Minutes of Missouri State University Panhellenic May 1, 2013 The General Council meeting was called to order by President Jessica Willard at 4:00 pm at the PSU 400. The roll was called by Vice President of Administration, Kelly McCall. ROLL CALL: Y) YY Y Y) Y Y) SPEAKERS: None PREVIOUS MINUTES The previous minutes were read and approved by our delegates OFFICER REPORTS I. President, Jessica Willard (Willard123@live.missouristate.edu) a. STAR Awards, congratulations on those who won b. Homecoming pairings will be announced during Presidents meeting c. Next Wednesday is our last PHA general council meeting. II. VP of Community Relations, Allyson Liefer (Liefer114@live.missouristate.edu) a. All forms/Community Service due May 9th by 4pm in the OSE b. Service opportunities for the week a. This Saturday – One Sole Purpose, 5k raise money for children in Title I schools shoes b. Stamp Out Hunger –May 11 c. Roundtable tonight III. VP of Membership Development, Meghan Farrell (Farrell14@live.missouristate.edu) a. Thank you to everyone that applied for awards. b. Please take the Greek Week survey IV. VP of Recruitment, Bonnie Kessel (Bonnie777@live.missouristate.edu) a. No report V. VP of Academics, Laura Green (Laura805@live.missouristate.edu) a. Thanks for going to class on Thursday morning, and getting a donut on the way. b. Please get tutoring applications in ASAP so I can have a program ready in the beginning of next semester! c. I want as many applications as I can get by next week. Wanting to work on the program over the summer VI. VP of Administration, Kelly McCall (McCall91@live.missouristate.edu) a. There is currently $57,250.79 in the Panhellenic account. VII. Director of New Member Education, Bailie Phelan (Phelan091@live.missouristate.edu) a. No report VIII. Director of Outreach, Andrea Lensing (Andrea236@live.missouristate.edu) a. Newsletter will be out tomorrow, or next day. Another one will be more oriented towards Greek Week. b. Pinterest account! Follow us. It’s Missouri State FSL. Boards for pin attire, recruitment clothing, refer PNM’s to the account if you know of any now. IX. Director of Panhellenic Counselors, Molly Francomb (Francomb@live.missouristate.edu) a. No report X. Director of Social Awareness, Shannon Brown (Brown992@live.missouristate.edu) a. Spoken to chapters about BearFit classes. b. No more GAMMA this semester. XI. Director of Marketing, Angela Winkler (Winkler114@live.missouristate.edu) a. No report XII. Chief Justice, Jordan Shelton (Jordan321@live.missouristate.edu) XIII. XIV. I. a. No report Associate Chief Justice, Fallon Hickman (Fallon99@live.missouristate.edu a. No report Graduate Assistant, Colleen Pace (Colleen128@live.missouristate.edu) a. Thank you for behaving yourselves for Greek Week. b. Take the surveys so we will know what to do for next year! c. Order of Omega had elections. Molly and Laura won President and Vice President d. Rho Lambda initiation and elections tonight. Assistant Director of Student Engagement, Andrea Weber ` (AndreaWeber@MissouriState.edu) a. VP of Student Affairs candidates are really excellent. They are all behind FSL. No matter who is elected, we will have a great VP of Student Affairs b. Interviews for new VP of Plaster Student Union are going on, we should know who will take over the position. c. Greek Week went well, we were fortunate with the cans, fundraising, and community service. d. Thank you for having a good week. e. Next week is Colleen’s last Panhellenic meeting. Make sure and tell her good luck. f. Congrats Alpha Chi Omega for Chapter of the Year. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Bonnie – Vote to approve 2013 recruitment schedule. Alpha Deta Pi seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Molly – Vote on Greek Week Directors for next year. Starting with Hayley Gregg. Alpha Delta Pi seconded. All chapters in favor of Hayley. Next, Jordan McGee. Sigma Kappa seconded the motion. Unanimous vote. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS a. AXΩ: Senior Week this week. Formal on Friday b. AΔΠ: Thanks for Greek Week! Sigma Nu Car this Saturday 12 to 5. All proceeds go to their philanthropy, the American Heart Association. c. AΣA: Senior Week. Panhellenic Pan goes to Delta Zeta for their Mocktails event. d. ΔZ: Initiated 17 new members. Pinning tonight. Senior week next week e. ΓΦB: Senior week. Moms day this weekend. f. ΣK: Senior week. Formal this Friday g. ΞOI: Hosting philanthropy banquet this Sunday LIASON REPORTS a. GAMMA: no b. IFC: SX philanthropy tomorrow Field Day for Childrens Miracle Network c. NPHC: no report d. SAC: May 1st – MAY DAY ~ all day @ North Mall. Thursday May 2 nd Laser tag in North Mall from 9pmmidnight. Motions passed: SAC Tailgate, May Day Concert, Opening Week Concert, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Film Night, $4,584.00 for giveaways e. Phi Sigma Upsilon: Last meeting is Monday! f. SGA: Bearline app is in service and working. Taylor Health survey is up please take a look at that. Thanks for anyone who took the Boomer meal survey. Facebook/Twitter library survey active to make website more user friendly. Additional volunteers for the blind professor needed, looks good on resume. Fall 2014 new students don’t have to take KIN100. Bookstore Loyalty program will start next year. ADJOURNMENT Alpha Chi Omega motioned to close meeting. Delta Zeta seconded. Meeting adjourned at 4:15pm.