Educating Spatial Intelligence Nora S. Newcombe Temple University Talk at National Geographic Society November 2008 Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, Preaching to the Converted Penn State spatial discussion group UC-Santa Barbara NCGIA and Varenius Projects Learning to Think Spatially Nevertheless, Separated Communities Lead to Differences Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SES-linked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SES-linked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp Spatial Intelligence and Learning Are Important In an evolutionary context, spatial adaptation is vital In modern life, spatial thinking is used both in everyday tasks and in reasoning and communication In scientific thought and communication, spatial skills are particularly central Basic Adaptation Way Finding Tool Making Everyday Life Reasoning and Communication Graphs and diagrams Inference Analogy Metaphor Performance in STEM Disciplines Physics Chemistry Biology Engineering Mathematics Geoscience Predicting B.A. Degree Areas From Shea, Lubinski & Benbow (2001) What We Still Need Do improvements in spatial skill translate into greater STEM interest and ability? How important are any such effects? How do such effects compare with other influences, e.g., work-family conflicts? Do such effects reduce sex- and SES-based differences in STEM participation? Does early spatial skill relate to early STEM learning? Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SESlinked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp Especially Important For Girls 40 35 30 25 Boys Girls 20 Frequency 15 10 5 0 Spatial Transformation Score Levine, Huttenlocher, Taylor & Langrock (1999) Social Class Effects and the Male Advantage (Levine, Vasilyeva, Lourenco, Newcombe & Huttenlocher, Psychological Science, 2005) 100 100 Boys Boys Girls 80 80 Percentage Correct Percentage Correct Girls 90 90 70 60 50 40 70 60 50 40 30 30 Chance 20 Low Middle SES Aerial Maps High Chance 20 Low Middle High SES Mental Rotation Not Just Because of Difficulty Level (Levine, Vasilyeva, Lourenco, Newcombe & Huttenlocher, Psychological Science, 2005) 100 Boys Girls Percentage Correct 90 80 Fall, 2nd grade Spring, 3rd grade 70 60 50 40 30 20 High Middle SES Low Some Prior Reasons To Believe in Malleability Effects of practice and training Baenninger & Newcombe (1989) Effects of simple instructions Ward, Newcombe & Overton (1986) School effects Huttenlocher, Levine & Vevea (1998) New Data on Malleability New meta-analysis supports large training effects, as well as durability and transfer Liu, Uttal, Marulis, Lewis, Warren, & Newcombe, under review David Uttal will present this later on Two specific recent studies on improvement that is durable and transferable Terlecki, Newcombe & Little (Applied Cognitive Psychology, 2008) Wright, Thompson, Ganis, Newcombe & Kosslyn (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2008) Five Questions about Improvement in Mental Rotation Skills What is the shape of long-term growth trajectories? Does videogame training have effects exceeding simple practice? Do growth trajectories differ for men and women, and for individuals of higher or lower spatial experience? Are practice and training effects durable? Do practice and training transfer, and is transfer durable? Training One hour per week for a semester Tetris or Solitaire Weekly MRT administration Time Course of Improvement MRT Score Terlecki, Newcombe & Little, 2008 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Practice Training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weeks 8 9 10 11 12 Time Course of Improvement Terlecki, Newcombe & Little, 2008 20 18 16 MRT Score 14 12 10 High M High W 8 Low W 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weeks 8 9 10 11 12 Improvement is Durable Terlecki, Newcombe & Little, 2008 20 18 16 MRT Score 14 12 Practice 10 Training 8 6 4 2 Pretest Posttest Retake Transfer is Durable and Tetris Augments Transfer Terlecki, Newcombe & Little, 2008 0.9 Transfer Task % Correct 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Practice Training 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Pretest Posttest Retake Five New Aims Training intensive enough to produce large gains but shorter than a semester Novel stimuli: to assess stimulus-specific versus general effects Symmetric look at transfer: A to B and also B to A Non-spatial task to make sure transfer is spatially-specific Componential analysis: intercept versus slope effects Three Tasks Training 21 consecutive days, about 20 minutes per day Either MRT or Paper Folding Transfer Across Spatial Tasks Wright, Thompson, Ganis, Newcombe & Kosslyn, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2008 Transfer Across Spatial Tasks Wright, Thompson, Ganis, Newcombe & Kosslyn, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2008 Goals for New Training Studies Delineate mechanisms of improvement and possible additivity of methods Allowing for tailored recommendations about sequencing and aptitude-treatment interactions Tim Shipley will present progress report on an adult study of this kind How should we best enhance spatial learning in children? Methods that are more play, less work Gesture, puzzle play, paper folding, block play Training in different SES groups More Goals What are the neural correlates of improvements? Do they provide clues as to mechanism? How do we improve way finding skills? Is there far transfer from visualization to way finding and vice versa? (Again) What are the implications of improvements for STEM learning? Different at various ages? Different for different disciplines or sub-areas? Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SES-linked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp Spatial Framework Two spatial frames Object (internal relations that define shape) Scene (external relations that define relations among objects) Two temporal properties Static (unchanging relations) Dynamic (changing relations) The 2 by 2 Framework Object Scene Static Dynamic One Application of the Framework: Language Object Static Noun Dynamic Manner Verb Scene Preposition Path Verb The Third Dimension: Scale Different processes for different scales (particularly peri-personal space) Object versus scene at many scales Domain General Processes There are many such processes and most of them are relevant to spatial learning In SILC, we have been concentrating on: Analogy Gesture Working memory Perceptual learning In addition, specific skills (e.g., understanding diagrams) involves nonspatial content mastery (e.g., of diagrammatic conventions) Symbolic Representation Language Brings up classic “language and thought” issues Spatial representations Maps Graphs Diagrams Static Scene Representations: Hierarchical Coding Model Categorical or qualitative Fine-grained or coordinate or metric Bayesian combination Leads to Method to diagnose categories Work on natural scenes and geoscience expertise Way to think about development Way to think about neural bases of spatial coding Anjan Chatterjee will talk about this later Dynamic Representations: Mental Transformations May Be Formally But Not Psychologically Equivalent Rotate object (or array) vs move viewer Dynamic Scene Representations Navigation can be guided by Egocentric coding Allocentric coding Landmarks/place learning Gradients such as slope Daniele Nardi will present work on this later Most work of this kind is on groups or normative development—individual differences? 41 Morris Water Maze 42 Morris Water Maze Room Cue Room Cue 3 1 Room Cue 2 43 The Emergence of Place Learning Considerable evidence, from a wide variety of techniques, that place learning depends on hippocampus Animal studies: e.g., Morris, Garrud, Rawlins, & O’Keefe (1982) Human studies: e.g., Holdstock et al. (2000) Place learning seems to emerge between 18 and 24 months of age New Research Questions • Are there individual differences in early place learning abilities? • Do language and spatial representations develop independently? • What is the relationship between the developing brain and emergent behavior? 45 Balcomb & Newcombe Subjects Children aged 16-24 months Materials 10’ diameter carpeted circle divided into quadrants Battery operated puzzle Task Locate puzzle hidden under carpet Remember puzzle location 46 47 Procedures Familiarization Learning 4 trials to learn the puzzle’s location Different points of entry Test Same as learning trials No puzzle Control Control for motivation & walking speed Puzzle clearly visible 48 Spatial Results 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% goal found/4 % adj % periph % spatial % non spatial 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 16-18 19-21 Age 22-24 Space and Language Intercorrelations between language and spatial searches Measure Nouns Verbs Preps # times goal found # searches under “other” Nouns -- .87 .72 .21 (.34) .36 (.09) -- .80 .11 (.61) .34 (.10) -- .42 (.05) .20 (.34) -- -.2 (.35) Verbs Preps # times goal found Conclusions and Implications Place learning and expressive language develop independently in 16-24 month old children BUT--Acquisition of prepositions and place learning do correlate Individual differences measure allows us to address relations with other abilities Episodic memory (not spatial but should correlate) Mental rotation (spatial but may not correlate) New way to address structure of intellect in comparative and neuroscience-inspired context Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SES-linked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp Some Examples The use of analogical comparison in teaching geoscience Dedre Gentner Understanding young children’s difficulties with measurement—and ameliorating them Susan Levine & Kristin Ratliff The importance of spatial language to children Just a few examples now Many others Spatial toolkit will bring them together Teachers Vary in Spatial Input (Levine & Huttenlocher) 1 25 2 3 20 Instances of spatial talk in one hour of coded tape 4 15 5 6 10 7 8 5 9 10 0 1 11 12 13 And Input is Correlated with Children’s Spatial Growth (Levine & Huttenlocher) 25 spatial input 20 15 10 5 0 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 change in chidlren's spatial scores 0.3 Play Contexts Pre-assembled Play Free Play Guided Play Proportion of Parental Spatial Language Parental Spatial Language in Four Contexts 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 Pre-assembled Play Free Pla y Session 1 Guided Play Session 2 CHILDES Control How Do We Accelerate Pace and Scope of Study of These Issues? Spatial Network at Resources at same URL Sian Beilock is coordinating Gatherings like this one! Thanks to Danny Edelson and the NGS Four Arguments Spatial intelligence and learning are important Spatial intelligence and learning can be improved There are sex-linked and SES-linked differences in spatial intelligence--addressing these differences is important for social equity Spatial intelligence and learning are critically under-studied Specific educational techniques to foster spatial intelligence are within our grasp