Name: ___________________________________ Block: _______ Unit 1: Colonization

Name: ___________________________________
Unit 1: Colonization
Test Study Guide (Indicators USHC- 1.1 & 1.2)
DUE DATE: _____________________
Key Persons & Their Historical Significance:
Captain John Smith:
John Winthrop:
Roger Williams:
Anne Hutchinson:
William Penn:
Key Political, Economic, & Social Terms:
Headright Method:
Indentured Servants
House of Burgesses:
Mayflower Compact:
Act of Toleration (Maryland):
Magna Carta:
Navigation Acts:
Salutary Neglect:
Great Awakening:
Chapter 2 (Sections 2.2 through 2.4) & Ch. 3 (Sections 3.1 through 3.3)
- Major geographic regions that the colonies were divided into:
- First permanent English settlement in the Americas:
- The motivations and reasons that colonist had for starting this colony:
- The crop that helped to save Jamestown and became the first cash crop:
- The effects of the Atlantic slave trade to the English Colonies:
- Impact of the House of Burgesses on the development of our American government:
- Reason why Nathanial Bacon’s stirred Virginia’s farmers to rebel against their government:
Block: _______
- Reason and goal for establishing the colonies in New England:
- Major religious group(s) that settled the region:
- Meaning behind John Winthrop’s “City Upon the Hill” quote:
- Reason why the creation of the Mayflower Compact was so important to our American government tradition:
- Similarities of all the colonies/regions during the 1600s – what they needed in order to prosper:
- Differences between cash and staple crops (and what was grown in each region):
- Reason why the middle colonies of Pennsylvania and New York grew fast in population:
- Economic differences between the Northern and Southern colonies:
- Reason for the increase in slave labor in the Southern colonies:
- Social & political structure that developed in the Southern colonies (upper class, middle, and lower):
- How the economic practice of mercantilism made the colonies valuable to Great Britain:
- How colonial Boston, New York, and Philadelphia were similar (geography/economy):
Short Answer Question – Minimum of 1 Paragraph (5 Sentences)
- Provide 5 reasons that colonists had for coming to North America to settle the original 13 colonies.