techniques assignment05.doc: uploaded 28 January 2016 at 11:21 am

STEP Fellows
Due 17 May 2005
Materials needed:
McKeachie, Teaching Tips (11th ed.)
3 overhead transparencies and pens
I. Read Chapters 4 and 5 in Part 2 (pgs. 30-69) in Teaching Tips.
a. For each chapter read, make a list of some pros and cons for each teaching method
b. Write down any questions you have from these pages.
II. Read Part 4 (pgs. 170-223) in Teaching Tips.
a. For each chapter read, make a list of some pros and cons for each teaching method
b . Write down any questions you have from these pages.
III. Put in practice.
Identify a common topic of instruction in your discipline that might appear in the curriculum a
high school student will encounter (for example, from ECE: positive/negative charges). Take that
concept, and reflect on how an instructor's approach to the topic might vary according to the
mode of instruction. Prepare on an overhead transparency brief descriptions (3-4 sentences each)
that explain the instructional techniques/strategies that you would employ in order to present the
same material via only 3 of the following modes:
Brief lecture
Physical demonstration
Case study/simulation
Reading and discussion
Collaborative learning
Technological tool
During the May 17th meeting, volunteers will be asked to summarize their descriptions and
discuss the realtive pros and cons for utilizing said techniques/strategies.