Style Sheet For the Religious Lives of Ozarks Women Project Typeface Choices Transcript 1 (32 pt., Arial, bold) Transcript 2 (16 pt., Arial) Title Commas Use a comma between the name of a city and the name of a state. Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause. Italics Do not italicize when referring to the Bible as a whole, or to books of the Bible. (20 pt., Arial, bold) Style Subtitle Point of View 1st person: uses pronouns I, me 3rd person: uses pronouns she, her (14 pt., Arial) Body text (12 pt., Times New Roman) Verb Tense Terms Use past tense when writing about an interviewee’s past. Religion A particular system of faith and worship.1 Denomination A recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church; a group or branch of any religion.1 Grammar & Punctuation Capitalization Capitalize proper nouns; do not capitalize common nouns. Capitalize names of deities, religions, religious followers, and sacred books. Do not capitalize common nouns to make them seem more important. Do not capitalize compass points unless you are referring to a specific region. 1 Use present tense only when talking about things that are currently part of an interviewee’s life. Layout Use 1” margins for all documents Double-space between lines Indent all new paragraphs Insert page numbers on the bottom-left, within the footer Contact Information Ms. Lora Hobbs, Senior Instructor Missouri State University Strong Hall 275 901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897 E-mail: Project website: http://apps.missouristate. edu/relst/ozarkswomen/ Jewell, E.J. & Abate, F.R. (Eds.). (2009). The New Oxford American Dictionary (2nd ed.). [Computer Software]. Apple Inc.