03/06/2013 Meeting

March 6, 2013, 3:30 PM (Hill Hall 001)
Meeting Minutes - approved
Roberta Aram, Tami Arthaud, Alice Jill Black, Bryan Breyfogle, Chris Craig, David Goodwin, Daniel
Hellman, Beth Hurst, Grace Jackson-Brown, Judith John, Carol Maples, Stephanie Marinec, Judith
Martinez, Cindy McMeley, Michelle Morgan, Debbie Pitts, Debra Price, Gay Ragan, Gayle Runke,
Gigi Saunders, Scott Fiedler, and Rebecca Woodard
Call to Order
The monthly meeting of the Missouri State University Professional Education Committee
convened at 3:30 pm. Chair, Rebecca Woodard presiding. A quorum was established.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of February 13, 2013, meeting. All
approved. Minutes stand.
a. Student attendance at the upcoming collaborative diversity conference. Dr. Hough was
able to obtain 50 registrations for our students. The first 50 student requests for
registration will get theirs free. We have seventeen students so far. Have students
contact Cindy Caddy is they are interested.
b. Dr. Sue George was recognized by Online Schools Missouri as one of the Top 21 Best
Education Professors in Missouri.
c. Dr. Craig sent an e-mail to everyone regarding Rebecca Woodard’s appointment as
Interim Director of Secondary Education. Dr. Woodard stated that she will turn the
PEC Chair over to Brenda Goodwin at the end of this meeting today. Dr. Woodard
went on to state how she has enjoyed working with the PEC, and that they have all been
wonderful to work for.
PEC Chair Elect Candidates
a. Please send the PEC Executive Committee any nominations or if anyone is interested
themselves, let the committee know. Candidate will be presented at the April meeting.
Individuals do not have to be current PEC members to be nominated.
Administrative Updates
a. Unit Update – Chris Craig, Head of the PEU, received an e-mail notice yesterday along
with other MACTE members from DESE concerning the common core standards. He
was asked to provide MSU’s position on the implementation of the common core in
Missouri schools. Based on discussions with President Smart, MSU is taking no
position at this time. Faculty are free to respond as they see fit drawing on their
knowledge and expertise. Dr. Craig stated that he has learned more about our focused
visit institutional report and what obligations need to go into it after his visit to AACTE.
Also, tomorrow there is a meeting with Program Coordinators at 11 am in President’s
conference on documenting how individual programs address diversity proficiencies in
the curriculum. If you are unable to make this meeting there will be another one
scheduled at a later date.
b. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director
Dr. Woodard stated that she will do her best to make the transition as smooth as
possible. She asked faculty to tell their students if they need to talk with her that emailing is the best way to contact her. She also thanked Student Services and the
Professional Ed Advisement Center for helping out.
Committee Reports
a. Admissions, Procedures, & Retention – Chair Gay Ragan
No report.
b. Membership & Professional Development – Chair Beth Hurst
Committee has one application and it is on the agenda. Cindy Caddy will be contacting
PEU members whose membership has expired.
c. Program Review – Chair Roberta Aram
Have not met at this point, but will meet March 20th.
d. Diversity – Chair Carol Maples
Committee has received four new applicants for the diversity scholarship.
e. Conceptual Framework – Chair David Goodwin
Committee is working on the bylaws and will meet again after spring break. They will
begin work on conceptual frameworks in relationship to new diversity proficiencies.
f. BSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Gigi Saunders
Committee discussed the low completer status of secondary k-12 programs in the BSEd
meeting. Lynda Plymate has volunteered to serve on a sub committee to review the
ramifications of combining smaller BSEd programs under a common CIP reporting
code. Twenty-two students responded to the Advisement survey. Also discussed were
the requirements to admission to Teacher Education and how the change in the GPA
will affect number of teacher candidates.
g. MSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Lynda Plymate
Dr. Plymate is not here today; Dr. Woodard read her report. Committee met on Feb
27th. Issues discussed included Interim Director of Secondary Education and how they
would fit into the MSED Secondary Oversight Committee. An implementation update
on the Practical Skills Assessment in this program; an update on the rubric revision for
the Professional Disposition Outcomes survey; and a continued discussion of how to
implement the two Professional Disposition surveys at admission into this program and
again with comprehensive exams. No new actions were proposed.
h. Screening – Chair Judith John
Committee met and voted on several issues. They will meet two more times this year.
Also, a reminder that curricular proposal need to be turned in to the PEU by
Departments two weeks prior to the Screening Committee meetings. For the March 26th
meeting, they will need to be turned in by March 12th, and for the April 23rd meeting
they will need to be turned in by April 9th.
i. Exceptions and Compliance – Chair Gayle Runke
Committee will meet March 18th.
j. TEA Update – David Goodwin
Have not met – no report.
Action Items
a. Curricular Proposals
New Course
1. EDT 630/530 Technology Systems Management and Maintenance
The new course proposal was moved to the floor for voting. Proposal was
approved as presented.
Course Change
1. HST 422 Supervised Teaching (Secondary Social Studies)
2. HST 423 Seminar in Supervised Teaching
All course changes moved to the floor for voting. Proposals approved as
Program Change
1. BSED in History – February 8, 2013
The program change was moved to the floor for voting. Proposal was approved
as presented.
2. BSED in History – December 11, 2012
The program change was moved to the floor for voting. Proposal was approved
as presented.
b. Proposed Diversity Proficiencies
The proposed Diversity Proficiencies were moved to the floor. Proposal was approved
as presented.
VIII. Personnel Actions
a. Recommendation of New PEU Members
Beth Hurst, Chair, Membership & Professional Development
1. Michael Goeringer – Motion was made and seconded to approve member
application. Motion carried.
b. Teacher Education Program Candidates
Stephanie Marinec, COE Advisement
Secondary Education Director
Members received candidate rosters from the College of Education and the Secondary
Education office. Motion was made and seconded to approve all candidates. Motion
Old Business
a. DESE GPA Requirements
The GPA requirements were discussed at the BSEd meeting and the content GPA.
There was concern of how this would affect students. Raising the content area GPA
would have a detrimental effect for some programs. Out of 462 students listed, 48
would not have been admitted (10%). Dr. Craig mentioned that he had spoken with
Hap Harrison and wanted him to let everyone know that those who don’t meet the
content GPA would be able to take a praxis type exam to meet the requirements for
certification. He does not have any specifics on this. A discussion ensued concerning
the content GPA, a 2.75 cumulative GPA, and also keeping the GPA requirements the
same. It was mentioned having a 2.75 cumulative to admit to Teacher Ed University
wide and programs set their own cumulative requirement.
It was decided that a proposal be presented to begin Fall 2013, that the required GPA
for Admittance to Teacher Education will be 2.75 cumulative. Approved for Student
Teaching 3.0 Content with a 2.75 cumulative. Graduation and Certification a 3.0 for
Professional Ed courses, with a 3.0 for content and 2.75 cumulative. Programs will be
able to set when their own content GPA applies. Programs have the freedom to
continue to require a specific content GPA for admission to teacher education. Motion
to move to the floor for voting. Motion was made and seconded to approve proposal as
stated. Motion carried.
The College of Education will work to update their web pages, Dr. Woodard will work
to update Secondary Education, and Departments will work to update their own web
New Business
a. Undergraduate Catalog changes for Teacher Certification
The revised language for Teacher Education Program and Secondary Education
requirements were sent via e-mail. Due to the approval of the DESE GPA proposal
under OLD Business, a revision of this section of the catalog will be presented at the
April PEC meeting.
b. PEC Bylaws Revisions
Dr. Goodwin (Conceptual Frameworks) has been working on revising the bylaws. The
changes that were sent via e-mail were read to the Committee. If anyone has any
suggestions, please send an e-mail to David Goodwin or Daniel Hellman. A discussion
ensued. This will be added under old business for the April PEC meeting and voted on
in May; then sent on to the Faculty Senate.
Meeting adjourned at 5:04
2012-2013 Meeting schedule
April 10, 2013 3:30 PSU 308 ABC
May 8, 2013 3:30 PSU Ballroom East