Ad For An Element.doc: uploaded 28 January 2016 at 11:21 am

Ad For An Element (Teacher)
 To become familiar with properties of elements
 To recognize the historical aspects of chemistry
 To be able to use information from the periodic table
 Partner students in groups of 2-3
 Give each group an element
 Each student must individually research element for homework
 After the assignment due date, each group will combine their research and
prepare an ad for an element, including properties and uses, in an
attention getting format such as that used in the advertising business
 Each group will present his/her ad and post in the classroom
H, C, O, N, F, Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Mo,
Cd, Sn, and I
Ad For An Element Grading Rubric
Pre-Research Assignment (10 points)
 Element Name:
 Atomic Number
 Atomic Mass:
 Number of Neutrons
 Person who discovered this
element (if known):
 Location on the periodic table:
 Physical Properties:
 At least one unusual fact or
superlative about element:
 Ad Components
Element Ad:
Contains All Information
Neat and Organized
Additional Comments:
Ad For An Element Pre-Research (Student)
I. Please Research the following element and find out the following information:
Element Name (Given by Teacher):
Atomic Number:
Atomic Mass:
Number of Neutrons:
Person who discovered this element (if known):
Location on the periodic table:
Physical Properties:
At least one unusual fact or superlative about element:
II. Study some tv, billboard, newspaper, and magazines ad that catch your eye,
and write down (below) what components you like about the ad.