Cardinal Leger Secondary School Business and Technology Department

Cardinal Leger Secondary School
Business and Technology Department
Course Name: Health Care
Course Code: TPJ 3M
Level: Mixed
Teacher: L. Connoy RN
Room: 121
Textbook: Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology
Replacement Cost: $ 110.00
Course Fee: $50.00 (optional – for first aid certification)
Course Overview:
This course enables students to develop their understanding of basic health care procedures, including
the safe use of appropriate instruments, equipment, and materials. Students will focus on health care
fundamentals, including the anatomical features and physiology of the major body systems and the
factors that affect homeostasis in the human body. Students will develop an awareness of health and
safety issues in the health care field, analyse environmental and societal issues related to health care,
and learn about professional practice standards and career opportunities in the field.
Curriculum Strands and Overall Expectations:
Health Care Fundamentals
demonstrate an understanding of health care terminology and its correct usage;
demonstrate a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology;
demonstrate an understanding of homeostasis and its relationship to personal health;
describe the relationship between lifestyle choices and personal health and well-being;
compare conventional and complementary methods of disease prevention and treatment.
Health Care Skills
use health care instruments, equipment, and materials safely and correctly;
demonstrate the ability to use vital signs to determine a client’s health status;
demonstrate the ability to apply health care skills and techniques safely and to industry
demonstrate the ability to apply a variety of techniques for communicating with clients and
collecting client information.
Health Care, The Environment and Society
describe the impact of health care industry activities on the environment and identify ways of
minimizing their harmful consequences;
describe the impact of current social patterns and trends on personal health and the delivery of
health care.
Professional Practice and Career Opportunities
demonstrate an understanding of and comply with safe working practices and the laws and
regulations governing the health and safety of workers in the health care industry;
demonstrate an understanding of legal and ethical standards governing the practice of health
care; describe career opportunities in the health care field and related educational requirements.
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Cardinal Leger Secondary School
Business and Technology Department
The term work will be worth 70% of final mark, culminating activity is worth 20% and the
final exam is worth 10%.
Term Work
Knowledge and Understanding
Final Assessment
Formal Examination
Culminating Task
Course Total
Learning Skills and Work Habits
Independent Work
E= Excellent G=Good S=Satisfactory N= Needs Improvement
Fulfills responsibility and commitments.
Takes responsibility for and manages own behavior.
Devises and follows a plan and process for completing tasks.
Establishes priorities and manages time
Independently monitors, assesses, and revises plans to
complete tasks and meet goals.
Uses class time to complete tasks.
Accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group.
Builds healthy peer-to-peer relationships.
Looks for and acts on new ideas and opportunities.
Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude.
Sets own goals and monitors progress towards achieving them.
Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.
Missed/Late/Incomplete Assignments
It is the student’s responsibility to address missed, late, or incomplete assignments. Students are
expected to complete assignments and to adhere to assignment deadlines as follows:
Due Date
A due date is set by the
10% Penalty Zone
1 school day late – 3%
2 school days late – 6%
3 school days late – 10%
Maximum penalty of 10%
Closure Date
Once the closure date has
passed, work is considered
incomplete and a mark of
zero applies.
Parent Signature: _______________________ Student Signature: ______________________
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