MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE Anderson, South Carolina April 16, 2013 6:30 P.M. The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Mr. John Griffith, Mrs. Ann Huitt, Mrs. Margaret Mack, Mr. Al Norris, Mr. Tommy Price, and Mr. Dick Smith. Absent was Mr. Paul Zugg. NOTICE TO MEDIA In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Anderson Independent-Mail, The Electric City News, WYFF, WSPA, Paul Brown, and FOX 21. CALL TO ORDER & INVOCATION Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m., and Mr. Griffith gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA With no objections and by consensus the agenda stands approved. APPROVAL OF MINUTES With no objections and by consensus the minutes of the March 19, 2013 Regular Board Meeting and the April 11, 2013 Special Board Meeting stand approved. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD House Representative Don Bowen expressed concerns about school security. He stated that in the House version of the budget, the District will receive approximately $1.2 million of unspecified money. This is contingent upon whether or not it stays in the Senate version of the budget. Representative Bowen also stated that he will support the District in the General Assembly if the Board takes the initiative to put security measures in place that would be the impetus for more to come. Mrs. Holly Carithers presented a petition of signatures requesting funding for at least one full time SRO in all public schools, professional training for school personnel, and any additional security measures that may be needed. Mr. Bradshaw accepted the petition on behalf of the Board. Ms. Donna Green, President of the Anderson Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., requested to partner with the school district by offering a mentoring program for atrisk girls. She stated that Delta Sigma Theta Sorority offers five specific programmatic thrusts (i.e., Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, Political Awareness and Involvement). In the area of scholarships and educational development, Ms. Green stated that the sorority has two particular programs that target at risk girls in middle school (Delta Academy) and in high school (Delta Gems). The sorority also provides scholarships through a major program called the Jabberwock. Ms. Green further stated that the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority wants to build upon a partnership within the school district to provide these services for young ladies so that they can become productive citizens within our communities. Mr. Bradshaw expressed his appreciation to Ms. Green for wanting to partner with the schools in Anderson Five and directed her to work with Mrs. Bagley in getting this information out to the principals. RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Mr. Mahaffey and Mrs. McCall recognized 11 employees who have completed the District Leadership Academy. The graduates include: MaryNell Anthony, Stacy Carlton, Eric Chamblee, Heather Holiday, and Karen Threlkeld of T. L. Hanna High School, and IB School; Kim Wood and Rebecca Yoder of Lakeside Middle School of Inquiry & Innovation; Teresa Dale and Teresa Dewhurst of McCants Middle School, an IB School; Yashica Latimer of Southwood Academy of the Arts; and Nick Davis of Whitehall Elementary, a Global Communication School. The purpose of the District Leadership Academy (DLA) is to provide individuals with an overview of the proceedings of the District Office. The objective is to broaden the participants' understanding of roles and responsibilities of District Office Administrators through lectures and field experience opportunities. Mrs. Bagley announced that McLees Academy of Leadership was named a Lighthouse School; one of 39 in the world. Mrs. Bagley also announced that McCants Middle School received authorization as an International Baccalaureate World School. Mr. Bradshaw thanked everyone for attending the community reception welcoming Superintendent-Elect Tom Wilson. He then recognized Mr. Wilson. FINANCIAL SERVICES & OPERATIONS REPORT Financial Reports – Mr. Brooks presented as information the monthly Financial Statements, the Pupil Activity Reports, and a list of accounts over budget for the month of March 2013. With regards to expenditures, he stated that we have a positive variance of approximately 5% which equates to about a $4.42 million fund balance increase projected over the course of the year. Last year during this same time, we were at an 8% positive variance. He also stated that the $4.42 million increase does not take into account the endof-the year accruals, budgeted fund balance items, and supply and technology allocations that the Board previously approved. FY 2013-2014 Budget – For discussion purposes, Mrs. Bagley presented the House version of the 2013-2014 Budget. As of April 15, 2013, she discussed the following state mandates: Step Increase for Teachers includes FICA/Retirement Retirement Increase Health Insurance Increase estimate based on recommendation from EIP at State; definite percentage not determined until August 2013 Total State Mandates $ 863,675 $ 112,000 $ 200,000 $1,175,675 2 She then discussed other required costs: Teaching certificate changes estimate based on prior years history Workers Comp/Property Insurance estimate based on prior years history Total Other Required Costs $ 50,000 $ 75,000 $125,000 She discussed the following prior budget decisions: Prior year restored step Prior year/current year Board decisions to be added to the budget Total Prior Budget Decisions $ 885,506 $1,196,866 $2,092,372 Mrs. Bagley then discussed additional revenues for Anderson School District Five to include: Base Student Cost of $2,101 which equates to Other State Allocations Tier III ($ 330,000) Employee Retiree/Fringe ($ 631,513) Total Additional Revenues $1,351,131 = $ 961,513 $2,312,644 Mrs. Bagley then reviewed a summary of both expenses and revenues. She stated that after all is taken into account, the District will start the 2013-2014 school year with a deficit of approximately $1,080,385. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES REPORT Charter School Update – Mr. Dukes recognized Katie Brown and Dan Walgate to give an update on the Charter School. Mr. Walgate stated that the Anderson Five Charter School is an on-line, public high school that focuses on the unique needs of each student. The school has flexible scheduling, virtual attendance, and is self-paced. He stated that 100 students are currently enrolled from a variety of backgrounds. He further stated that students apply to the charter school when a traditional high school set-up is not meeting their educational needs. Mr. Walgate then discussed extenuating reasons students opt for the charter school program. Some of these reasons include: family circumstances, personal reasons, educational needs, etc. Ms. Brown stated that 33 students are on track to graduate this spring and nine students are on track to graduate in August; the first graduation ceremony is June 7, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. at Robert Anderson College & Career Academy; almost half of these students were on the verge of dropping out of school, now they will have a diploma to further their life goals; among the graduating seniors, 38 plan to attend a technical college or university, two plan to enter into the military, and two plan to enter the work-force. Ms. Brown then presented as information the 2012-2013 Budget and the proposed 20132014 Budget for the Anderson Five Charter School. 2012-2013 Budget (based on 100 students) • General Funds o Salaries & Fringe = $357,013.16 o Supplies & Technology = $185,743 $542,756.16 3 • Grant Funds $307,162.53 o Supplies & Technology = $149,483.29 o Software & Licenses = $125,000 o Teacher Stipends = $6,500 o Professional Development & Conferences = $21,179.24 o Outside Evaluation = $5,000 Proposed 2013-2014 Budget (based on 150 students) • General Funds o Salaries & Fringe = $400,000 o Supplies & Technology = $415,164.50 $815,164.50 • Grant Funds $300,000 o Supplies & Technology = $74,500 o Software & Courses = $150,250 o Teacher Stipends = $38,250 o Professional Development & Conferences = $32,000 o Outside Evaluation = $5,000 Mr. Walgate then stated that all core courses are online and have been aligned with the Common Core Standards. He then reviewed the English courses, mathematics courses, science courses, social studies courses, foreign language courses, electives and AVCC electives. Concluding the presentation Ms. Brown stated that the Anderson Five Charter School Governing Board is made up of seven elected members and two appointed non-voting members. The Board meets the second Monday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Ms. Brown then recognized senior Katelyn Hayes to share her experiences as a student at the Anderson Five Charter School. Mr. Bradshaw thanked Ms. Hayes for sharing her experience as a student at the charter school and applauded her for being the first graduate of the Anderson Five Charter School. Because the District has three new members on the Board of Trustees, Mr. Bradshaw requested that each Board Member be given a copy of the charter school application/narrative, the charter school 2012-2013 Budget, and the charter school proposed 2013-2014 Budget. Bring Your Own Technology Update – Mrs. Baldwin stated that the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) goal was to have 100% student engagement every day through utilizing mobile learning devices to support creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking across all disciplines. Nine schools piloted the program this year (i.e., Centerville Academy of 21st Century Learning, McLees Academy of Leadership, North Pointe Elementary School, Glenview Middle School, Lakeside Middle School of Inquiry and Innovation, Southwood Academy of the Arts, T. L. Hanna High School, an IB World School, Westside High School, an Early College Academy, and Anderson V Career Campus). Ms. Baldwin stated that surveys were issued to students and teachers involved in the pilot program – 945 student surveys were completed and 31 teacher surveys were completed. The students rated their technology experience, accessing the Internet, biggest issue for BYOT, how devices were used, the #1 positive outcome, and future improvements for BYOT. The teachers rated how often they used BYOT, student devices available for use, classroom management issues, supplementing a school provided device, biggest issue for BYOT, and the #1 positive outcome. Mrs. Baldwin then showed slides of BYOT in action and how the activities related to the standards. Mr. Grant stated that the next phase of the pilot program is to update several policies to reflect changes and/or opportunities given us through the BYOT program and to enhance wireless access. Finally, Mr. Grant stated that the BYOT program will be fully implemented 4 next school year starting with the high schools in August 2013, middle schools in October 2013, and all elementary schools in January 2014. PERSONNEL SERVICES REPORT Employment Recommendations – Mr. Mahaffey presented a recommendation for Board approval for the 2013-2014 school year. Mr. Norris made a motion the Board approve the personnel recommendation as presented. Mrs. Mack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. BUILDING COMMITTEE REPORT Mrs. Huitt reported that the Building Committee met on March 27, 2013 to consider a request for a new electronic sign at Midway Elementary School of Science & Engineering. After considerable discussion about the District’s role and responsibility in providing new, upgraded marquees for schools, the Building Committee directed that bids be solicited for a new electronic sign for Midway. The Building Committee decided to present the bids, once received, to the full Board for its discussion and consideration. Mrs. Huitt reported that bids were solicited and three bids were received. The low bid for a 3’ x 8’ Daktronics electronic message board was submitted by Electric City Signs at a cost of $15,800. The price includes new school name acrylic faces at the top of the sign plus the removal of the existing reader board and the installation of the electronic sign in the existing brick structure. The price also includes message software training Mr. Bradshaw made a motion the Board accept the bid from Electric City Signs at a cost of $15,800 for a new electronic sign at Midway Elementary School of Science & Engineering and to also solicit bids for the remaining 16 signs in the District who have not updated to electronic signs for the Board’s consideration. Mrs. Huitt seconded the motion. Following some discussion, Mr. Bradshaw withdrew his motion and Mrs. Huitt withdrew her second to the motion. Mr. Bradshaw made another motion that the Board accept the bid from Electric City Signs at a cost of $15,800 for a new electronic sign at Midway Elementary School of Science & Engineering. Mrs. Huitt seconded the motion. Following further discussion, the motion carried with five in favor (Bradshaw, Huitt, Norris, Price, Blankenship) and three in opposition (Griffith, Mack, Smith). Mr. Blankenship then made a motion that the Administration solicit and present bids to the Building Committee for electronic signs for the remaining 16 schools with priority given to those schools that may have potential name changes and honors that need to be added to their signs. Mr. Bradshaw seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Mr. Price reported that the Finance Committee met on March 28, 2013 to consider a request for new band uniforms for T. L. Hanna and Westside High Schools. After considerable discussion about the District’s role and responsibility in providing new band uniforms for the high schools, the Finance Committee voted to recommend that the district purchase the new uniforms as follows: 5 • Westside High School – 80 coats and pants plus 25 shakos (hats) and plumes at an estimated cost of $23,990. • T. L. Hanna High School – 170 pants and gloves plus 200 garment bags at an estimated cost of $23,871. Additionally, the Finance Committee voted to recommend that the condition of the high school band uniforms be reviewed once every seven years with consideration to be given to replacing the uniforms at that time, if the condition of the uniforms warrant replacement. No second was required. The motion carried unanimously. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Mrs. Bagley requested a Building Committee meeting. scheduled for April 25, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. By consensus, the meeting was Mrs. Bagley requested a Policy Committee meeting. scheduled for May 2, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. By consensus, the meeting was Mrs. Bagley requested a Finance Committee meeting. scheduled for May 7, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. By consensus, the meeting was RECESS With no objections and by consensus the Board recessed for ten minutes and reconvened in Executive Session to discuss a Personnel Matter. (9:06 P.M.) OPEN SESSION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session. seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Smith Mr. Bradshaw reported that no action was taken in Executive Session; however action is required on the Personnel Matter. Mr. Bradshaw asked for a vote of all those who were in favor of upholding the Administration’s recommendation to demote Mrs. Vickery to operator. No one was in favor of the Administration’s recommendation. Mr. Bradshaw then asked for a vote of all those who were opposed to upholding the Administration’s recommendation to demote Mrs. Vickery to operator. The Board voted unanimously to oppose the Administration’s recommendation. Mr. Bradshaw addressed Mrs. Vickery by saying that the Board took a leap of faith that she can do the job of Food Service Manager. He stated to Ms. Vickery that the Board has serious concerns about her absences, and that the Administration proved a lot of their facts. He further stated to Ms. Vickery that a good manager can’t manage from home. 6 On behalf of the Board, Mr. Bradshaw directed Mrs. Hawthorne to develop a performance management agreement that Ms. Vickery and Mrs. Hawthorne will sign so that the expectations are crystal clear. RECESS Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board recess and reconvene in Executive Session. Mrs. Mack seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (11:29 P.M.) OPEN SESSION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Smith made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session. seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Griffith Mr. Smith made a motion that the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation concerning the Coordinator of Communications. Mrs. Huitt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Price made a motion the Board adjourn. Mr. Norris seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (11:33 P.M.) CHAIRMAN SECRETARY DATE DATE Recording Secretary As Approved By Superintendent 7