Honors Objectives 4

Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms
1. Define electromagnetic radiation, wavelength, frequency, continuous
spectrum, electromagnetic spectrum, hertz, quantum, photon, ground
state, excited state, line spectrum, spectroscopy, quantum theory, and
2. Discuss why light behaves as a wave.
3. Discuss why light behaves as a particle.
4. Discuss the electromagnetic spectrum.
5. Calculate frequency or wavelength of electromagnetic radiation.
6. Briefly discuss emission spectra and these can be used to identify an
unknown element.
7. Discuss the quantum model of the atom.
8. Define quantum numbers, principal quantum number, orbital quantum
number, magnetic quantum number, spin quantum number, and
9. Discuss the significance of the four quantum numbers.
10.Discuss the relationship among energy levels, sublevels and orbitals.
11.List the total number of electrons needed to fill each primary energy
12.State the Aubau principle. Hund’s rule, and the Pauli exclusion principle.
13.Write pictorial electron configurations for selected elements.
14.Write electron configurations in notation for selected elements.
15.Write the noble gas configuration for selected elements.