (Fs) Raggedness statistic (r) -2.126* -2.090* -1.839* -11.229* -8.149* -8.629* 0.178* 0.207* 0.277* Statistically significant values are followed by an asterisk a Divergent lineage from southern Spain excluded (Clade 3-2; see Fig. 2 and ‘Results’) Pliocene of South Africa (Hendey 1974) and Morocco (Geraads 1997). In accordance with the fossil data, molecular phylogenetic analysis coupled to reconstruction of ancestral geographic areas strongly confirmed 123 the African origin of all the species belonging to the genus Genetta (Gaubert and Cordeiro-Estrela 2006). (ii) The archaeozoological evidence: the only record of the common genet in Europe was reported from the first quarter of the XIIIth century in Baixo Alentejo, Portugal (Morales 1994), which corresponds to the Almohad levels of Mértola, the last Berber dynasty who occupied the Iberian Peninsula. On the other hand, remains of common genets were found earlier in Maghreb, in the Late Pleistocene of Morocco (Ouchaou and Amani 2002) and Algeria (Romer 1928), where they were associated to hunting sites, thus supporting the hypothesis of a recent event of translocation from Maghreb to Europe. The assertions of a large number of authors as to the use of the species as a possible ‘pre-cat’ against rats and snakes in Egypt and in Maghreb are not based on Phylogeography of the common genet 0.4 Clade I (Europe + northern Algeria) 0.3 Frequency Frequency 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 Pairwise differences 20 25 0 20 40 Segregating sites Europe 0.3 Frequency 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 Pairwise differences 20 30 40 50 40 50 Segregating sites 0.5 0.4 0.4 Europe* Frequency Frequency 50 0.4 0.4 Frequency Fig. 4 Mismatch (left) and segregating site (right) distributions of CR1 haplotypes of Genetta genetta within Clade I and Europe. In mismatch analysis, expected frequency is based on a population growth-decline model and is represented by a continuous line. Observed frequency is indicated as a dotted line. In segregating site analysis, expected distribution is based on a constant population size model. * European haplotypes excluding a divergent lineage from southern Spain (Clade 3-2; see Fig. 2 and ‘Results’) 535 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 Pairwise differences any concrete evidences (see Osborn and Osbornova 1998). (iii) The historical evidence or why not an origin from the Levant? Several Mediterranean civilizations were designated as having possibly contributed to the introduction of the common genet in Europe; yet again concrete grounds are missing. The most elaborated scenario to date, based on Cyrenaican coinage and Heredotus’ description of the Lybian fauna, suggested that the species was introduced by the Greeks from their Libyan colonies (Amigues 1999). This widens the debate to a possible spread by the first great sailors of the Mediterranean, the Phoenicians, whom were initially based in the coastal Middle East (current Lebanon and Israel). However, previous mentions of common genets in the region (Belon du Mans 1557; Tristram 1866; Tristram 1884) were hoaxes (Schlawe 1981) or misidentifications with another small carnivoran species (the marbled polecat Vormela peregusna; Kock 1983). Genuine records of the species simply 20 0 10 20 30 Segregating sites do not exist in the Middle-East (Y. Yom-Tov, in litt., 1999). (iv) Evidence from mtDNA analysis: The mtDNA data showed European genets to be closest relatives of northern Algerian genets, together forming a clade (Clade I) for which the estimation of coalescence time in Late Pleistocene (Table 1) ruled out the hypothesis of a natural crossing of G. genetta through the Gibraltar passage during the Messinian crisis (Schauenberg 1966). Rarefaction analysis suggested that we probably detected most of the haplotypes present in the European sample, with a good proportion (78–81%) of the total haplotype diversity (22–23) estimated for Clade I (Fig. 3). This leaves little room for unsampled haplotypes from additional divergent sources and strongly suggests that the mitochondrial source population from which the European common genets were introduced was from Maghreb, with a possible restriction to northern Algeria (based on our sample set; see Fig. 2). Furthermore, nucleotide diversity, haplotype diversity 123 536 and mean pairwise differences in CR1 were much higher for northern Algeria than for Europe, supporting the former as source for the latter. Finally, CR1 mismatch distribution indicated that population expansion in northern Algeria predated that in Europe (data not shown), confirming that the northern Algerian population is older (Brandli et al. 2005). Similar molecular studies involving translocations of micromammals identified the geographic sources of European populations in Morocco or Tunisia, but in every case samples from Algeria were missing (Libois et al. 2001; Michaux et al. 2003; Brandli et al. 2005; Cosson et al. 2005). Translocation scenarios and historical demography of the European common genets The results from the rarefaction analysis confirmed that, although our sample set covered a broad range of Maghreb (15 samples in total, distributed between Clades I and IV), Clade I haplotypes may have gone undetected in Morocco and Tunisia. Indeed, we found four haplotypes in northern Algeria, a number that fell within the range of expected number of haplotypes estimated from the European pool using a subsample fixed to five individuals (2.73 ± 1.88) (Fig. 3). On the other hand, the probability of presence of haplotypes from Clade IV in Europe, with 95 individuals representing ca. 4/5 of the total expected Clade I haplotype diversity, can be considered low. The restriction of the source of European common genets to Clade I haplotypes, despite the cooccurrence of a divergent lineage (Clade IV) in the whole Maghreb, may appear unexpected given the successive, numerous exchanges that occurred between Maghreb and Europe since ca. 10,000 years B.C. (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 1999; Scozzari et al. 2001; Rodrı́guez-Ariza and Moya 2005; Casas et al. 2006). The prevalence of Clade I haplotypes, whether or not the original pool is actually restricted to northern Algeria, suggests either that translocations were associated to a cultural constraint, such as a local use of the species by peculiar people, or that the crossing of the Mediterranean was effective before the migrant lineage from West Africa (Clade IV) reached Maghreb. The latter option would imply however that the event occurred accidentally across the Strait of Gibraltar (e.g. through rafting) earlier than 110,000–170,000 years ago, and thus was not 123 P. Gaubert et al. renewed later; an unlikely hypothesis given the low support from biogeographical data in the region (Dobson 1998; Cosson et al. 2005), the genetic diversity detected in Europe (lower than in northern Algeria, but not diagnostic of a strong founder event), the presence of common genets in Balearic Isl., and the genetic evidence for multiple introductions (see below). We would thus opt for recent events of introduction conditioned by cultural constraint, although this scenario still suffers from a lack of archaeozoological evidence relative to the possible use of the common genet against pests in the Mediterranean Basin (Kingdon 1977; Amigues 1999). Interestingly, an example of a culturally dependant introduction was recently reported for the Algerian hedgehog Atelerix algirus, which was introduced by the Almohads from Morocco to the Mediterranean islands and the coastal Iberian Peninsula for meat consumption and medicine (Morales and Rofes 2008). Strong evidence for independent events of translocation resided in the co-occurrence of two very divergent mitochondrial lineages in Europe (Clades 3-1 and 3-2; Fig. 2). Clade 3-2, which appeared endemic to Andalucia, southern Spain, was characterized by unique cytb and CR1 haplotypes, indicative of a northern African origin from an unsampled genetic pool belonging to Clade I. Additional samples are needed, notably from former Cyrenaica (Greek Lybian colonies), to assess whether the persistence of Clade 3-2 in Andalucia, near the ancient Tartessian kingdom’s boundaries, is the signature of the introduction of common genets by Greeks during the 6th century B.C. (Amigues 1999). However, the presence of the species in contemporaneous Lybia (Ufnagl 1972) requires an urgent re-assessment. In accordance with our hypothesis of multiple introductions, NCA based on CR1 variation suggested a second level of independent translocation events into Europe from Clade 3-1, affecting both continental Europe (Cataluñ a, Portugal) and the Balearic Isl. (Ibiza vs. Mallorca and Cabrera) (Fig. 2). Hap 8 was shared between Zeralda and Jijel, Algeria, and the Parque Natural del Montnegre i Corredor, Cataluñ a, Spain, suggestive of a direct event of translocation between northern Algeria and Cataluñ a. Haplotype distribution between the three Balearic Islands suggested that common genets from Ibiza, with an exclusive haplotype (Hap 14), had a Phylogeography of the common genet different translocation history from Mallorca and Cabrera, where Hap 3—the most frequent on the European continent—was highly dominant. Traces of human passages have been reported in Mallorca since 8,000 years (Vignes 1999), but settlements started the third millennium B.C., whereas Ibiza was not occupied until ca. 2,000 B.C. and was probably deserted between ca. 1,300 and 700 B.C. (Bellard 1995). The specificity of the peopling of Ibiza, linked to the great influence of Carthaginians (Phoenician colony from Tunisia) on the island, has been demonstrated by genetic investigations on both humans and introduced animals (Cosson et al. 2005; Tomàs et al. 2006). In our case, common genets from Ibiza might have been subject to an independent event of translocation, directly originating from Maghreb, whereas the Mallorcan population was possibly introduced later from continental Europe. Remarkably, common genets from Ibiza have a significantly smaller body size than other Mediterranean populations (Delibes 1977), suggesting in situ adaptation to ecological constraints of the island made possible by an earlier period of arrival than in Mallorca and Cabrera (a founder effect can also be envisaged). The omnipresence of Hap 3 in Cabrera, which is dominant in Mallorca, fit with the recent introduction of the common genet from Cabrera to Mallorca as a biocontrol agent against rabbits (Delibes 1977). Spain, with a higher genetic diversity and a number of haplotypes falling within the 95% confidence limits of the rarefaction curve, may be considered as the ‘translocation hotspot’ of European common genets where several, independent introductions would have occurred at successive periods. On the other hand, France and Portugal, both with lower than expected haplotype diversities, are likely to represent countries where the species arrived subsequently, either naturally or through human mediation (coupled to a possible, former introduction in Portugal). A main contribution of the Moor invaders to the introduction and geographic expansion of the species in Europe is a tempting hypothesis given that (i) genetic diversity was higher in the regions occupied by the Almohads from 1146 A.D. (southern and eastern coasts of Spain and the Balearic Isl.; Morales and Rofes 2008), (ii) the current species range fits with the maximal progression of Moors’ settlements into south-western France (Merdrignac and Mérienne 2003), and (iii) the only archaezoological records 537 linking the common genets to humans were found in Algeria, Morocco, and one Almohad site in Europe. Unfortunately, it remains impossible to reject or validate hypotheses of historical translocations—by Carthaginians, Greeks, Moors or else. Indeed, the ideal approach for relating translocation events to specific time periods would be to combine an exhaustive screening of haplotype diversity to accurate estimates of divergence time. Dating of such recent divergence is hampered by numerous factors, including absence of monophyly due to retention of ancestral polymorphism, overestimation of divergence time due to coalescence within the ancestral population, and huge variance among loci due to the stochastic nature of coalescence processes. All these hurdles render the direct application of a molecular clock to data on a single locus totally inappropriate (Edwards and Beerli 2000; Arbogast et al. 2002). As a consequence, we expect that at least some dating events proposed for the recently introduced populations across the Mediterranean Basin are likely overestimated. It is thus especially surprising that those estimates that predated by far evidences of human crossing of the Strait of Gibraltar or fossil records were not envisaged under the light of these expected estimation biases and limitations (Guiller et al. 2001; Libois et al. 2001; Michaux et al. 2003; Brandli et al. 2005; Cosson et al. 2005). Recent methods that calculate simultaneously times of divergence, population sizes and migration rates, were designed to circumvent this bias (e.g. Nielsen and Wakeley 2001). However, the low representation of Clade 1 in Maghreb (five individuals from N Algeria), did not allow us to obtain reliable results from those methods (data not shown). In our study, Hap 3 was the commonest and most widespread CR1 haplotype in Europe, possibly leading to the wrong impression that it may constitute the ancestral haplotype from which northern Algerian haplotypes were derived (see Fig. 2). Indeed, network analysis makes the initial assumption that sampling effort is distributed homogeneously across the study area (Templeton 2004), the distribution of the sample sizes directly affecting the distribution of haplotype frequency. In our case, sampling activities were unbalanced, with a sample set from northern Algeria (Clade I) reduced to five individuals, contra 95 for south-western Europe, where field work was easier to plan. It is thus expected that a greater sample set from 123 538 Maghreb would lead to a much more accurate picture of haplotype frequency and distribution in this region, including higher haplotype frequencies that would balance Hap 3 supremacy in Europe. Haplotype network patterns may also be affected by multiple introductions or human-mediated spread in Europe, which can contribute to artefactually increase the geographic coverage and frequency of a common haplotype (suspected for Hap 3). Finally, although the star-like pattern centered on Hap 3 may look similar to what is observed in populations having expanded from Pleistocene refugia (e.g. Michaux et al. 2003), we find useful to mention that a similar pattern has also been used to justify bottleneck events related to recent introductions (e.g. Cosson et al. 2005). NCA inferred contemporary processes of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance/dispersal as shaping the geographic structure of European common genets at two clade levels, but made no inference of range expansion. On the contrary, our demographic analyses supported a scenario of very recent expansion within south-western Europe, excluding the second haplogroup (Clade 3-2) that possibly originated from a different translocation event. Although we cannot completely rule out the possibility of biases induced by accelerated rates of evolution that may occur during invasive processes (Lee 2002), the great number of haplotypes but the low value of nucleotide diversity (Table 2), the mismatch distribution and frequency spectrum (with an excess of 1–2 steps mutations), the tests of population growth (Table 5 and Fig. 4), and the starlike topology observed in the spanning network (Fig. 2) all strongly suggest that the genetic structure observed in European common genets results from the very recent introductions of a reduced number of individuals followed by rapid population expansion (Avise 2000; Michaux et al. 2003). One basic prediction underlying NCA is that older haplotypes (interior clades) are geographically more widespread than younger haplotypes (tips) (Templeton et al. 1995). In our case, NCA inference might have been misled by the effect of the human-mediated translocation of the species, resulting for instance in the widespread distribution of Hap 3 (interior) all over Europe (Clades 1-2 and 2-1; Table 2 and Fig. 2). In fact, the effect of a population bottleneck followed by rapid geographic spread of a single haplotype has 123 P. Gaubert et al. been reported as a possible cause of NCA failure in detecting range expansion (Paulo et al. 2002). Importantly, restricted gene flow with isolation by distance is one of the inferences that NCA may yield as false positive at high frequencies (Panchal and Beaumont 2007; but see Templeton 2008). Although NCA gave results consistent with prior expectations of a scenario of multiple introductions of the common genet into Europe (see above), we cannot consider as reliable the inference on restricted gene flow with isolation by distance without the use of additional loci and cross-validations through other methods (Panchal and Beaumont 2007; Garrick et al. 2008). Conclusion We suggest that the exceptional combination of several factors may have promoted the successful spread of the common genet from Maghreb to Europe, including multiple translocations and efficient propagule vectors such as human-driven propagation across natural barriers (Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000; Stepien et al. 2002; Roman and Darling 2007), but also natural processes of colonization allowed by the wide ecological tolerance of the species (Gaubert et al. 2008; Delibes and Gaubert in press). It remains remarkable that supposedly independent introductions originated only from one out of two of the mitochondrial lineages occurring in Maghreb, and further investigations—using nuclear markers and an extended sample from Maghreb—are required to improve our understanding of the translocation processes and of this maternal geographic imprint (Gaubert et al. in press). Remarkably, the establishment of the common genet in south-western Europe represents a historical, probably involuntary, case of Pleistocene re-wilding (see Donlan 2005) in Europe of a relictual North African lineage, which is now potentially subject to habitat loss and introgression in its native range (see Masseti et al. 2008 for a similar example in fallow deers from the Mediterranean Basin). Indeed, Genetta genetta is an anthropochorous species (i.e. described from introduced populations; Gippoliti and Amori 2006) now protected in its whole European range. Given the mitochondrial homogeneity observed between European and northern Algerian populations, we propose that the subspecies name G. g. genetta (Linnaeus 1756), described from El Phylogeography of the common genet 539 Pardo, near Madrid, Spain, be applied to all the representatives of Clade I, with afra (Maghreb), balearica (Mallorca Isl.) and isabelae (Ibiza Isl.) as synonyms. Possible introgression events with the western African lineage (Clade IV) in Maghreb (involving afra) will have to be further investigated. Acknowledgments We deeply thank the following people for having contributed to the sampling effort: N. Aı̈t-Ameur, A. Arrizabalaga Blanch, K. Ba, J.J. Bafaluy Zoriguel, O. Berdion, M. Beucher, J.-C. Boisguerin, R. Bouhraoua, M. Boukheroufa, F. Bourguemestre, E. Brandt, J.-M. Cassiède, F. Catzeflis, M. Colyn, G. Coste, C. Crémière, J. Cuisin, F. Cuzin, X. Domingo, G. Dominguez, M.-F. Faure, F. Ferrandon, C. and P. Fournier, I.R. Fraile, A. Galat-Luong, J. Garrigue, A. Gerbaud, M. Gouichiche, L. Granjon, D. Guérineau, C. Gutierez, B. Hamou, E.H. Harley, M. Hubert, A. Kitchener, E. Le Nuz, F. Léger, F. Llimona, P. Lluch, J.V. Lopez Bao, F. Lopez-Giraldez, A. Loureiro, E. Martinez Nevado, L. Matringe, J. Mayné, B. Mellier, J.-D. Méric, A. Olivier, M.C. Otero, J.-P. Paillat, L. Parpal, M. Pelven, S. Peres, A. Petit, L. Picco, J. Placer Lopez, D. Portier, G. Pottier, J.-J. Ranouil, H. Rguibi, A.G.P. de Santayana, J. Seon, P. Sierra, H. Sitek, P.J. Taylor, M. Tranier, G.M. Vacas, J.-P. Vacher, G. Van Laere, P. Vercammen, G. Veron, B. Vilatte, S. de Vries, S. Yepes, J. Zabala, I. Zuberogoitia. The following institutions allowed us to access their tissue banks: Breeding Centre for Endangered Arabian Wildlife, Sharjah (United Arab Emirates); Consorcio de Recuperacio de la Fauna, Illes Baleares (Spain); Instituto da Conservação da Natureza, Porto (Portugal); Museu de Granollers – Ciencies Naturals, Barcelona (Spain); Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid (Spain); Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (France); Parc de Collserola, Cataluña (Spain). We are grateful to Ana Piriz and the whole staff of Laboratorio de Ecologia Molecular, Estació n Bioló gica de Doñ ana, for lab work assistance and fruitful discussions. Two anonymous reviewers provided useful comments on the early version of the manuscript. Arnaud Fontanet and Géraldine Veron played a significant role in fundraising the project. This work was funded by the European Commission 6th PCRDT ‘‘EPISARS’’ (FP6-2003-SSP-2SARS; no. 51163). Appendix I Detailed list of the samples and sequences used in this study Country (n) Clade I France (35) Locale of collection Sample n° Type of sample cytb CR1 Vendée Vendée GgE151 GgE154 Deux-Sèvres Deux-Sèvres GgE01 GgE76 Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) (a) (a) EF371655 (a) (a) Tissue (a) Loire-Atlantique Maine-et-Loire Charente-Maritime Charente-Maritime GgE153 GgT528 GgE142 GgE148 Tissue Tissue Hair Hair (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) EF371664 (b) (b) Dordogne Dordogne Creuse Indre GgE43 GgE145 GgE149 GgE77’ Tissue Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) EF371617 (a) (a) (c) (c) EF371665 (c) (a) Allier Cantal Lot-et-Garonne Lot-et-Garonne GgT489 GgT488 GgE49 GgE61 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) Gironde Gironde GgE48 GgE63 Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) (a) Landes Landes Landes GgE50 GgE51 GgE58 Tissue Hair Tissue (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) 123 540 P. Gaubert et al. Detailed list of the samples and sequences used in this study Country (n) Italy (1) Spain (41) 123 Locale of collection Sample n° Type of sample cytb CR1 Pyrénées-Orientales Pyrénées-Orientales Hautes-Pyrénées Hautes-Pyrénées Pyrénées Atlantiques Pyrénées Atlantiques GgT294 (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) EF371660 (d) GgT115 GgT113 Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair Aveyron Gard Hérault Hérault Bouches-du-Rhô ne Bouches-du-Rhô ne Bouches-du-Rhône Alpes de Haute Provence Piemont GgE150 GgT293 Tissue Tissue (a) (a) EF371661 (r) (c) GgC9 GgT307 GgT133 GgT134 GgT292 GgT118 GgT540 DNA (a) (c) Tissue Hair Hair Hair Hair Tissue (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) EF371618 (a) (c) (d) (d) (c) (d) EF371666 (c) Aragon Aragon Pais Basco Pais Basco Asturias GgT95 GgT371 GgT362 GgT369 GgT373 Hair Tissue Hair Hair Tissue Asturias GgT396 Hair (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) Galicia Galicia Galicia Cantabria Extremadura GgT388 GgT389 GgT446 GgT377 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) (a) (a) (e) GgT407 GgE147 GgT114 (d) (c) (c) (c) (c) Cataluña Cataluña Cataluña Cataluña Madrid GgT530 GgT393 GgT449 GgT493 GgT498 GgT408 Madrid GgT481 Tissue EF371619 (a) (a) EF371667 (h) (c) Castilla-y-Leon Castilla-y-Leon Andalucia GgT370 GgT391 GgE08 Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) (a) (h) (h) (c) Andalucia Andalucia GgE09 GgE10 Hair Hair (a) (a) (c) (c) Andalucia Andalucia Andalucia Andalucia GgT378 GgT432 GgT438 GgT452 Hair Tissue Tissue Hair (a) (a) EF371620 (b) (b) EF371656 (i) (c) EF371668 (j) EF371657 (k) Andalucia Mallorca Isl. Mallorca Isl. GgT459 GgT514 GgT515 Tissue Blood Blood (a) EF371621 (a) (a) (c) EF371669 (c) (c) EF371662 (e) EF371663 (f) (g) Phylogeography of the common genet 541 Detailed list of the samples and sequences used in this study Country (n) Portugal (18) Algeria (5) Clade II Saudi Arabia (4) Yemen (4) Locale of collection Sample n° Type of sample cytb CR1 Mallorca Isl. Cabrera Isl. GgT516 GgT511 Blood Blood (a) EF371622 (a) EF371658 (l) EF371670 (c) Cabrera Isl. Cabrera Isl. GgT513 GgT517 Blood Blood (a) (a) (c) (c) Cabrera Cabrera Cabrera Cabrera GgT518 GgT523 GgT526 GgT527 Blood Blood Blood Blood (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) GgT483 GgT484 GgT485 GgT487 GgT431 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) EF371623 (a) (a) (m) (m) (m) EF371671 (m) (n) Beja Beja Beja GgT464 GgT467 GgT473 Tissue Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) (c) (n) (c) Beja Douro river Douro river Viana do Castelo GgT480 GgT468 GgT470 GgT463 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) (a) (c) (c) (c) (c) Viana do Castelo Viana do Castelo GgT475 GgT477 Tissue Tissue (a) EF371624 (a) (c) EF371672 (c) Braga Braga GgT465 GgT478 Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (c) (c) Braga Braga Minho Porto GgT479 GgT471 GgT469 GgT472 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue (a) (a) (a) (a) EF371659 (n) (c) (c) (c) – – Alger Zeralda Zeralda Jijel El Kala GgT466 GgT476 GgE91 GgT316 GgT317 GgE88 GgT150 Tissue Tissue Hair Tissue Tissue Hair Hair (a) (a) EF371626 EF371627 EF371628 EF371625 EF371629 (c) (c) EF371674 EF371675 EF371676 EF371673 EF371677 Djeddah Captivity (Sharjah Desert Park, United Arab Emirates) Eastern Saudi Arabia Taif GgC81 GgT96 DNA Hair EF371644 (a) EF371645 (a) EF371692 (a) EF371693 (b) GgT502 GgT504 Hair Hair EF371646 (a) EF371647 (a) EF371694 (b) EF371695 (b) Taiz Taiz Taiz Taiz GgT101 GgT102 GgT103 GgT104 Hair Hair Hair Hair (b) (b) (b) EF371648 (b) (c) (c) (c) EF371696 (c) Ibiza Ibiza Ibiza Ibiza Beja Isl. Isl. Isl. Isl. Isl. Isl. Isl. Isl. (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (o) (p) (g) (g) (q) 123 542 P. Gaubert et al. Detailed list of the samples and sequences used in this study Country (n) Oman (1) Locale of collection Sample n° Type of sample cytb CR1 Salallah GgC52 Tissue EF371649 (c) EF371697 (d) GgE89 GgT380 GgE19 GgE107 Hair Hair Tissue Hair EF371639 EF371640 EF371642 EF371641 GgT98 Hair EF371643 (c) Batna GgE92 Hair Clade III Namibia (2) Okahandja – South Africa (3) KwaZulu-Natal Captivity (Sharjah Desert Park, United Arab Emirates) Captivity (Sharjah Desert Park, United Arab Emirates) Clade IV Algeria (2) (a) EF371687 (a) EF371688 (b) EF371690 (b) EF371689 EF371632 (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) EF371691 (b) EF371680 (a) Tlemcen GgT539 Tissue EF371633 (b) Morocco (3) Marrakech Marrakech Missoura GgT120 GgT121 GgT543 Tissue Dried ear (market)* Tissue EF371630 (c) EF371678 (c) EF371651 (b) EF371699 (b) EF371631 (b) EF371679 (f) Tunisia (5) Zagouan Kroumiria GgT161 GgT323 Tissue Footpad (museum)* EF371634 (d) (d) EF371682 (a) (d) Kroumiria Kroumiria GgT324 GgT325 Footpad (museum)* Footpad (museum)* (d) (d) (d) (d) Kroumiria GgT326 Footpad (museum)* Tentane Emnal’here Dakar Dakar GgE81 GgE16 GgE65 GgE75 Tissue Tissue Tissue Tissue EF371635 (e) EF371683 (e) EF371636 (b) EF371684 (f) EF371638 (b) EF371686 (g) EF371637 (b) EF371685 (g) Smoked tissue (market)* EF371652 (b) Mauritania (1) Mali (1) Senegal (2) Benin (3) Chad (2) – – – N’Djamena N’Djamena GgT298 GgT304 GgT306 GgT327 GgT328 (d) EF371681 (b) (a) EF371700 (h) Smoked tissue (market)* EF371653 (b) EF371701 (a) Smoked tissue (market)* EF371654 (b) EF371702 (a) Footpad (museum)* (b) EF371703 (h) Footpad (museum)* (b) EF371704 (i) GenBank accession numbers are given under cytb (cytochrome b) and CR1 (left domain of control region). 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