Yale University Institutional Review Boards HUMAN SUBJECTS COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF CHANGE TO PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROTOCOL 100 FR 3 (2015-1) Principal Investigator: Study Correspondent: ________________________________________________ Phone/e-mail address: Protocol Title & Number: INSTRUCTIONS TO INVESTIGATOR A research protocol must be carried out in accordance with the protocol approved by the Committee. Any changes in the project including subject population, recruitment plans, research procedures, study instruments, study sites, or research personnel must be approved by the Committee prior to implementation. For exempt protocols – Only certain modifications (see Exemption Guidance, 100GD9) in exempt protocols must be submitted to the IRB for review and determination that the modification doesn’t change the status of the exemption. Use this form for those changes ONLY. For minor modifications a formal review and determination are not necessary before implementation of the modification. However, revised (via track changes) documents must be submitted to the HSC via email notification with an explanation of the changes. 1. Document Change Description (check all as appropriate): ______ Change to currently approved protocol ______ Change to currently approved consent form ______ Other (ads, questionnaires, surveys, etc) 2. Check one: ______ This change does not increase risks to participants enrolled in the study. ______ This change does increase risks to participants enrolled in the study. 3. Please explain what modifications are being proposed at this time, and why the modifications are necessary. Explain their effect, if any, on the risks and benefits to subjects. Use the Microsoft Word track changes feature to indicate the addition and removal of information in the body of the document Revised 7/15