Functional diversity in fruit-frugivore interactions: a field experiment with Mediterranean mammals José M. Fedriani and Miguel Delibes J. M. Fedriani ( and M. Delibes, Estacio´n Biológica de Doñana (CSIC), Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n, Isla de la Cartuja, ES-41092 Sevilla, Spain. Using field seed sowings, we assessed how four mammal species (Meles meles, Vulpes vulpes, Sus scrofa, and Oryctolagus cuniculus) influenced seed germination in three fleshy-fruited Mediterranean shrubs (Corema album, Pyrus bourgaeana, and Rubus ulmifolius). We predicted that gut passage and removal away from mother plants would enhance the quantity, speed, and asynchrony of seed germination. Results showed that percent germination was altered by gut passage, but that the magnitude and even the direction of such effects varied according to plant and disperser species. Likewise, dispersal away from mother plants affected the percentage and germination speed in some species but not others. Gut passage increased asynchrony of germination in Rubus and Pyrus, and removal from the mother plant increased asynchrony in Rubus, which likely enhances plant fitness in unpredictable environments. Gut passage generally had a stronger effect on germination than removal away from mother plants, but for some species both factors were similarly influential. Therefore, the combined effects of both seed dispersal services varied individually among fruit and frugivore species, leading to unusually high functional diversity in this seed dispersal mutualism. Dispersers provide a central service to plants by moving their seeds away from the maternal plant to a new environment, which often results in higher survival, colonization of vacant areas, and/or genetic flux enhancement (Levin et al. 2003, Howe and Miriti 2004, Spiegel and Nathan 2007). In addition, plants dispersed in animal interiors (i.e. endozoochorous) may benefit from other services, such as changes in the probability and speed of germination due to scarification, deinhibition, or other effects that take place during seed processing and delivery (see reviews in Robertson et al. 2006, Traveset et al. 2007). However, the magnitude and even the direction of such effects often depend on the testing environment (laboratory, greenhouse, field; Robertson et al. 2006, Traveset et al. 2007). For example, because germination depends on the conditions present in the immediate environment (resources, pathogens, etc.; Fenner and Thompson 2005), it is possible that key microhabitat conditions interact with seed treatment, leading to unexpected patterns of germination. Though we understand the separate outcomes of gut passage on seed germination, the paucity of field studies (but see Rodrı́guez-Pérez et al. 2005) has limited our knowledge. We still know very little about the consequences of gut passage when acting in concert with other components of the dispersal process, such as the removal from the mother plant. For instance, what is the relative importance of gut passage versus removal from mother plant on different aspects (percent, speed) of endozoochore germination? Fleshy-fruited plants are typically dispersed by dozens of vertebrate species (mostly non-flying mammals and birds, but also reptiles and bats; Herrera 2002). The origin, preservation, and potential adaptive value of such unspecialized mutualisms are subjects for current debate (Bolmgren and Eriksson 2005, Thompson 2005). In particular, Izhaki and Safriel (1990) proposed that, while passing through vertebrate guts, seeds experience a variable scarification process that might diversify their timing of germination (i.e. asynchrony), which may be advantageous in unpredictable environments (Cohen 1966, Simons 2007, Venable et al. 2008). Nevertheless, given that vertebrate dispersers deliver ingested seeds to different microhabitats (Jordano and Schupps 2000), dispersal from the maternal environment might also be important in the diversification of germination timing. Even though Izhaki and Safriel’s hypothesis has received ample support (Izhaki et al. 1995, Traveset et al. 2001, Santamarı́a et al. 2002, Nogales et al. 2006), the joint roles of gut passage and removal from the mother plant on the diversification of germination timing in unknown. How these processes vary among species is unknown and an investigation could shed light not only on the role of endozoochory on plant population dynamics, but also on the generalized nature of most plant-vertebrate disperser mutualisms. 983 In this study, we experimentally assessed the combined effects of gut passage and removal away from the mother plant on the percentage, the speed, and synchrony of germination of three mammal-dispersed species in a Mediterranean shrubland. The chosen plant species (Iberian pear Pyrus bourgaeana, blackberry Rubus ulmifolius, and Portuguese crowberry Corema album) are all fleshy-fruited, though they vary in relevant traits such as seed size and coat thickness. Several herbivorous and carnivorous mammals with differing morphological and physiological traits consume the fruit of these species in our study area. While we expected that the effect of passage through mammal guts generally would enhance the quantity and the speed of germination, as well as diversify the germination timing (i.e. asynchrony), we predicted that patterns would vary among plant and disperser species (Traveset and Verdú 2002, Traveset et al. 2008). Because mammals transport seeds away from mother plants, and the resulting fungal pathogens, chemical allelopathy, and mechanical inhibition often are associated with mother plants (Janzen 1970, Augspurger 1984, Eriksson 1995), we hypothesized that the removal from the maternal environment would enhance germination. The initiation of germination can be affected by a myriad of factors such as the temperature (Thompson and Grime 1983), light environment (Silvertown 1980), and moisture (Dubrovsky 1996), which often vary at small spatial scales. Therefore, we predicted that the idiosyncratic effects of removal from the mother plant on germination timing would increase the diversification of germination. To evaluate our predictions, we sowed seeds of the three plant species that had passed through the gut of four mammalian dispersers, as well as control seeds, both beneath and away from reproductive conspecifics (simulating non-dispersed and dispersed seeds, respectively). We monitored seedling emergence for twenty-one months and evaluated the combined effects of mammal ingestion and dispersal away from mother plants on the quantity, speed, and asynchrony of seed germination. Methods Study sites, plants, and dispersers The study was carried out from November 2005 to September 2007 at Doñana National Park (510 km2; 3789?N, 6826?W; elevation 0—80 m), located on the right bank of the Guadalquivir delta in southwestern Spain. The climate is Mediterranean sub-humid and characterized by dry, hot summers (June—September) and mild, wet winters (October—January). Annual rainfall varies widely, ranging during the last twenty-five years from 170—1028 mm (mean9SD=583.09221.1 mm). Though most rain (‘80%) falls between October and March, there is a marked interannual seasonal variability in rainfall. The three species (hereafter referred as Rubus, Pyrus and Corema) are relatively common in Doñ ana, though typically do not co-occur in the same sites; thus, three sites where each of the three species is abundant were selected for our study. Our study sites are also characterized by a variable understory of Halimium halimifolium, Pistacea lenticus, Ulex spp., and Juniperus phoenicea, and scattered Quercus 984 suber and Pinus pinea trees. Pyrus is a monoecious small tree (‘3—6 m high), Rubus is a monoecious shrub (1—2 m high), and Corema is a dioecious shrub (‘0.5—1 m high). The three species grow singly or in small clumps, often separated by open spaces with some forbs and grasses. They all flower during spring (March—May) and produce fleshy fruits that ripen during the fall and winter (September— December; Jordano 1984, Fedriani and Delibes unpubl.). Their seeds differ in many traits, including size, shape, and coat thickness (Table 1), which are presumably relevant for germination. In Doñ ana, several abundant herbivores (e.g. wild boar Sus scrofa [40—50 kg], European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus [‘1 kg]) and less common mammalian carnivores (e.g. Eurasian badger Meles meles [6—8 kg], red fox Vulpes vulpes [5—7 kg]) are the main dispersers of Pyrus and Corema (Fedriani and Delibes 2009, unpubl.). Rubus, however, also includes birds among its major dispersers (Jordano 1984). As a consequence of their movement behaviors, mammal species in our study area frequently deliver feces (with ingested seeds) both beneath and within a few meters from reproductive plants in open interspaces (Fedriani and Delibes 2009). Conditions beneath reproductive plants (e.g. shaded, relatively humid, copious litter) visibly contrast with conditions present in the open spaces surrounding them (sunny, dry, less litter). Mammal-ingested and control seeds Because we focus on the possible scarification effect of gut passage on germination, we compared the germination behavior of control (non-ingested) seeds with that of mammal-ingested seeds. To avoid pulp inhibitory effects (Samuels and Levey 2005, Robertson et al. 2006), the pulp attached to control seeds was removed by hand. For the purpose of this study, ‘‘removal from the mother plant’’ refers to either ripe fruit being picked by frugivores directly from fruiting plants (typical for Corema) or fallen fruit being picked up beneath them (typical for Pyrus). Finally, germination was defined as the emergence of any seedling part from the seed (Izhaki and Safriel 1990); thus, we use seed germination and seedling emergence interchangeably. To obtain control seeds, ripe fruits were collected in November 2005 from 15 to 20 individuals of each species well-distributed throughout their respective study sites. Viable seeds were extracted from collected fruits and their pulp was removed. Seeds were pooled into three samples (one per species) and stored in paper bags in the dark at room temperature (abortions and seeds showing signs of pathogens or insect damage were discarded). Mammalingested seeds were removed from fresh feces of wild animals (‘20 feces per mammal species at each site) collected in the field (Traveset et al. 2001, Nogales et al. 2005) during the same time period and near the fruiting plants from which control seeds were obtained. Mammal feces were identified at the species level on the basis of shape, odor, and color (Fedriani et al. 1999). Fecal samples were air dried and, as above, stored individually in paper bags in the dark at room temperature. Each fecal sample was later washed using a sieve under running water. Seeds were immediately and carefully removed and dried. Then, 0.02390.001 (40) 0.01690.001 (40) 0.04090.004 (40) 0.07190.004 (40) 0.09090.005 (40) 0.07590.006 (40) Corema album Pyrus bourgaeana Rubus ulmifolius 0.2690.01 (45) 9.5490.43 (60) 1.1390.05 (45) 3.0490.31 (45) 3.0091.60 (22) 37.7391.61 (45) 9.7290.21 (137) 73.53922.22 (66) 2.4890.03 (450) 4.5990.11 (20) 8.5490.31 (20) 2.8990.08 (20) 3.3990.08 (20) 5.4890.21 (20) 1.8890.04 (20) Seed coat thickness/seed diameter Seed coat thickness (mm) Seed diameter (mm) Seed length (mm) Seed weight (mg) No. viable seeds per fruit Fruit weight (g) Table 1. Fruit and seed characteristics of the three plant species studied (mean91SE). From 10 to 15 reproductive individuals of each species we estimated seed diameter and coat thickness of twenty randomly selected seeds. A transversal slice per seed (16—18 mm wide) was created using a freezing microtome and immediately examined under a microscope (10—40 x). Coat thickness was measured using a calibrated scale (i.e. reticule); we multiplied the number of ocular divisions spanned by the coat width by a conversion factor according to the magnification used. Numbers in parentheses indicate sample sizes. Because seed coat thickness was variable within each sample, two measurements were recorded per seed; thus, sample size for coat thickness was double that for seed diameter. they were examined with 20—40x magnification glasses. Only unharmed seeds (i.e. not crushed or fractured) were selected for the sowings. Despite our intensive sampling effort, we could not gather an acceptable number of mammal-ingested seeds for some plant-disperser pairs due to different contingencies of our study system. For example, rabbits destroyed and ground up all ingested Pyrus seeds, and the few badger feces found in the Corema study site seldom contained seeds. Consequently, some interacting pairs of species were not accounted for. Succesful plant-disperser pairs and the number of mammal-ingested seeds sown were: Corema seeds ingested by fox, rabbit, and boar (360 seeds per treatment); Rubus seeds ingested by badger and fox (360 seeds per treatment), and Pyrus seeds ingested by badger (340 seeds). The corresponding numbers of control seeds were sown for each plant species. Field seed sowing and statistical analysis of the effects of endozoochory on the percent and speed of germination To evaluate the combined effect of passage through mammal guts (i.e. ‘‘gut passage’’) and the removal from the mother plant (i.e. ‘‘removal’’) on seed germination, we sowed experimental seeds in the field late in November 2005. In each of the three study localities, we haphazardly chose 17—18 reproductive individuals (or random blocks) separated by at least 15 m, and used an experimental design whose factors were ‘‘gut passage’’ (mammal-ingested and control seeds) and ‘‘removal’’ (beneath and away [ ]5 m in open microhabitat] from any reproductive conspecific). The open microhabitat was chosen as the target deposition site because is clearly the most pervasive arrival site for mammal-dispersed seeds in our study area. For example, systematic fecal surveys carried out in our three study sites, in which all microsites were searched evenly, showed that most mammal feces (67.5%, n =1540) were deposited in the open microhabitat; remaining samples were found beneath seventeen different shrub/tree species (Fedriani and Delibes unpubl.). Depending on the number of plantdispersers pairs (from 1 to 3, see above) associated to each random block, we set, at least, the following four treatment combinations: 1) mammal-ingested seeds beneath a reproductive conspecific, 2) control seeds beneath a reproductive conspecific, 3) mammal-ingested seeds away from any reproductive conspecific, and 4) control seeds away from any reproductive conspecific. In each experimental block, we placed one seed depot (see below) per disperser species, plus one for control seeds, both beneath and away from a reproductive conspecific (e.g. for Pyrus four seed depots were set per block). Each seed depot consisted of an openbottomed plastic beaker (7 cm diameter) pushed partly into the ground (cf. Robertson et al. 2006). Ten viable seeds of a particular treatment were sown in each depot (e.g. for Pyrus 40 seeds were sown per block), and then buried (‘0.5 cm depth) with in situ soil previously sieved to remove nonexperimental seeds. To evaluate potential contamination by non-experimental seeds (e.g. seeds within bird droppings), we placed in each block two extra depots, following the procedure as above except with no sown seeds. To keep out 985 vertebrate seed predators (Fedriani and Delibes 2009), all and Grambsch 2000). The inverse-logarithm transformed regression coefficients give the relative likelihood of depots were covered with a 1-cm mesh cage (28 x18 x 13 cm). Sowings were checked monthly from January germination during the overall study period related to 2006 to September 2007. Ball-headed needles of variable changes in each explanatory variable (after adjustment for the effects of the other variables in the model). Since we colors were placed next to each emerged seedling upon each check, allowing us to distinguish between monthly only considered data for seeds that had germinated by the end of our field experiment, the relative likelihood of seedling cohorts. To analyze the data on seedling emergence, we used germination can be interpreted in terms of germination generalized linear mixed models using the SAS macro speed (i.e. the higher the likelihood, the faster the GLIMMIX (Littell et al. 1996). One model per plant germination). species was fitted with gut passage, removal, and their interaction as fixed effects. Experimental block was included as a random factor. Because of the binomial nature of the Effects of endozoochory on germination asynchrony response variable in all models (number of emerged Because sampling variance approaches population variance seedlings/number of seeds sown [n =10]), we used binowith sample size (Zar 1999), an evaluation of the role of mial error and logit link function. Adjusted means and endozoochory on germination asynchrony (Izhaki and standard errors were calculated using the LSMEANS Safriel 1990) requires that sample size effect (i.e. number statement and back-transformed using the appropriate of emerged seedlings) be controlled (Simons 2007). This Taylor’s series approach (Littell et al. 1996). To compare could be particularly crucial when the number of emerged the effects of different levels of any significant main factor, seedlings significantly varies across different treatment we calculated the differences between their least-square combinations, which was the case of our study (e.g. for means. When the interaction between any two factors was Pyrus, the number of seedlings emerged from control seeds significant, we performed tests for the effect of a given [n =103] almost doubled that emerged from badgerfactor at the different levels of the other factor (‘‘tests of ingested seeds [n =53]). Therefore, we used random simple main effects’’), using the SLICE option in the samples of each plant species, which were generated from LSMEANS statement of the MIXED procedure (Littell our empirical emergence data (overall, 504 emergence et al. 1996). Thus, GLIMMIX allowed: the modeling of records), to calculate a metric of the diversity in germinaour response variable according to the specific distribution tion timing by means of the Shannon’s index (H ?): of its residuals, the achievement of a mixed factorial design, n X and a full evaluation of main effects and their interactions. Pi (ln Pi ); However, generalized linear models do not make allowances H ? =— i =1 for censored data; thus, because some of our experimental seeds could have germinated after our study period (twenty- where Pi is the proportion of seeds germinated during one months), we reanalyzed our data on percentage of the ith month of the study period (e.g. Labouriau and Pacheco 1978, Izhaki and Safriel 1990, Ranal and Santana germination by means of failure-time analyses, by fitting Cox proportional hazard regression models that account for 2006). In our simulations, the diversity of germination timing censored data (Therneau and Grambsch 2000). Results from this second set of analyses were clearly consistent with was monitored for each treatment combination as a previous ones; therefore, we show only the results from function of sample size (number of emergence times GLIMMIX analyses, which most comprehensively disen- recorded). For the sake of simplicity, we distinguished between two gut passage levels (i.e. mammal-ingested tangle the effect of main factors and their interactions on [irrespective of the species] and control seeds), and two percent germination. The effects of gut passage and removal on seed removal levels (beneath and away from mother plant). An germination speed were tested using failure-time analyses, iterating procedure was devised in Visual FoxPro (1998) by fitting Cox proportional hazard regression models to and, for any given sample size, we ran 20 iterations to data consisting of the number of months between sowing generate the plausible ranges of diversity in germination timing given our empirical data. To analyze the response and seedling emergence for each seed. To separate the effects on germination speed from those on percentage of variable (H ?) by controlling for sample size, we fitted a germination, we only considered seeds that had germinated generalized linear mixed model for each plant species using by the end of our field experiment (Figuerola et al. 2002, the GLIMMIX macro. In all models, both gut passage and Santamarı́a et al. 2002). As above, one model was fitted per removal from mother plant were included as fixed factors; plant species. Block was included in each model as a sample size was included as a covariate, and the iteration Simulated diversity indexes ‘‘frailty’’ (i.e. random) term, and the significance of each (n =20) as a random factor. 1/2 were transformed [(x+1) ] to achieve homogeneity of factor and interaction was evaluated by backwards-stepwise variances and, thus, normal error and identity link function elimination from the full model (Therneau and Grambsch 2000). In comparing successive models, we calculated the were specified in all models (Littell et al. 1996). double absolute difference of their respective EM-likelihood algorithms, and compared that value against a chi-square Results with k-1 degrees of freedom, k being the number of levels (or combination of levels) of the factor (or interaction) being tested. For the frailty factor we also assumed a chi- Seedling emergence in our field sowing was low for all square distribution with one degree of freedom (Therneau species, with Rubus and Corema having the highest and 986 lowest percentage of germination, respectively (Fig. 1). Overall, 15.8% of seeds germinated (504 of 3200 seeds sown). Species-specific germination percentages were 23.6% (255 of 1080), 22.5% (153 of 680), and 6.7% (96 of 1440) for Rubus, Pyrus, and Corema, respectively. Extra depots set without seeds showed that contamination by non-experimental seeds was negligible for the three species; specifically, only one seedling of one fleshy-fruited species (Rubus) emerged in a total of 106 control pots. Seedlings emerged (%) (A) Rubus ulmifolius p < 0.020 50 ns ns 40 ns 30 20 Effects of endozoochory on the percent of germination 10 Badger Fox Control Our linear model for Pyrus revealed that there was a significantly higher percentage of germination for control seeds as compared with badger-ingested seeds (Table 2, Fig. 1C). Also, Pyrus seeds germinated in higher proportion beneath reproductive conspecifics than away. No significant interaction between removal and gut passage was found (Table 2). For Rubus, we found a significant gut passage effect on the percentage of seed germination (Table 2). Differences among least square means indicated that seeds ingested by badgers germinated in higher proportions than those ingested by fox and control seeds (t >2.38, DF = 1057, p B0.020; Fig. 1A); however, no significant differences were found between fox-ingested and control seeds (p =0.867). No significant effect of removal or its interaction with gut passage was found for Rubus (Table 2). For Corema, we found a significant effect of gut passage (Table 2), indicating that seeds ingested by all three mammals germinated in a higher proportion than control seeds (t >3.91, DF =1415, p B0.0001); however, no differences were found among seeds ingested by individual mammal species (rabbit, boar, and fox; t B1.22, DF = 1415, p >0.224; Fig. 1B). Also, removal showed a marginally significant interaction with gut passage (Table 2); thus, seeds ingested by boars germinated more often away from than beneath reproductive conspecifics (F1, 1415 =7.11, p = 0.008; Fig. 1B), whereas for fox- and rabbit-ingested seeds, as well as for control seeds, there was no significant removal effect (F1, 1415 B0.27, p >0.208). Seedlings emerged (%) (B) Corema album p < 0.0001 30 ns ** ns ns Rabbit Boar Fox Control 20 10 0 (C) Pyrus bourgaeana Seedlings emerged (%) 70 p < 0.0001 60 ** 50 40 30 ** 20 10 0 Badger Control Figure 1. Corrected mean percentages (91 SE) of seedling emergence for Rubus (A), Corema (B), and Pyrus (C) seeds ingested by different mammalian dispersers (and for control seeds) beneath (open circles) and away (black circles) from reproductive conspecifics (ns, not significant; **, p B0.01). Effects of endozoochory on germination speed Seedling emergence took place during the first few months after sowing (January—April 2006) for Pyrus and Rubus, whereas for Corema germination spanned a long period Table 2. Main results of our generalized linear mixed models testing the effects of passage through mammal guts and removal from the mother plant on the final percentage of seed germination. Rubus Fixed effects Gut passage (GP) Removal (R) GP xR Random effect Block Corema Pyrus DF F p DF F p DF F p 2, 1057 1, 1057 1, 1057 4.21 1.13 0.5 Wald-z 2.33 0.015 0.288 0.609 p 0.010 3, 1415 1, 1415 3, 1415 7.52 2.07 2.54 Wald-z 2.04 B0.0001 0.151 0.055 p 0.021 1, 660 1, 660 1, 660 27.82 16.46 0.36 Wald-z 2.13 B0.0001 B0.0001 0.551 p 0.017 987 (showing two germination peaks, during the first and second rainy seasons; Fig. 2). For Pyrus, the Cox model showed no significant effect of any factor on the speed of germination given our temporal unit of resolution (Table 3), likely because most (>90%) seeds germinated during their second month after sowing (Fig. 2E, F). For Rubus, however, there were significant main effects of both gut passage and removal on the speed of seed germination (Table 3). Even though most Rubus seeds germinated between the second and fourth month after sowing (Fig. 2A, B), seeds ingested by badgers and foxes germinated 1.5 (B) Rubus ulmifolius – away 100 Accumulated emergence (%) Accumulated emergence (%) (A) Rubus ulmifolius – beneath and 1.4 times faster than control seeds, respectively. Also, Rubus seeds away from reproductive conspecifics germinated 1.4 times faster than those sown beneath them. For Corema, we also found a significant effect of gut passage (Table 3), indicating that, overall, seeds ingested by rabbits and foxes germinated faster than control seeds; however, gut passage and removal showed a marginally significant interaction (Table 3), indicating that fox-ingested seeds germinated faster beneath conspecifics, whereas for the remaining treatments (rabbit, boar, and control) there were no marked differences related to removal (Fig. 2C, D). 80 60 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 19 20 60 40 20 21 0 (C) Corema album – beneath 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 4 5 19 20 21 60 40 20 0 3 19 80 60 40 20 0 0 Accumulated emergence (%) 80 2 3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 (F) Pyrus bourgaeana – away 100 1 2 100 21 (E) Pyrus bourgaeana – beneath 0 1 (D) Corema album – away Accumulated emergence (%) Accumulated emergence (%) 80 0 0 Accumulated emergence (%) 100 20 Months after sowing Rabbit – beneath Boar – beneath Fox – beneath Badger – beneath Control – beneath 21 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 19 20 21 Months after sowing Rabbit – away Boar – away Fox – away Badger – away Control – away Figure 2. Cumulative percentages of seedling emergence for the three fleshy-fruited species (A—B, Rubus; C—D, Corema; and E—F, Pyrus) ingested by different mammalian dispersers, both beneath and away from reproductive conspecifics. Note break in x-axis for Rubus and Pyrus. 988 Table 3. Main results of our Cox regression models testing the effects of passage through mammal guts and removal from the mother plant on the speed of seed germination. Rubus Corema DF 2 x p DF Fixed effects Gut passage (GP) Removal (R) GP xR 2 1 5 6.6 7.2 6.2 0.05 0.01 0.287 Frailty term Block 1 3.0 0.083 Effects of endozoochory on germination asynchrony Simulated indices of temporal diversity of germination (H ?) showed a strong pervasive sample size effect for all three species (p B0.0001; Fig. 3A—C), supporting the convenience of our approach. Conversely, no iteration effect (p :1) was found for any species. For Pyrus, passage through mammal guts clearly diversified the germination timing (F1, 1516 =194.88, p B0.0001; Fig. 3B). Also, removal had a strong effect (F1, 1516 =125.0, p B0.0001), with germination timing of seeds sown beneath mother plants more diverse. The significant interaction between both factors (F1, 1516 =26.75, p B0.0001) indicated that, for a given sample size, the effect of gut passage was higher away from mother plants (Fig. 3C). For Rubus, removal had a strong main effect (F1, 2533 =144.9, p B0.0001), being germination timing of seeds sown away from mother plants more diverse. Gut passage did not have any significant effect as main factor (F1, 2536 =0.65, p =0.420), though its significant interaction with removal (F1, 2536 =28.91, p B0.0001) indicated that the diversification in germination timing related to passage through mammal guts was stronger away from mother plants (Fig. 3A). For Corema, only five seedlings emerged from control seeds (all of them in the twelfth month after sowing); thus, we only tested differences in germination diversification for seedlings emerged from mammal-ingested seeds (n =91), and found that germination was much more diverse beneath reproductive conspecifics (F1, 898 =852.2, p B0.0001; Fig. 3B). Discussion Effects of endozoochory on germination under field conditions Recent studies of the role of endozoochory on seed germination highlight different results linked to the particular conditions used in the experiments (laboratory, glasshouse, field) and call for further evaluations under field conditions (Robertson et al. 2006, Traveset et al. 2007). The percentages of germination found in our field sowings were similar to those reported for the same species in assays carried out in the field (Rodrı́guez-Pérez et al. 2005 for Rubus; Calviñ o-Cancela 2004 for Corema), but clearly lower than those found under controlled conditions (Traveset et al. 2001, Rodrı́guez-Pérez et al. 2005 for Rubus). Thus, our study supports the idea that sowing conditions are of great importance in determining germination outcomes. Pyrus 2 p DF x p 3 1 7 8.2 1.4 13.8 0.05 0.237 0.055 1 1 3 1.2 2.4 0.0 0.273 0.121 1 1 13.2 0.001 1 0.06 0.807 x 2 The effect of gut passage on the proportion of germination was not related to either our absolute nor relative measurements of seed coat thickness (i.e. coat thickness and coat thickness/seed diameter ratio, respectively; Table 1). For instance, Rubus and Corema have similar coat or endocarp thickness; however, enhancement of germination by gut passage was most evident for Corema. Such interspecific differences in response to gut passage could be related to seed coat hardness, rather than thickness (Traveset et al. 2008). For Pyrus (the species with the lowest coat thickness/seed diameter ratio) gut passage decreased germination, as found in previous studies (Nogales et al. 2005). This antagonistic effect is likely related to the strong gut treatment by badgers on Pyrus seeds (Fedriani and Delibes unpubl.). As predicted, the effect of gut passage was dependent on the mammal species (Barnea et al. 1991, Nogales et al. 2005, Rodrigez-Pérez et al. 2005). For example, Rubus passage through badger guts increased germination percent, while passage through fox gut did not have a significant effect. That badgers had a negative effect on Pyrus, but a positive effect on Rubus is likely related to the different seed traits of these two species (Table 1). Rubus has a relatively thick coat (to its seed diameter), which likely resists abrasion in the badger’s gut; in contrast, it appears that the relatively thin coat of Pyrus is unable to withstand badger gut treatment. The differences among dispersers might be due to interspecific differences in morphology and physiology of their guts, as well as to differences in retention times and/or to the types of food ingested along with the seeds (Levey and Karasov 1992, Charalambidou et al. 2005). Gut passage also altered germination speed across species, similar to that observed for ability to germinate, i.e. Corema experienced the greatest acceleration of germination, followed by Rubus, and then Pyrus. Finally, our simulations indicated that gut passage increased the asynchrony of germination for Rubus and Pyrus, corroborating results from previous studies (Izhaki and Safriel 1990). Our experimental results also showed a marked effect of removal from the mother plant on germination behavior. Pyrus seeds unexpectedly germinated in higher proportion beneath than away from reproductive individuals. This result is consistent with the regular presence of recently germinated seedlings beneath conspecifics (Fedriani and Delibes unpubl.) and might be related to a more favorable microenvironment (e.g. light [Silvertown 1980, Pons 2000], moisture [Dubrovsky 1996]) beneath reproductive trees. For Corema the effect of removal on the proportion of germination seemed contingent not only on whether seeds 989 (A) Rubus ulmifolius Temporal diversity of germination (H' ) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 20 30 Number of seedlings 40 50 10 20 30 Number of seedlings 40 50 40 50 (B) Corema album Temporal diversity of germination (H' ) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 (C) Pyrus bourgaeana Temporal diversity of germination (H' ) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 10 20 30 Number of seedlings Control – away Control – beneath Mammal – away Mammal – beneath Figure 3. Shannon index of germination asynchrony of randomly generated samples plotted against number of seedlings of Rubus, Corema, and Pyrus. Asynchrony was simulated using our empirical data accounting for the effect of gut passage (mammal ingested or control seeds) and removal from the mother plant. When sample size allowed it, simulations were run up to n =50. Each simulation was run for 20 iterations to generate the plausible ranges of variation in germination timing given our empirical data. Note that, for Corema, only five seedlings emerged from control seeds (all of them in the twelfth month after sowing); thus, we only simulated germination diversification of mammal-ingested seeds (n =91) in relation to removal from the mother plant. 990 had been ingested by mammals, but also on the particular disperser species that had consumed the seeds. A comparable interaction between gut passage and the environment of seed sowing was found for the duck-dispersed helophyte Scirpus litoralis under controlled conditions (Espinar et al. 2004), suggesting that the interaction between the effects of gut passage and the microenvironment of seed arrival could be a widespread phenomenon. In addition, the speed of germination was also dependent on removal from the mother plant (Fig. 3). Corema seeds ingested by foxes germinated faster beneath reproductive conspecifics, whereas Rubus seeds tended to germinate earlier away from conspecifics. Finally, our simulations for the three species indicated that removal from the mother plant altered germination asynchrony suggesting this also is an important determinant of seed germination behavior. In general, our study indicates that gut passage had a stronger effect on germination than removal from mother plant; however, for some species both factors were similarly influential in some seed germination aspects (e.g. both the amount and synchrony of germination in Pyrus were strongly altered by both gut passage and the removal from the mother plant). Thus, the joint effect of these two components of the dispersal process on different aspects of germination should be considered in future studies. It is possible other processes not accounted for in this study could also affect the germination patterns of our target species. For instance, by moving seeds from the maternal surrounding to a new environment, frugivores often assist escape from post-dispersal seed predators (e.g. granivorous rodents; Janzen 1970, Wenny 2000), a fitness advantage that appears to occur at least for Pyrus (Fedriani and Delibes 2009). Frugivores also provide fruiting plants with services such as deinhibition or fertilization (Samuels and Levey 2005, Robertson et al. 2006), which could interact with the microenvironment of seed delivery, affecting amount and timing of seed germination. In Doñ ana, Pyrus seeds within uneaten fruits are most often subject to depredation by invertebrates or decay late in the dispersal season (Fedriani and Delibes unpubl.). Thus, frugivorous mammals likely provide an important disinhibition service to Pyrus by removing the pulp attached to seeds and allowing their germination. Nonetheless, the possibility that the physicochemical and biological processing of intact Pyrus fruits in the field partly reproduce processes happening in animal guts cannot be ruled out (Traveset et al. 2007) and deserves further research. Finally, some of our experimental seeds could have entered dormancy and germinated after the 21month monitoring period (Calviñ o-Cancela 2004), which would likely result in an even higher variability in germination timing. Although some of these processes may play a part in germination, we do not expect that they would significantly alter the overall patterns reported given the length and sample sizes of our study. Benefits of endozoochory in unpredictable environments Passage through mammal guts increased the proportion of seed germination for two of the three plant species tested. These species are likely benefiting from their interactions with dispersers, though a higher germinability does not always translate into higher seedling survival (Schupp 2007). In our study, we sowed 3200 seeds of the three species, from which 504 seedlings emerged. Of them, only five Rubus seedlings (two from badger, two from fox and one control) survived after their first summer, preventing comparisons of the effects of different treatments on seed survival. Most seedlings died due to desiccation and, thus, the extreme dry summers preceding and following our field sowing (only 0.5 and 0.0 mm of rainfall during the summers of 2005 and 2006, respectively) likely accounted for the reported low seedling survival, a common feature in Mediterranean ecosystems (Pugnaire and Valladares 2007). Conceivably, given the high variability in rainfall in our study area (see Methods), seedling survival during benign summers (e.g. summers of 2000 and 2007, with 103 and 134 mm of rainfall, respectively) should be higher and the presumed benefits of endozoochory, such as a higher proportion of germination, would result in higher recruitment. Experimental field studies disentangling the relative importance of gut passage and removal from the mother plant on long-term seedling survival during benign and harsh years are clearly needed. Passage through mammal guts changed the timing of germination, generally accelerating it and increasing its diversification (i.e. asynchrony). Early germination often enhances plant fitness (Verdú and Traveset 2005, De Luis et al. 2008) by allowing early seedlings to outcompete later seedlings. Nonetheless, such effects can be contingent on individual species (Seiwa 2000) and on a myriad of biotic and abiotic factors (Gó mez 2004). Both theoretical and empirical evidence indicates that diversification of germination timing (asynchrony) often results in fitness advantages under environmental unpredictability in annuals (Cohen 1966, Simons 2007, Venable et al. 2008). Though perennials do not rely on persistent seed banks (Thompson et al. 1997), a comparable beneficial mechanism has been proposed for fleshy-fruited species (Izhaki and Safriel 1990). The advantages of germination diversification can arise within a reproductive season by reducing sibling competition (Nilsson 1994) or by increasing the spatial variance of seedling density (Geritz 1995). Besides, under the temporal environmental unpredictability that characterizes Mediterranean habitats, germination asynchrony among reproductive seasons (the case of Corema; Calviñ oCancela 2004) might result in an overall fitness benefit by spreading the risk of encountering conditions particularly unsuitable for survival (Simons 2007). Given the results from this study, the contrasting treatments provided by different dispersers (Traveset and Verdú 2002), and the myriad of microhabitats where they deliver ingested seeds (Jordano and Schupp 2000), endozoochory might represent a virtually unlimited source of diversification of germination behavior. Consequently, we extend the proposal of Izhaki and Safriel (1990) to suggest that both gut passage and the removal from the mother plant provide chief services to fleshy-fruited plants, acting as a ‘‘randomization mechanism’’ diversifying their germination patterns, with potential advantages under environmental unpredictability. In conclusion, seed rains generated by vertebrate dispersers are likely to be heterogeneous not only in densities, distributions, and genotypes (Jordano and Godoy 2002), but also in germination patterning. Our study indicates that the consequences of endozoochory for germination vary with each interacting plant-animal pair and also with the specific environment to which seeds arrive. The ecological services provided by a particular disperser appeared to interact to increase the singularity of the species’ overall service, suggesting lack of redundancy and expendability (sensu Kareiva et al. 2003) of any disperser species, and leading to unusually high functional diversity in this seed dispersal mutualism. The interaction among fleshy-fruited plants and vertebrate dispersers does not take place on a species-to-species basis, but it is often the sum of numerous interactions involving dozens of species (Herrera 2002, Thompson 2005); thus, fleshyfruited plants most likely benefit from such unspecialized interactions through both germination enhancement and diversification in germination timing. Acknowledgements — We are indebted to Gemma Calvo, Mó nica Váz, and innumerable volunteers for their enthusiastic field and lab assistance. We thank Andy Green, Xavi Picó, Anna Traveset, Kevin Burns, Ken Thompson and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on earlier drafts. Kimberly Holbrook thoroughly reviewed the English, and Enrique Collado kindly assisted us in computer programming. The Spanish Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (15/2003 grant) and Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (CGL2007-63488/BOS) supported this study. References Augspurger, C. K. 1984. Seedling survival of tropical tree species — interactions of dispersal distance, light-gaps, and pathogens. — Ecology 65: 1705—1712. Barnea, A. et al. 1991. Does ingestion by birds affect seed germination? — Funct. Ecol. 5: 394—402. Bolmgren, K. and Eriksson, O. 2005. Fleshy fruits — origins, niche shifts, and diversification. — Oikos 109: 255—272. Calviñ o-Cancela, M. 2004. 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