10/03/2012 Meeting

PEC Program Review Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012
PSU 312C
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Members Present: Jamaine Abidogun (CHPA), Roberta Aram (Chair, COE), Kim Finch (COE), Brenda Goodwin
(CHHS), Cindy Hail, ex officio, (PEC co-chair), Daniel Hellman (COAL), Kurt Killion (CNAS), Glenna Vanderhoof
(COB), Rebecca Woodard, ex officio, (PEC co-chair)
Members Absent: none
Guests: none
1. Call to Order
2. Announcements: All remaining AY 2012-‘13 meetings will take place in Hill 314 to avoid
a room fee in PSU
3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Minutes of the September 26, 2012 meeting were
approved as written.
4. MoSTEP to MoSPE transition: PRC members are in the process of working with their
assigned programs to facilitate their transition from MoSTEP to MoSPE standards. In
addition to program transition, the COE and secondary core courses need to be aligned as do
supporting materials such as the student teaching handbook, eportfolio, STEPS, websites,
and other ancillaries to educator preparation programs. Roberta will contact RFT to facilitate
the work of EDC, EDT and RDG faculty in aligning to MoSPE. Roberta will seek the
support of the Dean’s office in aligning the student teaching handbook, eportfolio, STEPS,
and MSU educator preparation websites. Courses involved are EDC150, 345, 350, EDT365,
RDG318, 420, 421, 474, SFR750, and 780.
Graduate programs should reference the appropriate MoSPE teacher developmental level
(e.g. candidate, new teacher, developing teacher, etc.) in the Teacher Standards Continuum as
they align their program/courses with MoSPE.
PEC Program Reporting Procedures/Report Template: The following was added to the
PEC Program Review Reporting Procedures to delineate responsibility and accountability for
program review follow-up/oversight:
A PRC member will review the report and provide a written reply to the program writer by April 15
of the academic year in which the program is reviewed. This Reviewer Report will address the
bulleted items below. The program report writer may revise the report as needed and send it to the
chair of the PRC for final review by the full PRC. Following review by the full PRC, the report will
go back to the program and also to the Dean of COE (for COE programs) and the Head of the PEU
(for secondary and K-12 programs) for their review. Programs will be assisted as needed to address
concerns addressed in the program review. The work of the PRC, for that cycle, is finished after its
final review of a program by the full PRC.
Jamaine will create a Program Reviewer Report form for use by reviewers as they review and provide
feedback to a program.
The chair of the PRC will present to PEC an annual report on the Program review process and
A pilot Program Review of the Early Childhood Education program will take place in Spring 2013 by
the PRC as a whole. The Program review template and/or review procedures will then be evaluated
and modified by the PRC based on data from the pilot and on forthcoming program reporting
procedures being established by DESE. Until such time as DESE provides more guidance on
program reporting requirements, PRC will continue to develop and carry out the program
reporting/review process described in the PEC Program Review Reporting and Review process.
6. Accreditation Director Proposal: was edited for presentation and vote in the October PEC
meeting. The purpose of the proposal is to institutionalize the role of Accreditation Director
currently being fulfilled by the COE interim associate dean.
7. Assessment Committee/Bylaw amendment: was tabled by PRC and will be revisited at the
October meeting.
8. Program Review Committee Bylaw amendment: will be forwarded to the Conceptual
Framework committee for consideration and a vote by PEC with all by law changes later this
9. Screening Committee proposal: to modify the PEC curricular approval process will
forwarded to the Screening Committee chair and to PEC for consideration and a vote at its
October meeting. The purpose of the proposal is to require alignment of all new curricular
proposals to align with MoSPE (rather than the current MoSTEP) beginning January 1, 2013
10. Adjourn