MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE Anderson, South Carolina July 21, 2015 6:30 P.M. The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Mr. John Griffith, Mr. Harold Kay, II, Mrs. Margaret Mack, Mr. Tommy Price and Mr. Paul Zugg. Absent were Dr. Sandy Addis and Mrs. Ann Huitt. NOTICE TO MEDIA In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul Brown, and FOX 21. CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION Mr. Bradshaw led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Mr. Price gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA With no objections and by Board consensus, the Agenda was approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Special Presentation – Mr. Wilson recognized Dr. Sonia Leverette who will be leaving the district after 10½ years to accept the position of Assistant Superintendent for Student Services with Spartanburg School District Seven. On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the district staff, Mr. Wilson presented Dr. Leverette with an engraved silver tray. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD No one signed up to address the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the Minutes of the June 9, 2015 regular Board Meeting. Mr. Kay made a motion the Board approve the June 9, 2015 minutes as presented. Mrs. Mack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ACTION ITEMS Preliminary Out-of-District Tuition – At the beginning of each school year, the district establishes a preliminary out-of-district tuition that is subject to adjustment upon completion of the annual audit. The preliminary out-of-district tuition for out-of-county residents is $3,278, an increase of $33 as compared to last year’s out-of-district tuition; the preliminary out-of-district tuition for in-county residents is $2,967, an increase of $47 as compared to last year’s out-of-district tuition. The Administration recommended Board approval of the preliminary out-of-district tuition as presented. Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the Preliminary Out-of-District Tuition as presented. Mr. Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Construction Bids – Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Grant to present the proposed construction bids. Mr. Grant called attention to the Bid Tabulation Sheets included in the Board Packet that were presented to the Board for consideration at the July 16, 2015 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Mr. Grant reviewed the Bid Tabulation Sheets for the following projects. Athletic Additions–Phase II (Athletic Field Houses and Band Buildings for both T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools) Tennis Court Lighting (for both T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools) He reported that the low bidder for the Athletic Additions–Phase II Project was Matrix Construction Company for a total of approximately $7,722,284. The low bidder for the Tennis Court Lighting Project was The Lighting Company–Electrical Construction, Inc. for a total of approximately $259,685. The Administration recommended Board approve of the bid from Matrix and the bid from The Lighting Company—Electrical Construction, Inc., subject to satisfying the bid protest period and providing that all of the requirements of the District Procurement Code are met. Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the bid from Matrix Construction for the Athletic Additions—Phase II Project and the bid from The Lighting Company– Electrical Construction, Inc. for the Tennis Court Lighting Project, subject to satisfying the bid protest period and providing that all of the requirements of the District Procurement Code are met. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Bradshaw requested that drone footage and/or pictures of all current construction projects be presented at the next regular board meeting. He also reminded everyone that drone footage of all current construction projects are available on website address www.yourpenny.@anderson5.net. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Mr. Wilson reported that the County Board approved the district’s 2015-2016 Budget at its July 20, 2015 monthly meeting. He also reported that starting next month during the regular board meeting, various staff members and/or principals will present instructional highlights from their schools. Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Heard to present as information the monthly Financial Statements and the Pupil Activity Reports for June 2015. 2 Mrs. Heard reported that the district will start receiving the one cent sales tax revenue monthly instead of quarterly. She also reported that the district’s total allocation went up approximately $110,000 for the May period that was received in June totaling approximately $632,000. Of that, approximately $126,000 will go into debt service to reduce the bond indebtedness on property taxes. The amount that is available for our capital projects is approximately $505,000. The amount available for the district to spend is up approximately $88,000. Mrs. Head reported that books closed on June 30, 2015. She stated that the district always has additional accruals in June, July, and August that will be charged back to June and affect the June financial reports. With regards to revenue, Mrs. Heard reported that the district has received some additional funds. With regards to expenditures, Mrs. Heard reported that the district had savings in some of the accounts. With these savings, she feels that the district will be to the positive in our fund balance by year end. The district is still anticipating a large payment to the City of Anderson, which bills us twice a year for SRO’s. Mr. Wilson then reminded the Board of the Summer Institute for Principals to be held on August 3, 2015 at the Career Campus starting at 8:00 a.m. He also reminded them of the Summer Institute for teachers and/or administrators that will be held at Glenview Middle School on August 10 and 11 starting at 8:00 a.m. The keynote speaker for August 10 is Barbara Dooley, wife of longtime University of George Coach Vince Dooley, and the keynote speaker for August 11 is Michael Thurmond, the first African American elected to a statewide position in the State of Georgia. RECESS Mr. Griffith made a motion the Board recess for five minutes, and then reconvene in Executive Session to discuss an Employee Grievance, 2015-2016 Personnel Recommendations, and the Superintendent’s Contract. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (6:56 P.M.) OPEN SESSION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Kay made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Bradshaw reported that no action was taken in Executive Session; however, action is required on the Employee Grievance, 2015-2016 Personnel Recommendations, and the Superintendent’s Contract. With regards to the Employee Grievance, Mr. Bradshaw stated that both sides presented their arguments very professionally. He also stated that this is a no fault situation where the Board was asked to make a decision. Mr. Bradshaw further stated that the decision made by the Board is the result of eight persons discussing the matter in depth and doing what we believe is right for everyone. Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board approve to modify the Superintendent’s recommendation and maintain the employee’s salary for one year through the 2015-2016 school year and require the individual to work an additional ten days. Mr. Kay seconded the motion. 3 The employee’s legal representative then asked if the modified salary will be retroactive to July 1, 2015 and if the additional ten days of service is in exchange for the modified salary. Mr. Bradshaw responded yes, and that the adjustment in salary will be reflected in the July 30, 2015 payroll check. Mr. Bradshaw then stated that after one year, any obligation to the district will be over and that the employee’s salary will be adjusted to what the position pays at that time. The employee’s legal representative stated that his client expressed interest in any future promotional opportunities that might exist in the district. He then asked if his client would be permitted to pursue any of those promotional opportunities. Mr. Bradshaw stated that the employee is encouraged to actively pursue any openings that may occur in Anderson School District Five and other school districts as any other employee. He further stated that the district will not place the employee into a position and will not make a position and place the employee into the position. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board approve the 2015-2016 Personnel Recommendations as presented in Executive Session. Mrs. Mack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the Superintendent’s Recommendation to hire Dr. Jerome Hudson for the position of Assistant Superintendent for Student Services, replacing Dr. Sonia Leverette. Mr. Griffith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. With regards to the Superintendent’s contract, Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board approve to increase the Superintendent’s compensation by 5% effective July 1, 2015. Mr. Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Bradshaw made a motion the Board adjourn. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (9:07 P.M.) CHAIRMAN SECRETARY DATE DATE Recording Secretary As Approved By Superintendent 4