Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) I. MDRs must be conducted for: A. 10 cumulative days of suspension for the year B. Violation of Safe Schools Act (Weapon, Drugs/Alcohol, and Serious Bodily Injury) II. The Meeting – THIS IS A SPECIAL REVIEW IEP MEETING A. Must be held ASAP (student cannot be suspended more than 10 days without holding a MDR) 1. Contact Parent/guardian/surrogate/adult student as well as all IEP team members and determine a mutually agreed upon date and time for the IEP meeting 2. Forward to Parent/guardian/surrogate/adult student draft IEP, notice of meeting, Procedural Safeguards Handbook (if proposing a change of placement). Inform all District IEP team members of IEP meeting via Outlook. B. Participants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student, if 13 years of age or older Parent(s) General education teacher (at least one) Case manager School administrator/LEA Special Education Coordinator and/or School Psychologist (consult with both) 7. Others with knowledge of the student: related service providers, social worker, guidance counselor, nurse, etc.) C. Prior to the meeting gather: 1. Procedural Safeguards Notice - give to the parent if change in placement is recommended 2. WRITTEN Documentation of the Incident (from involved parties) 3. Copy of Suspension/Expulsion Log 4. Draft IEP 5. Current IEP 6. Current FBA/BIP 7. MAP scores as well as any additional data collection 2015-16SY 8. Regular Education Teacher Involvement forms (as many as possible on this short notice) 9. Referral/Discipline Record (up to date & current school year only) 10. Counseling Plan & Log, if available 11. Signed Accommodations Sheets D. During the meeting: 1. Agenda & Introductions 2. Review purpose of the meeting 3. As a team complete the Manifestation Determination Review process: a. Review pertinent sections of the IEP/evaluation b. Review FBA/BIP c. Review Incident Report d. Review any teacher observations e. Review any relevant information provided by the parents and/or student. Relatedness is not established by voting, but a general consensus of the team. Careful consideration should be given to the typical characteristics of the student’s disability. I. PROCEDURE for completing MDR Paperwork: A. Locate Student/Program: 1. Search for student name: 2. Click Programs: 2015-16SY 3. Click ‘Add Action’: 4. Select ‘Manifestation Determination’ and select the reason. 2015-16SY 2015-16SY