Trace elements in blood collected from birds feeding in the area around Doñana National Park affected by the toxic spill from the Aznalcóllar mine V. Benito a , V. Devesaa , O. Muñoz a , M.A. Suñer a , R. Montoro a,* , R. Baos b , F. Hiraldo b , M. Ferrer b , M. Fernández c , M.J. González c a Instituto de Agroquı́mica y Tecnologı́a de Alimentos, IATA, (CSIC), Apdo Correos 73, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain b Estación Biológica de Doñana, Pabellon del Perú s/n (CSIC), Se illa, Spain c Departamento de I. A. y Quı́mica Ambiental, IQOG, CSIC, Juan de la Cier a, 3, 28006-Madrid, Spain Abstract A long-term monitoring plan was established to study if bird populations around Doñana National Park were affected by the toxic spill from the Aznalcóllar mine. The concentrations of Zn, Pb, As, Cu, Sb, Co, Tl and Cd in the blood of 11 bird species feeding in the area were determined. The parameters which most affect the accumulation of trace elements in the birds studied are, firstly, species and, secondly, trophic position, sex, days of exposure and weight. In some individuals, Zn and Cu occurred at higher levels than the reference values for contaminated areas. Concentrations of Pb and Cd in a considerable number of individuals were higher than those found in birds from uncontaminated areas. The present data, together with the lack of data on blood metal concentration prior to the spill, do not offer any conclusive evidence of the influence of the spill on avian blood metal concentrations. Keywords: Acid mine waste; Heavy metals; Arsenic; Doñana National Park; Blood; Birds * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34-963900022; fax: +34-963636301. E-mail address: ŽR. Montoro. 8 1. Introduction On the 25 April 1998, a dam retaining 5 Hm3 of pyritic sludge gave way and released heavy metals to the Guardiamar River. The most abundant metals, considered highly toxic for wildlife, were Zn, Pb, As, Cu, Sb, Co, Tl and Cd ŽWood, 1974.. Although great efforts have been made to remove the sludge, soils have been contaminated with variable amounts of these elements ŽSimon et al., authors in this issue.. The contaminated surface represents a relatively small percentage of the protected area of Doñana wetlands, but some of the affected locations are important feeding and breeding grounds for nesting and wintering waterfowl, thus a significant part of these populations could be affected by the contamination. Land birds may not be affected to the same extent as aquatic birds, since their feeding area generally does not extend into the contaminated part, although species that cover large distances, such as some raptors, may be affected. The Doñana National Park is a Biosphere Reserve ŽComisión de Expertos, 1992. and the whole area is considered to be of special interest for species of waterfowl ŽGarcı́a et al., 1989; Máñez, 1991; Garcı́a-Novo, 1995.. Doñana is a breeding ground and wintering area for species such as the Spanish imperial eagle Ž Aquila adalberti., considered in the European Union to be one of the birds in greatest danger of extinction ŽFerrer, 1993.. In addition, some sedentary birds, and birds that winter in Doñana are hunted in neighbouring areas, and this may provide a link by which contamination could reach human populations. The Scientific Research Council ŽCSIC. was instructed by the Spanish Government to monitor the effect that contamination by heavy metals and arsenic may have on wildlife in the ecosystems of Doñana. For the reasons stated above, and because aquatic birds are considered good indicators of contamination in wetlands since they accumulate metals and As in various organs, they were included among the various groups of animals studied. In the short term, the aim of monitoring was to determine whether contamination by metals affected summer avian mortality ŽHernández et al., authors in this issue.. A long- term monitoring plan sampling living animals was also established to identify the sublethal effects that this contamination episode may have on individual birds and future bird populations. To achieve these aims, concentration of metals in blood were measured since blood reflects the current status of a toxic substance in the body and is increasingly used in wildlife sampling programs ŽHenny and Meeker, 1981.. It is known that the concentration of Cd and Pb in blood is a good short-term and long-term indicator of contamination ŽGarcı́a-Fernández et al., 1995, 1997.. As far as As and Co are concerned, there is no evidence if blood concentration of these elements represents a short- or a long-term exposure, although in humans arsenic levels in blood have a short biological half-life and reflect recent exposure ŽCornelis et al., 1995; Nicolas and Descotes, 1996.. Moreover, there is also a great difference between organisms in the retention of arsenic in erythrocytes ŽEisler, 1994.. Large amounts of Zn are initially stored in the human liver, but it also tends to accumulate in red blood cells and bones, whilst copper is initially bound to serum albumin and later more firmly bound to alpha-ceruloplasmin, the liver and bone marrow being the main copper storage organs. Trivalent forms of antimony generally concentrate in red blood cells, while pentavalent compounds are found in plasma. ŽHammond and Beliles, 1980.. The toxic effects of the various heavy metals and arsenic on birds have been documented. Lead can cause bird mortality ŽRamo et al., 1992; Mateo et al., 1998., have sublethal effects ŽOchiai et al., 1992., or a negative effect on reproduction ŽBurger, 1995., depending on the dose. High doses of Cd can cause death, and sublethal effects have been described in birds at lower concentrations ŽBokori et al., 1995.. Arsenic, especially in its inorganic forms, can bring about the death of an individual, produce sublethal effects and affect reproduction ŽEisler, 1994.. There are no known studies on the effects of Sb and Tl on birds, but sublethal effects have been described in both adult rats and fetuses ŽAlkhawajah et al., 1996; Barroso Moguel et al., 1996; Albiser et al., 1997; Poon et al., 1998.. Zn, Cu and Co are essential elements for birds, but they can be toxic in high concentrations, and various sublethal effects have been described ŽRamey and Sterner, 1995; Martı́nez and Dı́az, 1996; Ewing et al., 1998.. Moreover, when studying the effects of an episode of local contamination on various species, one must bear in mind that there are numerous sources of individual variation. Among those most frequently quoted are: physiological characteristics related to rates of absorption and assimilation ŽPeterle, 1991.; trophic position and weight ŽPain and Amiard-Triquet, 1993; Garcı́a-Fernández et al., 1997.; sex ŽFinley et al., 1976., and age ŽGarcı́a-Fernández et al., 1996, 1997.. Moreover, the distance of breeding grounds from the spill and the length of time that birds have been exposed to its effects may affect the degree of avian contamination. The aim of this paper is to present the first data on metal concentrations in the blood of birds found in Doñana during the breeding season, and to determine whether these levels correspond to areas contaminated by heavy metals and arsenic or to uncontaminated areas. Finally, Generalised Linear Models ŽNelder and Wedderburn, 1972; McCullagh and Nelder, 1983. were used to determine the importance that the various sources of variation mentioned above may have in explaining the contamination observed in individual specimens. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sampling procedure The birds initially included in the sampling mainly fed in the wetlands, since it was unlikely that other birds would be affected by this contamination episode. Sufficient species were selected to represent the various trophic levels found in the wetland bird community of Doñana. Breeding had already started, and thus the collection of samples to some extent was conditioned. For many of the species selected significant numbers of samples were not obtained, and results for these species are therefore not included in this paper. The species for which the concentration of metals in blood was analysed are given in Table 1, which includes species, number of individuals of each species sampled, position in the food chain, weight, days of exposure to the spill, sex, age, sampling point and social and ecological interest. The weights assigned to each one of the studied species and introduced in the analysis as continuous variable were taken directly from the bibliography ŽCramp and Simmons, 1977, 1980, 1983, 1985., selecting the weight of individuals belonging to the analysed species, sampled in the same season Žspring—summer. in places next to Doñana. Days of exposure were calculated as the difference between the dates of capture and toxic spill. The locations of the sampling stations are shown in Fig. 1. A molecular technique based on the structural difference of sex chromosomes was used to determine the sex of the specimens captured. Unlike mammals, male birds have two identical sex chromosomes ŽZZ., whereas the females are heterogametic ŽZW. ŽLessels and Mateman, 1996.; consequently, the DNA sequences of the W chromosome belong exclusively to females. Griffiths et al. Ž1996. described a gene ŽCDH-W. which is found in the W chromosome in females, with the exception of ostriches and related species; this knowledge was applied and the specimens were sexed by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction ŽPCR.. When drawing up the sampling program, we attempted to sample a particular species on various dates and at various distances from the area directly affected by the spill. The latter was impractical, since many of the species live in colonies and only a single colony was accessible during the sample collection period, thus it was not possible to consider this variable when sources of variation were studied. The greater flamingo Ž Phoenicopterus ruber . was included in the sampling although its closest breeding colony is 135 km from the site of the spill because monitoring of marked birds revealed that they frequently visit Doñana to feed during the breeding period and the winter season. The specimens were captured in the nest Žpullets. or in their feeding grounds Žyoung birds; adults., using various trapping methods. For each specimen, 2 ml of blood was taken from the radial Fig. 1. Map of the area studied and the sampling stations. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dehesa de Abajo Matasgordas Caño de la Escupidera. Veta Hornitos. La FAO. 6. La Algaida. 7. Caño de Guadiamar. 8. Marilópez. 9. Veta La Palma 10. Las Pajareras. 11. 12. 13. 14. El Pinar de San Agustı́n. El Puntal. Odiel, Ayamonte. Huelva. Fuente de la Piedra. Málaga. Table 1 Characteristics of waterfowl species in Doñana National Park studied in this work a Individuals sampled Podiceps cristatus Žgreat crested grebe Ardea cinerea Žgrey heron. 20 Ciconia ciconia Žwhite stork. 30 Platalea leucorodia Žspoonbill. 30 Plegadis falcinellus Žglossy ibis. Phoenicopterus ruber Žgreater 10 7 20 flamingo. Anas platyrhynchos Žmallard. 8 Anas strepera Žgadwall. Aythya ferina Žpochard. Mili us migrans Žblack kite. 5 10 25 Larus cachinnans Žyellowlegged gull. 11 a Trophic level Weight Žg. Fish predator 920 b Days of c exposure Age 1505 43 — 113 f 3571 16 Fish and crayfish predator Invertebrate predator Invertebrate predator Omnivorous 1960 39 30 — 87 f S& E e Interest 7 Žpull. 3 Ž7. Protected 3 M; 14 F; 3 N.K. 17 Žpull.; 3 ŽN.K.. 4 Ž4.; 10 Ž14.; 12 Ž2. Protected 16 M; 14 F 30 Žpull. 1 Ž30. Protected 15 M; 12 F; 3 N.K. 28 Žpull.; 2 Žadult. 4 Ž1.; 10 Ž15.; 13 Ž14. Protected 557 25 4 M; 6 F 10 Žpull. 5 Ž10. Protected 3579 111 14 M; 6 F 20 Žpull. 20 Ž14. Protected 1216 65 — 107 f f 659 849 807 74 — 86 82 — 88 f 45 — 78 f 971.5 46 — 108 f 2 M; 1 F; 6 N.K. 3 M; 2F 10 N. K. 13 M; 7 F; 4 N.K. 2 M; 9 N.K. M, male; F, female; N.K., not known; Pull, pullet. The weights quoted are typical weights referred by Cramp and Simmons Ž1977, 1980, 1983, 1985 .. c Days of exposure were calculated as the difference between capture date and toxic spill date. d Sampling point: see Fig. 1 to locate the sampling point on the map. e S & E Interest: Social and Ecological Interest. f Days exposure interval in which the captures were carried out. b Sampling point Žindividuals sampled at d each location . 7 N.K. 106 Fish and crayfish predator Fish and crayfish predator Omnivorous Omnivorous Bird and mammal predator Carrion consumer Sex 3 Žpull.; 5 Žadult.; 4 Ž2.; 7 Ž1.; 8 Ž2.; 1 ŽN.K.. 9 Ž4. 4 Žpull.; 1 ŽN.K.. 4Ž1.; 8 Ž4. 10 Žpull. 4 Ž1.; 8 Ž9. 23 Žpull.; 2 Žadult. 1 Ž2.; 2 Ž9.; 6 Ž3.; 11 Ž2.; N.K. Ž9. 10 Žpull.; 1 ŽN.K.. 9 Ž7.; N.K. Ž3. Consumption Consumption Consumption Protected Protected V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 Species 313 vein. The specimens collected were marked with plastic rings that could be identified individually at a distance to allow monitoring of individuals in the future. 2.2. Treatment of samples Blood was kept frozen from collection to preparation. Blood Ž1 ml. was taken and added to 9 ml of 0.5% Žw/v. Triton X-100 ŽMerck Farma y Quı́mica, S.A., Valencia, Spain.. The solution was mechanically shaken for 30 s and then shaken vigorously in an ultrasound bath for 30 min. The mixture was centrifuged at 2000 rev. min—1 for 5 min. Aliquots of 1 ml were taken and the precipitate was discarded. The aliquots obtained were stored at —20°C prior to elemental analysis. An MSE Minor centrifuge ŽPacisa, S.A., Madrid, Spain . , a Vortex M S2 M inishaker Ž IKA Labortechnik, Merck Farma y Quı́mica, S.A., Barcelona, Spain. and a Selecta Ultrasons P bath ŽJ.P. Selecta, S.A., Barcelona, Spain. were used. 2.3. Determination of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb and Tl The determination of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb and Tl in whole blood samples was accomplished by graphite furnace Zeeman-effect atomic absorption spectroscopy. A Perkin-Elmer ŽPE. longitudinal AC Zeeman ŽAAnalyst 600. atomic absorption spectrometer, equipped with a transversely heated graphite atomiser and a built-in fully computer-controlled AS-800 autosampler ŽPerkin Elmer Hispania, S.A., Madrid, Spain., and PE pyrolitic graphite coated tubes with an inserted L’vov platform were used. Calibration was performed with the method of Additions Standard Curve. Deionised water Ž18 M cm. obtained with a Milli-Q water system ŽMillipore Inc., Millipore Ibérica, Madrid, Spain. was used for the preparation of reagents and standards. All chemicals including standards and solutions were of pro analysi quality or higher: nitric acid Ž p = 1.38 g ml—1 ., 1000 mg l—1 standards of As, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Sb, Tl, palladium powder, magnesium nitrate hexahydrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate as matrix modifiers ŽMerck Farma y Quı́mica, S.A., Valencia, Spain. were used. All glassware, Eppendorf vials, and disposable sampling cups were treated with 10% nitric acid for 1 week, and then rinsed three times with Milli-Q water, before use. Between uses, glassware was placed in 10% nitric acid for 24 h. Method detection limits were: As Ž0.006 mg l—1 ., Cd Ž0.0001 mg l—1 ., Co Ž0.001 mg l—1 ., Cu Ž0.013 mg l—1 ., Pb Ž 0.002 mg l—1 ., Sb Ž0.002 mg l—1 . and Tl Ž0.002 mg l—1 .. The precision as measured by triplicate analysis, expressed as the relative standard deviation ŽR.S.D.. was as follows: As 4%, Cd 5%, Co 5%, Cu 2%, Pb 4%, Sb 3% and Tl 3%. The range of recovery evaluated by spiking blood samples with each of the elements was 85—115%. Accuracy for Pb and Cd was established by analysing a certified reference sample of bovine blood ŽCRM-195. from the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements ŽIRMM.. The values found ŽPb: 413 ± 17; Cd: 5.40 ± 0.69 pg l—1 . overlapped with the interval found for the certified values ŽPb: 416 ± 9; Cd: 5.37 ± 0.24 pg l—1 .. For As, Cu and Co, a CRM sample or TORT-2 Žlobster hepatopancreas, Canada National Research Council, CNRC. was used. The values obtained for these elements in our CRM analyses were consistent with the certified values. 2.4. Determination of zinc In the determination of Zn by flow injectionflame-atomic absorption spectrometry, a PE Model 3300 atomic absorption spectrometer equipped with a PE flow injection analysis system for atomic spectroscopy ŽFIAS-400. and an autosampler ŽPE AS-90. were used. Precision was established by analysis of an A-13 reference sample of animal blood obtained from the International Atomic Energy Agency ŽIAEA.. The recorded values Ž13.6 ± 0.6 pg g—1 . overlapped with the certified interval for this element Ž13 ± 1 pg g—1 .. The evaluation of Zn recovery in spiked blood samples was 95%. The method detection limit for this element was 0.23 mg l—1 . 2.5. Statistical analysis A Generalised Linear Model ŽGLM., ŽNelder and Wedderburn, 1972; Dobson, 1983; McCullagh and Nelder, 1983. was used to derive a mathematical description of individual variations in concentrations of metals and arsenic in blood. Models of this kind are used when determining the individual effect of several variables on a given phenomenon ŽDonázar et al., 1993; Bustamante, 1997; Forero et al., 1999; Tella et al., 1999.. Generalised Linear Models can be considered as a particular case of multiple linear regression. Three components must be defined for a GLM: a linear predictor, an error function and a link function. A linear predictor ŽLP. is defined as LP = a +b* x 1 + c* x2 + . . . where a is a constant to be estimated; b, c, . . . are parameters to be estimated from observed data; and x 1 , x 2 . . . are the explanatory variables. The error function depends on the nature of the data. The concentration of the various metals in blood was ln-transformed and a normal error distribution was assumed for the models. An identity link was used as link function. In this case the model does not differ from a multiple linear regression with a ln-transformed-dependent variable. The explanatory variables considered were introduced into the model as factors Žspecies, sex, trophic position. or continuous variables Ždays of exposure to the spill and weight.. Although age is relevant as a factor of individual variation ŽGarcı́a-Fernández et al., 1996, 1997., it was not included in the statistical analysis since most of the individuals sampled were pullets ŽTable 1.. We fitted each explanatory variable to the observations using the GLM program ŽBaker, 1987. following a modification of a traditional forward stepwise procedure. Each variable was tested in turn for significance, and only those significant at the 5% level were included in the model. Recent papers have criticised automatic stepwise procedures as they are not necessarily able to select the most influential variable from a subset ŽJames and McCulloch, 1990.. The modification of the stepwise modelling procedure involved testing the alternative models that were obtained when the second or the third most significant variable was included Žprovided that it was significant at the 5% level., instead of the most significant one at each step. This Forward Stepwise Branching Modelling Procedure ŽDonázar et al., 1993. eventually gave a set of different models which mostly converged into a single model or a set of models from which similar relationships could be inferred. The expression of the model becomes: [ metal ] = e a+ b * x+ c* x+ . . . Ž1. 3. Results Table 2 shows the total blood metal content of the species sampled, and Table 3 gives the percentage of individuals of each species with higher levels of metals than those reported in the literature for birds in uncontaminated areas ŽPb, As and Cd. or contaminated areas ŽCu and Zn.. Data for birds in uncontaminated areas were not found for the latter elements. Reference values were not found for Co, Sb and Tl levels in the blood of birds. For each element, in the case of measurements below the limit of detection ŽLOD., the value introduced in the database was that of LOD. 3.1. Zinc The zinc contents found in the species studied ŽTable 2. varied between 0.3 and 8.6 mg l—1 . The species that presented the highest mean level of this metal was the gadwall, followed by the yellow-legged gull. The mean value found in glossy ibis was notably low. Twenty percent of the gadwall individuals analysed ŽTable 3. presented values even higher than those established for birds in contaminated areas Ž7.5 mg kg—1 wet weight Žww., Falandysz et al., 1988., this being the only species in which an individual exceeded the reference values. 3.2. Lead The levels of Pb ranged between 0.002 and 0.454 mg l—1 ŽTable 2.. The species with the highest mean levels of lead in blood was the mallard, followed by the gadwall. Some individual specimens of mallard had levels close to 0.5 mg kg—1 , a value indicative of lead poisoning in swans 316 Table 2 Metal and arsenic concentrations in blood of wild birds feeding in the area around Doñana National Park a No. specimens Ciconia ciconia N = 30 Žwhite stork. Plegadis falcinellus N = 10 Žglossy ibis. Mili us migrans N = 25 Žblack kite. Aythya ferina N = 10 Žpochard. Anas platyrhynchos N =9 Žmallard. Ardea cinerea N = 20 Žgrey heron. Phoenicopterus ruber N = 20 Žgreater flamingo. Anas strepera N =5 Žgadwall. Platalea leucorodia N = 30 Žspoonbill. Podiceps cristatus N =7 Žgreat crested grebe. Larus cachinnans N = 10 Žyellow-legged gull. Total Zn Žmg l—1 . Total Pb Žmg l— 1 . Total As Žmg l— 1 . Total Cu Žmg l— 1 . Total Sb Žmg l— 1 . Total Co Žmg l— 1 . Total Tl Žmg l— 1 . Total Cd Žmg l— 1 . 1.9b 0.8—2.8c 0.9b 0.7—1.3c 3.3b 2.3—4.5c 3.7b 2.5—6.0c 3.3b 1.3—4.0c 2.2b 1.5—3.3c 1.7b 0.3—2.6c 5.9b 3.5—8.6c 3.2b 1.4—5.5c 2.2b 1.3—2.9c 4.4b 3.1—5.2c 0.071b 0.002—0.320c 0.061b 0.020—0.233c 0.054b 0.002—0.179c 0.073b 0.025—0.274c 0.208b 0.045—0.454c 0.015b 0.002—0.089c 0.076b 0.035—0.120c 0.120b 0.069—0.174c 0.008b 0.002—0.034c 0.002b 0.002c 0.020b 0.009—0.032c 0.019b 0.006—0.121c 0.008b 0.006—0.017c 0.008b 0.006—0.035c 0.006b 0.006c 0.011b 0.006—0.042c 0.006b 0.006c 0.006b 0.006c 0.017b 0.006—0.029c 0.019b 0.006—0.181c 0.006b 0.006c 0.006b 0.006c 0.586b 0.180—1.530c 0.133b 0.067—0.241c 0.211b 0.120—0.303c 0.203b 0.151—0.396c 0.258b 0.142—0.361c 0.352b 0.204—0.650c 0.334b 0.187—0.531c 0.526b 0.346—0.753c 0.307b 0.190—0.569c 0.395b 0.327—0.488c 0.429b 0.271—0.535c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.007b 0.001—0.016c 0.029b 0.019—0.041c 0.004b 0.001—0.013c 0.011b 0.005—0.016c 0.006b 0.001—0.015c 0.019b 0.008—0.025c 0.054b 0.039—0.070c 0.027b 0.005—0.047c 0.048b 0.001—0.110c 0.001b 0.001—0.002c 0.040b 0.015—0.070c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.002b 0.002c 0.0015b 0.0001—0.0090c 0.0110b 0.0060—0.0150c 0.0068b 0.0010—0.0140c 0.0009b 0.0001—0.0030c 0.0048b 0.0001—0.0190c 0.0002b 0.0001— 0.0010c 0.0006b 0.0001—0.0010c 0.0006b 0.0001—0.0290c 0.0003b 0.0001—0.0010c 0.0001b 0.0001c 0.0002b 0.0001—0.0005c a In those cases in which the value was not detectable, the detection limit was taken ŽZn 0.23 mg l—1 ; Pb 0.002 mg l— 1 ; As 0.006 mg l— 1 ; Cu 0.013 mg l— 1 ; Sb 0.002 mg l—1 ; Tl 0.002 mg l— 1 ; Co 0.001 mg l— 1 ; Cd 0.0001 mg l— 1 .. b Mean of n values. c Range of n values. V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 Species Table 3 Percentage of specimens of each species of bird feeding in the area around Doñana National Park that presented higher levels of metals and arsenic in blood than values found in the literature for contaminated and uncontaminated areas No. of individuals Ciconia ciconia Žwhite stork. Plegadis falcinellus Žglossy ibis. Mili us migrans Žblack kite. Aythya ferina Žpochard. Anas platyrhynchos Žmallard. Ardea cinerea Žgrey heron. Phoenicopterus ruber Žgreater flamingo. Anas strepera Žgadwall. Platalea leucorodia Žspoonbill. Podiceps cristatus Žgreat crested grebe. Larus cachinnans Žyellow-legged gull. N = 30 0a N = 10 Reference value Zn As Cu 33a 17a 3a 33a 0a 20a 0a 0a 100a N = 25 0a 32a 8a 0a 92a N = 10 0a 30a 0a 0a 20a N =9 0a 78a 11a 0a 78a N = 20 0a 5a 0a 0a 0a N = 20 0a 70a 0a 0a 0a N =5 20a 100a 40a 0a 0a N = 30 0a 0a 20a 0a 0a N =7 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a N = 10 0a 0a 0a 0a 0a Ž7.5 mg kg—1 ph.b Pb Ž0.062 mg l— 1 .c Ž0.020 mg l— 1 .d Ž1.15 mg kg— 1 ph.e Cd Ž0.001 mg l— 1 .f V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 Species % Žno. of specimens with value higher than reference value found in the literature/no. of specimens analysed. Reference value of Zn for birds in contaminated areas ŽFalandysz et al., 1988.. c Reference value of Pb for birds in uncontaminated areas ŽDieter et al., 1976.. d Reference value of As for birds in uncontaminated areas ŽBurger and Gochfeld, 1997.. e Reference value of Cu for birds in contaminated areas ŽVan Eeden and Schoonbee, 1996.. f Reference value of Cd for birds in uncontaminated areas ŽGarcı́a-Fernández et al., 1995.. a b 317 ŽBlus et al., 1991.. The values found in ducks in uncontaminated areas by other authors are around 0.062 mg l—1 ŽDieter et al., 1976.. No individuals of spoonbill, yellow-legged gull or great crested grebe exceeded the reference value ŽTable 3.. Eeden and Schoonbee, 1996.. Only a few examples of white stork had levels above or around this value ŽTable 3.. 3.5. Antimony and thallium None of the species analysed presented values which exceeded the detection limits Ž0.002 mg l—1 for both metals.. 3.3. Arsenic Levels of As ranged between 0.006 and 0.181 mg l—1 ŽTable 2.. The highest mean contents were found in the white stork, spoonbill and gadwall, in all cases they were less than the reference value for uncontaminated areas Ž0.02 mg l—1 , Burger and Gochfeld, 1997.. Nevertheless, some individuals of five species studied presented levels that exceeded the reference value. There was great variability in arsenic levels between specimens of the same species. The high number of species with levels below the detection limit was also noteworthy Žpochard, grey heron, greater flamingo, great crested grebe and yellow-legged gull.. 3.4. Copper Levels of Cu content found was between 0.067 and 1.530 mg l—1 ŽTable 2.. The species with the highest copper blood levels were the white stork, gadwall and yellow-legged gull. These mean values are lower than those found in the literature for contaminated areas Ž1.15 mg kg—1 ww; Van 3.6. Cobalt The Co range varied between 0.001 and 0.110 mg l—1 ŽTable 2., with particularly high levels found in the greater flamingo, spoonbill and yellow-legged gull. The species with the lowest mean level was the great crested grebe. 3.7. Cadmium Cd concentrations were between 0.0001 and 0.029 mg l—1 ŽTable 2.. The species that had the highest mean concentrations were the glossy ibis, black kite and mallard, in descending order. When the individual values for each of the species were compared with the reference values found in the literature for uncontaminated areas Ž0.001 mg l—1 ; Garcı́a-Fernández et al., 1995., only five of the eleven species included in the study had individuals that exceeded the reference value. It must be emphasised, however, that in three of these five species the percentage of individuals with Table 4 Variables Žfactors and continuous. that are significant at 5% in the Generalised Linear Models Element Model 1a Model 2b Accounted deviance Ž%. Factors Continuous variable Accounted deviance Ž%. Factors Continuous variable Zn Pb 71.98 57.48 Species Species — — 52.77 24.93 — — Cd 79.53 Species — 69.19 Trophic Sex Trophic Trophic Cu Co As 49.08 74.93 15.90 Species Species Species — — — 40.98 50.74 9.27 Trophic Trophic Trophic a b Days Weight Weight — Days Model 1: all the variables studied have been included Žspecies; trophic level, sex, days of exposure and weight.. Model 2: the variable ‘species’ has been omitted in all cases. Table 5 Generalised Linear Models with normal distribution of errors and identity link for each of the metals analysed in blood of birds captured in Doñana National Park. All the variables studied have been included Žspecies, trophic level, sex, days of exposure and weight. Model 1 Zn Constant 0.6275 Anas strepera 1.1040 gadwall Larus cachinnans 0.8385 yellow-legged gull Aythya ferina 0.6520 pochard Mili us migrans 0.5577 black kite Anas platyrhynchos 0.5093 mallard Platalea leucorodia 0.5028 spoonbill Ardea cinerea 0.1577 grey heron Podiceps cristatus 0.1325 great crested grebe Ciconia ciconia 0.0000 white stork Phoenicopterus ruber —0.1135 greater flamingo Plegadis falcinellus —0.7372 glossy ibis Residual deviance d.f. 308.73 157 Cd Cu Co As S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. 0.0477 0.1263 —3.4520 1.2880 0.2058 0.5444 —6.7480 —0.6799 0.0961 0.2802 —0.6295 —0.0445 0.0761 0.2014 —5.2190 1.3790 0.1235 0.3268 —5.1710 0.5821 0.1501 0.3972 0.0955 —0.5408 0.4115 —0.9265 0.1922 —0.2362 0.1522 1.8820 0.2471 —0.6384 0.3002 0.0994 0.5612 0.4115 —0.3562 0.1922 —1.0003 0.1522 — — —0.6384 0.3002 0.0716 0.7775 0.3052 1.5990 0.1425 —0.9483 0.1129 —0.4957 0.1832 —0.4553 0.2227 0.0994 1.5730 0.4283 0.9432 0.2000 —0.7495 0.1584 —0.3585 0.2571 —0.1524 0.3125 0.0701 —2.0300 0.2910 —0.7505 0.1396 —0.5876 —0.1086 1.9820 0.1747 0.1149 0.2123 0.0778 —1.7060 0.3253 —0.8124 0.1598 —0.4551 0.1266 1.2000 0.1953 —0.6384 0.2374 0.1097 —3.4560 0.4731 —0.8531 0.2209 —0.3080 0.1750 —1.6890 0.2840 —0.6384 0.3451 0.0477 0.0000 0.2058 0.0000 0.0961 0.0000 0.0761 0.0000 0.1235 0.0000 0.1501 0.0755 0.8165 0.3253 —0.5412 0.1519 —0.5054 0.1203 2.2760 0.1953 —0.6384 0.2374 0.0955 0.3404 0.4115 2.2180 0.1922 —1.4780 0.1522 1.6600 0.2471 0.0173 0.3002 115.87 165 1418.90 158 317.83 161 126.29 165 V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 Estimated parameter Pb 151.81 165 S.E.: Standard Error. d.f.: degrees of freedom 319 320 V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 levels above the reference values was very high, and in the case of the glossy ibis it was 100%. 4. Discussion Two model groups were fitted for As and each of the metals except Sb and Tl, which were notdetected in most of the birds studied. In Model 1 all the variables were included Žspecies, trophic level, weight, time elapsed since the spill and sex., while in Model 2 the species variable was omitted in all cases. Various significant models were found in both groups. In each case only the best models were selected, i.e. those with the smallest residual deviance ŽTable 4.. When we considered Model 1, models were obtained that explained a high percentage of the original deviance for all the metals except As ŽTable 5.. Moreover, for all the metals the best model included only one variable, species, and none of the other factors or continuous variables considered was significant at the level chosen Ž5%.. The various models predict a different behaviour for each species according to the metal being considered. For example, the glossy ibis was the species least contaminated by Cu or Zn; similarly, the white stork was the species with the highest concentration of Cu in blood, whereas Zn was the ninth in the order of Zn concentration coming after the gadwall, yellow-legged gull, pochard, black kite, mallard, spoonbill, grey heron, and great crested grebe. In the models that did not include species ŽModel 2., the factors and continuous variables that are significant at the 5% level varied from one metal to another ŽTables 4 and 6.. In all cases the models explained a good part of the deviance, except in the case of As. Nevertheless, for all the metals the deviance explained was always less in Model 2 than Model 1. For Zn, the Model 2 included only trophic position, predicting the highest values in the carrion consumers and the lowest values in the invertebrate predators. In the case of Pb, Model 2 included trophic position and sex as significant; this model predicts a lower concentration of Pb in females from each trophic level. For Cd, Model 2 includes trophic position and two continuous variables, days and weight, as significant, with metal concentration increasing as weight and possible days of exposure to the spill decrease. For Cu, Model 2 includes one factor, trophic position, and one continuous variable, weight; within each trophic level, the Cu concentration in blood tends to increase with bird weight. For Co, only trophic position is significant; Model 2 predicts the greatest concentration in invertebrate predators and the smallest concentration in fish predators. For As, Model 2 includes two significant variables, trophic position as a factor and days as a continuous variable, with the metal concentration increasing as the possible days of exposure to the spill decrease. The Generalised Linear Models show that when the species to which an individual belongs is considered separately from its trophic position, in all the metals studied species is the variable that most contributes to explaining the variability of metal concentration in blood. This may be linked with the physiological characteristics of species related to their ability to absorb and excrete metals. In some species of mammals the level of metal contamination has been related more to inability to excrete metals than to their trophic position. Nevertheless, we cannot discard the possibility that the importance of species is linked with ecological factors such as longevity, ability to move elsewhere, differences in microhabitat, and feeding habits, which were not considered in this study and yet are known to affect the level of contamination of an individual. 5. Conclusions Among the various metals studied, some Žsuch as Zn and Cu. tended to be present in all the individuals, whereas others Žsuch as Sb and Tl. were not detected in any of the specimens examined. In the case of Zn and Cu Žthe only metals for which blood values proceeding from studies of contaminated areas were found. only two species showed individuals with higher levels than the reference values. The reference limit for Zn was exceeded by 20% of the gadwall specimens, while 3% of the white stork specimens had Model 2 Constant Carrion consumers Omnivorous Birds and mammals predator Fish and crayfish predator Fish predator Invertebrate predator Days Sex Žfemale. Weight Residual deviance Degrees of freedom Zn Pb Cd Cu Co As Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. Estimated parameter S.E. 1.322 0.144 0.000 —0.137 0.0697 0.1266 0.0697 0.0975 —2.088 —2.349 0.000 —1.010 0.4659 1.0240 0.4659 0.5393 —4.892 —1.507 0.000 1.092 0.2074 0.2469 0.2074 1.1886 —1.615 0.465 0.000 —0.199 0.0982 0.1669 0.0982 0.1268 —4.784 1.447 0.000 —0.930 0.1907 0.3516 0.1907 0.2670 —4.758 —0.621 0.000 —0.402 0.2666 0.3235 0.2666 0.2462 —0.480 0.0798 —1.618 0.4963 —0.991 0.1927 —0.070 0.1210 0.609 0.2174 —0.155 0.2119 —0.562 —1.016 — — — 308.73 162 0.1442 0.0926 0.000 —0.453 — —0.635 — 386.64 101 0.4659 0.5130 0.2810 0.2008 0.0019 0.408 —0.596 — — 0.0003 317.83 165 0.4083 0.1379 —2.123 1.636 — — 0.00004 — 126.29 170 0.4013 0.2559 —0.237 —0.200 —0.0077 — — 151.81 169 0.3685 0.2312 0.0025 S.E.: Standard Error. —0.419 0.555 —0.0204 0.2581 — —0.0001 1418.18 161 0.0001 V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 Table 6 Generalised Linear Models with normal distribution of errors and identity link for each of the metals analysed in blood of birds captured in Doñana National Park. The variables studied have been trophic level, sex, days of exposure and weight. The variable species has been omitted in all cases 321 322 V. Benito et al. / The Science of the Total Eni ironment 242 (1999) 309—323 higher levels of Cu than the reference values. In the cases of Pb and Cd, the levels of a considerable number of individuals were higher than the reference values for birds in uncontaminated areas. However, with the data obtained it is not possible to give an opinion on whether the concentration of metals found in blood had been affected by the spill or not, since this may be influenced by the physiological response of the species to distinct metals, and by the greater or lesser bioavailability of those metals. The reference values should also be interpreted with care, since they do not refer to the same types of species as those analysed. Furthermore, there is no data for levels of metals and arsenic in blood before the spill to facilitate a comparison with the values obtained. The possible presence of metal before the spill must also be considered. In addition, the concentration of some elements in blood, such as arsenic, may be a poor indicator of the level of contamination of an individual. Nevertheless, given the toxicity of the metals and arsenic still present in the area around Doñana, it is advisable to continue long-term monitoring of metals and the metalloid As in blood, since many additional data are required to establish sublethal effects in the species studied. Owing to the individual variation found, a large number of species should be included in the protocol for monitoring the effects of the spill on bird fauna in Doñana. 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