MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE Anderson, South Carolina October 20, 2015 6:30 P.M. The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of the Board this date with the following members present: Dr. Sandy Addis, Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Mrs. Ann Huitt, Mr. Harold Kay, II, Mr. Tommy Price and Mr. Paul Zugg. Absent was Mr. John Griffith. NOTICE TO MEDIA In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul Brown, and FOX 21. CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION Mr. Bradshaw led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Mrs. Huitt gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Bradshaw requested that a five minute break be added after Item #8A – USDA Grant and that Item #9A – Instructional Highlight be moved to Item #6A. With no objections and by Board consensus, the Agenda was approved as amended. RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Mr. Wilson recognized External Affairs Director Kyle Newton to recognize the following employees who will be recognized as “20 Under 40” Honorees. Tracy Clark, Instructional Facilitator Brandon Meares, Assistant Principal Nicole Torbert, Assistant Principal Nevitt Forest Community School of Innovation New Prospect STEM Academy Homeland Park Primary School The “20 Under 40” program recognizes professionals under age 40 for their leadership qualities and contributions to the Anderson community. The program is sponsored by the Anderson Independent Mail. Mr. Blankenship stated that the SC Department of Commerce, along with one of its business partners Human Technologies, Inc. (HTI) in Greenville, SC, and Anderson County Adult Education, piloted a program called the High School Diploma Equivalency Apprenticeship as a result of Bill 4840 – High School Equivalency Diploma Accessibility Act.” The program allowed individuals who have not completed a high school education to be employed at the same time earning their high school diploma equivalency. In Anderson, the program had three graduates. Mr. Blankenship recognized Adult Education Direct Jacky Stamps and Assistant Superintendent for College and Career Readiness and Secondary Education Dr. Veta New for their contributions to the success of the program. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD No one signed up to address the Board. INSTRUCTIONAL HIGHLIGHT-Midway Elementary School of Science & Engineering Mr. Wilson recognized Midway Principal Gary Bruhjell to highlight programs being offered at Midway Elementary School of Science & Engineering. Mr. Bruhjell stated that Midway Elementary is a STEAM school, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. He stated that Midway embraces world class competencies and skills, and that STEAM Education provides opportunities for students to be creative and innovative; problem solvers and critical thinkers; work well with each other, and communicate well. One of the things that makes Midway unique is that it was the first Project Lead the Way elementary school in the nation and that STEAM Leader Teacher Sandy Bradshaw was the first elementary Project Lead the Way teacher in the nation. Mrs. Bradshaw helped to develop the curriculum for the program. Mr. Bruhjell stated that the elementary version of Project Lead the Way is called LAUNCH. He stated that tonight students will demonstrate three pathways (Bio-Medical Science, Computer Science, Engineering and Coding) that Midway is providing through the Project Lead the Way LAUNCH program. Mr. Bruhjell then recognized Mrs. Bradshaw who recognized students in grades three, four, and five to demonstrate Project Lead the Way LAUNCH in the classroom. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the following Consent Agenda items: Minutes of the September 15, 2015 Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the October 15, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting 2015-2016 Personnel Recommendations Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation of the Consent Agenda items. Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ACTION ITEMS USDA Grant – Mrs. Heard recognized USDA Representative Larry Durham, Food & Nutrition Services Director Sharon Hunt, and Grants & Special Projects Coordinator Sarah Burns for helping with the grant. She reported that the District would be receiving a USDA Grant for approximately $43,000 to expand the summer feeding program in the rural areas of Anderson School District Five. Mr. Durham then presented a Resolution for Board approval. 2 Dr. Addis made a motion the Board approve the Resolution accepting the USDA Grant for approximately $43,000. Mr. Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. RECESS By consensus, the Board recessed for five minutes to sign the approved Resolution accepting the USDA Grant. Approval of Act 155 Diploma Petitions – As a result of Act 155, students can now petition for their high school diploma if all other criteria for graduation were met. The Administration recommended Board approval of two students who have petitioned to receive a high school diploma bringing the district total to 56. Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board approve the diploma petitions as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Construction Bids – Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Grant to present the proposed construction bids. Mr. Grant called attention to the construction bids for the McCants Middle School Roofing Project and the T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools Track Repairs Project presented to the Board for consideration at the October 15, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting. He reported that the low bidder for the McCants Roofing Project was Lloyd Roofing for a total of approximately $991,000, including two alternates. The low bidder for the T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools Track Repairs Project was Matrix Construction Company for a total of approximately $2,253,139. The Administration recommended Board approval of both projects, subject to satisfying the bid protest period and providing that all of the requirements of the District Procurement Code are met. Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board approve the bid from Lloyd Roofing for the McCants Roofing Project totaling approximately $991,000 and the bid from Matrix Construction Company for the T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools Track Repairs Project totaling approximately $2,253,139, subject to satisfying the bid protest period and providing that all of the requirements of the District Procurement Code are met. Mrs. Huitt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Proposed Names of Schools – Mr. Wilson stated that the names of the schools in Anderson School District Five were discussed at the October 15, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Being able to identify each school has been a concern of the Administration. He further stated that each school would still have their themes. With the exception of Robert Anderson, which was tabled for further discussion, the Administration recommended Board approval of the proposed school names as presented. Dr. Addis made a motion the Board approve the proposed school names for each school in Anderson School District Five, with the exception of Robert Anderson, as presented. Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Heard to present as information the monthly Financial Statements and the Pupil Activity Reports for the month ending September 30, 2015. With regards to revenue, Mrs. Heard reported that this is a very lean time for the district; however, tax collections will start the middle of November. With regards to expenditures, all accounts are looking good since this is still around the 3 beginning of the school year. She reported that the district is a little better as compared to this same time last year. With regards to the one cent sales tax collection, Anderson Five received approximately $680,000 for the month of August. Of that, approximately $136,000 will go towards our debt service to reduce the bond indebtedness on property taxes. The amount available for our capital projects is approximately $544,000, which is above the estimated projections. Interview with Prospective Board Member – Mrs. Margaret Mack recently resigned from the School Board due to health reasons. The Board interviewed the following candidates willing to serve in this position until the next General Election in November 2016: Reverend Johnny S. Donald, Jr., Sandra Thompson Leverette, and Regina M. Taylor. RECESS Mr. Price made a motion the Board recess then reconvene in Executive Session to discuss a recommendation to the County Board for the Area 2 Board seat recently vacated. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (8:23 P.M.) OPEN SESSION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Price made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session. Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Bradshaw reported that no action was taken in Executive Session; and no action will be taken in Open Session. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board adjourn. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (9:23 P.M.) CHAIRMAN SECRETARY DATE DATE Recording Secretary As Approved By Superintendent 4