Common AP Style Sports Errors:


Common AP Style Sports Errors:

-Capitalize: Division I, II, III, and JV soccer (don’t capitalize varsity)

-Lowercase: sectionals, districts, states unless using it as the formal title ie, The

Regional Championship or The State Tournament will take place…

-Coach: lowercase when used as a job description, not as a formal title. Capitalize only when substituted for a name as a term of address.

Don’t capitalize: said varsity swimming head coach Mike Davidson.

-Scores: use figures exclusively; placing a hyphen between the total of the winning and losing teams.

The Reds defeated the Yankees 4-3.

-Capitalize the names of team, associations, and recognize nicknames

Red Sox, the Big Ten, the A’s, the Colts.


Capitalize formal titles before names. (Don’t capitalize job descriptions.)

Never capitalize title when used alone, without a proper name.

NOT The President said BUT Today President Clinton said.


Simplest form is best. "O'clock" is out.

10 a.m. (NOT "10:00 a.m." or "10 o'clock")


Rule of 10: Generally use numerals for 10 and up; spell out single digits. For thousands and millions, use a combination for easy readability:

$50 thousand .... $100 million ... population of 281 million people

-Example of numbers used in a sport…Track and field (for other sports just refer to the

A.P. Style Handbook)

-Men’s 100-meter dash

-Woman’s 880-yard dash

-For time events, spell out minutes and seconds

-Also remember when writing your piece to double space, and make sure that when you indent your paragraphs you use five spaces, not a tab.
