Human Body Systems Project Creator Name: __________________________________ BLOCK: ________Body System: __________________________________________________ __________/20 SYSTEM Functions & Homeostasis Excellent Good Basic Needs Work Incomplete 4 3 2 1 0 All functions are listed with no detail. One function is missing. Explanation of homeostasis is unclear. Two or more functions are missing. No explanation of homeostasis. All functions are listed with some description. Explanations All functions listed and described with detail. A clear and thorough explanation showing deep understanding of homeostasis. 4 A clear and thorough explanation of all elements working together. 3 A clear explanation of all elements working together. Disease A clear and thorough explanation showing deep understanding of all elements working together. 4 All requirements are completed and provide extensive details about the disease. All requirements are completed and provide details about the disease. 3 All requirements are completed but there are few details about the disease. 2 Missing one or more requirements and few details about the disease are provided. 1 Most or all work incomplete. Diagrams are complete and neatly colored. 4 Diagrams are complete 3 Diagram lack detail Diagrams are incomplete. 1 No evidence of completion Layout is visually pleasing, information is easy to find and understand. Extra effort given to appearance. Layout is visually pleasing, information is easy to find and understand. Information is easy to find and understand. Information is disorganized and/or difficult to understand. Very sloppy or incomplete work. Others Visual Design 4 3 2 2 2 Late projects: 5 points per day (must have excused absence-not activity or ISS/OSS). 1 Explanation is unclear or one element is missing. 1 0 Not done or more than one element is missing. 0 0 0